I highly recommend you dl a program called "Pings4Gdex". Its tells you drop rates, monster weaknesses and break rewards, key quests and its got all the weapon and armour trees with pics. It basically contans all the games data. Its really useful and saved me running to that incomplete, unclear wiki.
What is a feeler anyways..
I just need one to finish this gore set.
the desire sensor is strong with you la_briola, I got 12 of the claws
That's how high rank works. Didn't you listen to the Guildmarm?So what's with the high rank caravan quests starting me in random areas of the map?
So what's with the high rank caravan quests starting me in random areas of the map?
Hey guys I need the Shagaru Magala urgent and destroy the wings/claws to get ONE caress that need please! And then continue playing of course
You're doing it backwards. Make 1 armor set and stick with it for as long as you can. Spend your mats crafting/upgrading weapons.I have upgraded my armor 3 times while unable to upgrade my sword. I almost feel like they're telling me to use a different weapon. Now I finally have access to Monster Bone L's but the ridiculous beasts I have to slay to get them... sigh. I wouldn't mind the same power if I could just somehow not have to sharpen it 4 times a fight since it is persistently bouncing off these new monsters every other strike the moment it turns yellow.
i can help
Will bomb casing ever be buyable? Using all my points for sap plants atm, so just wanted to know if there will be a faster way to get them. Otherwise making tranq bombs and such is annoying. I thought u could buy bomb casings in mh3u though.
I have like a billion mats and a trillion zenny. If you aren't at the level to where your weapons can go up anymore, there is nothing left but armor. It just seems like a really weird space in the progression here where the weapon/armor didn't line up with the mats that quests were putting out. I'm only just now reaching the mats that open up the next weapon tier at the end of level 4 and beginning of level 5 quests.You're doing it backwards. Make 1 armor set and stick with it for as long as you can. Spend your mats crafting/upgrading weapons.
My bad dude, I thought you were starting out.I have like a billion mats and a trillion zenny. If you aren't at the level to where your weapons can go up anymore, there is nothing left but armor. It just seems like a really weird space in the progression here where the weapon/armor didn't like up with the mats that quests were putting out. I'm only just now reaching the mats that open up the next weapon tier at the end of level 4 and beginning of level 5 quests.
*envies*oh god evade dist+4 2 slot charm. I can finally make a high rank gunner set that isn't fucking lagombi!
That's how high rank works. Didn't you listen to the Guildmarm?
Anyone up for some HR4/5 stuff? Get some of those trading/kitchen missions done along with some other stuff.
Room: 52-3986-7101-7844
Pass: 7878
I'll join after I finish this Speartuna quest.
Funny to see Plesioth floating by during the fishing net mini-game.
Funny to see Plesioth floating by during the fishing net mini-game.
Anyone up for some HR4/5 stuff? Get some of those trading/kitchen missions done along with some other stuff.
Room: 52-3986-7101-7844
Pass: 7878
His antennae, which only come out during frenzy.
Wait for frenzy, place a pitfall, and go crazy on his antennae when he falls in
They could've at least started me with a map!
I really dont understand how it works, sometimes the antennae just disapear after enough hits, sometimes they break in half and I clear the quest.
So. Gravios is pretty annoying.
Room for one moreThank you! The ID is 19-1083-7950-4089 and there's no password. Anyone welcomed
I have been selling all the useless talismans and now I just found out about the melding pot.
I have been selling all the useless talismans and now I just found out about the melding pot.
I have been selling all the useless talismans and now I just found out about the melding pot.