Gally and myself are ready!
Gally and myself are ready!
if I make a room and I put up a pass, does "include friends" mean everyone has to put in the right password?
I just finished Caravan 4* Quests and haven't done any Guild stuff. Where does Low Rank / High Rank Figure in? Is that Guild Hall stuff only? I'm running Tetsu armor set that I crafted form Carvan 3*. Is it a Low Rank set? Will I have to reforge it again if I go to the Guild? and again for High Rank? And G rank?
Basically, I'm confused about all the LR, HR, G stuff I keep seeing.
Is azure rathalos a decent set for a GS user? I remember using it in mh3u and liking it but I'm not sure if they changed it.
I don't want to give up my sharpness in this low rank gore/cenataur/tetsu set but I think I'm going to have to soon. High rank is right around the corner
What use does sharpness have on a hammer?
Also, when a hammer loses power later on in fights, and starts deflecting, is there a way to restore that power?
What use does sharpness have on a hammer?
Also, when a hammer loses power later on in fights, and starts deflecting, is there a way to restore that power?
Same room number?
Is azure rathalos a decent set for a GS user? I remember using it in mh3u and liking it but I'm not sure if they changed it.
I don't want to give up my sharpness in this low rank gore/cenataur/tetsu set but I think I'm going to have to soon. High rank is right around the corner
What use does sharpness have on a hammer?
Also, when a hammer loses power later on in fights, and starts deflecting, is there a way to restore that power?
Sharpness stops thing from deflecting. Doesn't really make sense, but its a mechanic, so sharpen your hammer and it will gain back its power/stop deflecting.
Sharpness also is your damage modifier. It doesnt matter if it's a hammer or a sword sharpness impacts 2 major things.
Damage modifier
Bouncing / piercing
At red sharpness your attacks do 50% damage
At orange they do 75% damage
At yellow they do 100% damage
At green they do 105% damage
At blue they do 120% damage
At white they do 132% damage
At purple they do 144% damage.
Also certain monsters require a certain sharpness level for your attack to penetrate their hide on certain body parts. If they don't meet that sharpness level then they bounce, bouncing deteriorates the weapon sharpness twice as fast and won't let you chain your attacks together.
To recover sharpness use a whetstone.
Alternatively weapons built from seregios parts have a trait in which if you roll 5 times with the weapon draw it self sharpens a bit.
Rath Soul set is one of my favorites in MH3U because it is extremely versatile and accommodates a lot of different weapon types but it's not as versatile (still good though) in MH4U considering how you can get much better skills way earlier on now.
I would use it with a great sword ONLY if the greatsword you plan on using is the seregios GS because razor sharp gives you a lot more wiggle room with how often you need to roll to sharpen (also it doesn't get benefit from sharp+1) and you have the ability to gem in either quick sheath.
I don't think you can gem in fast charge without a good talisman but if you can I would suggest doing that instead.
The high affinity from the expert +3 the set gives you lets you sort of get away with not having crit draw.
Honestly the LR diablos set has let me blast through village solo quests, I am half way through village 9 star and HR5 in guild and I haven't had a single issue.
Keeping your weapon current and having relevant armor skills matters a lot more.
250 defense should be sufficient for anything in high rank.
I'd like to know if over forging is in this game though, because that would let you bring lowrank sets up to High rank tiers of defense if that's a concern.
Where do you get abrasives? Also, is it worth trading Tiny Spalls with the guy at the end of expedition runs? Do you get anything good out of him?
There any good armor set generators for 4u? Looking for something where I can key on the stats I want and it spits out armor
While you guys are worrying about hunting monsters and stuff, I'll be here working on my tan with my poogie and 2 palicoes...
There any good armor set generators for 4u? Looking for something where I can key on the stats I want and it spits out armor
I'm working on an English version of my favorite Japanese skill sim (masax' GANSIMU). If somebody is fluent in Java and wants to help, maybe shoot me a PM just in case I run into any problems.There any good armor set generators for 4u? Looking for something where I can key on the stats I want and it spits out armor
Huh, you're not the first person I hear this from. I wonder what's the issue. I've been using the 4G Dex for months now and this has never happened to me. Any antivirus that might be blocking it?Man all this time I have been using Pings MH4G dex on my laptop, for some reason it won't work anymore![]()
Nice. How do you take screenshots???
I'm working on an English version of my favorite Japanese skill sim (masax' GANSIMU). If somebody is fluent in Java and wants to help, maybe shoot me a PM just in case I run into any problems.
Apart from that, see the previous responses though I guess Athena's ASS is what you're looking for.
Huh, you're not the first person I hear this from. I wonder what's the issue. I've been using the 4G Dex for months now and this has never happened to me. Any antivirus that might be blocking it?
The kiranico armor set building is pretty solid
Lets you mix and match armors from the list and even lets you decide how you want to gem them. Also it tells you what abilities you get and what materials you need.
The downside is you cant pick talismans, but for that you can look for and download Athena's ASS (armor set searcher, would not recommend googling this at work though lmao)
Yep. If you want friends to join you, you have to make it "exclude friends".
Is Morgharl Armor worth it for a Charge Blade user?
All these stats and stuff are over my head since this is the first MH game I've played but It's the rarest armor I can make so far.
Is there a good link for an armor/skill guide? Just not sure what I should be going for as a horn user going into HR4 quests. Bone armor isn't going to cut it.
anyone wanna do HR7 key quests?
I will be....around tonight at 9pm est lol
Huh, you're not the first person I hear this from. I wonder what's the issue. I've been using the 4G Dex for months now and this has never happened to me. Any antivirus that might be blocking it?
i'll probably still be around lol im snowed in today
I know that and I've been able to craft 3 sonorous decorations since my last post but only two armors have it by default so I need to branch into a new set and just get it via decorations right? I'm just completely lost as to what armor set to go for.Well the maestro skill will be useful. Buffs last 50% longer.
Rathian / Rathalos are so un-fun as melee, way too much airtime. Was a lot more manageable with a Bow back in MH3U.
Man all this time I have been using Pings MH4G dex on my laptop, for some reason it won't work anymore![]()
I know that and I've been able to craft 3 sonorous decorations since my last post but only two armors have it by default so I need to branch into a new set and just get it via decorations right? I'm just completely lost as to what armor set to go for.
Once I learned how to trap monsters I don't think I've killed one more than a few time since. It's so much more satisfying also all dem items![]()