Ok thanks will do. Is the paralysis effect just not that useful?
Alright cool.
Any gaffers up for some HR4?
Generally, yeah. I usually look every monster up in the MH4Dex before fighting them, just to make sure I've got the right SnS.
Any gaffers up for some HR4?
We're doing some HR4 at the moment. 2 slots open. Just completed Dastardly Duo
Later armors should start out needing Armor Sphere+, Advanced Armor Spheres, and so on for their first upgrades, so no. You'll probably end up with a lot of unused regular Armor Spheres.Is it bad that I wasted all my armor spheres on my shitty early armor that I no longer use? I'm still hr1
The city and continent (some even say the planet as well) where the first MH game takes place, and we assume all other too, is called Minegarde.
I've been told that regarding Minegarde as something other than the original town is due to a translation error in MHFU, lets keep the namesake for now. More detailed map here
Minegarde has a universal currency called the Zenny (or Zeni). The Zenny is stablished by the central and unifying government: "The Guild". The Guild's main functions are as any governing institutions: maintain order, provide means of self-preservation to its people and protect them at all costs.
There are several metric shit-tons of monsters in Minegarde (Glad we got that out of the way). They vary from pint sized insects to magnitudes that have and will dwarf mountains. (Lao Shan lore)
Other than monsters and wyverns and humans there are other races/species in Minegarde. The Felyne/Melynx, Shakalaka and the Wyverians. The latter, we know that they once were as big as the Dragons themselves and used to fight them hand on hand. They thought humans to gather, farm, craft and most importantly: Hunt. Finally, when they are old they seem to shrink to child-like sizes.
Also, in Minegarde, be it or not, people believe in Gods. Some incarnated as Elder Dragons, some just existing culture-wise like: (Powertalon description MHFU)
Being in a world filled to the brim with monsters, which also represent the main danger to the people of Minegarde, The Guild bases its main operations around them. From what I've learned and read, there are five main positions to be held at The Guild (ordered in my best attempt at a hierarchy):
(Preamble; bravery is the most valued of traits in Minegarde and by all means it's government is a meritocracy based in admiration and respect, clear examples are the town chiefs in MHFU and MHTri)
King (MHFU quest text; the kings army failed to stop the Akantor's wrath and pleas for any willing hunter to help him): probably the legislative power at work, certainly the chief in arms of all of The Guild's army (and the greatest of hunters when he was at a young age, sorry guys couldn't remember where this is from). He has little interest in micromanaging it's villages but he does attend ceremonies like the Festival of Fear if Im not mistaken.
Generals: the advisors to the King and lets call them administrators of matters of too little importance for him. We know of them because the ask you for quests and help. Together with the Researchers it's safe to assume they form the judicial power of Minegarde.
Researchers: residing at the Elder Dragon Observation, They study Elder Dragons mainly and built the knowledgebase we have of them.
Town Chiefs: the main contact of the civilians with the Government, they are in charge of their own people and rely on the Guild for matters beyond their power.
And finally Hunters: the Arm and Brawn of the Guild, the executive power has two clear functions: be the ranks in masses of The Guild's army and protect and serve the establishments in which they are sent/settled.
The Guild-Hunter-Chief relationship.
Quick and simple explanations for quick and simple things: The guild gives one of its hunters to a town. The town chief assures to put housing, resources (ie. a farm) and the craftsmanship of his/her townspeople at service of the Hunter. The hunter puts his strength and battle wits to the best use of the town.
The Guild buys the rare materials only a Hunter can gather at first-hand price and his hunter becomes more experienced. The townspeople are not only defended but they also gain access to increasingly rare and valuable materials. The hunter becomes experienced, earning multiple-figure salaries and a celebrity-like fame (and the love of the Guildies, of course if he is a successful one).
What is the hunter
In Minegarde, people have been hunting for centuries (or at least the Wyverians have), and common people like many of the town chiefs and certainly a great deal of the Guild have lived their days hunting in packs and defeating monsters with the strength of their arms. So the hunters we all play, at first glance, are not a rare sighting. Regarding some other posts that call the Hunters some kind of bio-engineered weapons, Im almost certain thats not the correct approach.
Shakalakas are also humanoid and pack a punch for their size. In the consistency of the universe, size does not always means strength (in the way that a Kirin can hit harder than a G. Ludroth, but a Jhen Mohran will certainly hit harder). So what makes our Hunters special? What separates them from other hunters we know?
Remember please that these are my thoughts but, certainly all craftsmanship from most weapon smiths would be useless if typical hunters couldnt carry a lance or a great sword. And in a world filled with mystical creature there are surely incredible plants that can heal upon consumption. That does not mean we are not different.
We know we are different from regular human hunters in the way that it took five human hunters to fight the Monoblos that killed MHFU´s town chief´s wife and that we can single-handedly battle with the Akantor, monster that literally took on hundreds of the Kings best men. We have strength and endurance beyond that of normal Minegarde humans, but why is that?
Regarding Wyverians
Of course, as many others have pointed out there have been many events hinted thought the series, most importantly the Great Dragon War. Copying from another post (regarding the Equal Dragon Weapon) let me fill you in
"Found in an ancient ruin known as "The Trove of the Ancients", the Equal Dragon Weapon, discovered within the Deep Forests, is a weapon once used in the Great Wyvern War. It is known that, to make one such weapon, materials from roughly 30 adult dragons had to be used. This Equal Dragon Weapon had enough firepower, strength, and endurance to face several other dragons at once. Representative of the peak of wyvern engineering during the War, parts to make such weapons were supplied by the Dragon Catchers/ >Hunters, ancestors of the modern-day Monster Hunter. During this Great War, human and dragon fought against each other to the brink of extinction. Eventually, both civilizations faced an inevitable downfall."
I believe that in the war not only did the Dragons and Men fell by the hundreds, but also the Wyverians fell greatly in numbers. So much that Men have forgotten how big they were, how strong of an ally they represented.
Little is remembered of the Wyverians of old but we do know the today walk among Men. And I believe it is not a long shot that hunters are the lovechildren of Wyverians and Men, a Darwinian evolution that allowed both species to survive as one against the Dragon Threat.
Hints other than brute strength
The pointy ears in character creation.
The innate friendship with Hunters and Wyverians (Smiths, Chiefs and Traders all alike).
How handsome they are.
Equal Dragon Weapon
Here is a direct translation of the text:
"Found in an ancient ruin known as "The Trove of the Ancients", the Equal Dragon Weapon, discovered within the Deep Forests, is a weapon once used in the Great Wyvern War.
It is known that, to make one such weapon, materials from roughly 30 adult dragons had to be used.
This Equal Dragon Weapon had enough firepower, strength, and endurance to face several other dragons at once.
Representative of the peak of wyvern engineering during the War, parts to make such weapons were supplied by the Dragon Catchers/ Hunters, ancestors of the modern-day Monster Hunter.
During this great war, human and dragon fought against each other to the brink of extinction.
Eventually, both civilizations faced an inevitable downfall."
NOTE: A few posters have asked about the term "Both civilizations". Perhaps it is more accurate to describe them as "factions" or "races". I am not sure if the dragons were intelligent enough to have cities and the like, but they sure seem to have been relatively sentient to group up and fight the humans instead of each other, as some of them do now.
From the above text we can understand a few things:
A long time ago, a very technologically advanced civilization that could make advanced weapons, including but not limited to Gunlances (and cybernetic biomechanical/ half-machine half-organic all-angry tank dragon-golems), existed.
They didn't like dragons very much, and the dragons didn't like them either.
As such, the two fought. Both sides were strong, and the humans deployed almost superhuman "Dragon Hunters", armed with futuristic weaponry, and supposedly superhuman constitution.
No one is sure why the two fought, but the war, known as the Great Wyvern War, saw both sides take heavy casualties.
Since the Dragon Hunters are ancestors to the modern-day Monster Hunter, we can obviously see that the aftermath of the war has caused people to forget "True" history, and generally suffer from a regression in technology.
However, certain fragments of the past, and other traditions lived on. Many, many years later, Monster Hunting had become a way of life for these people, who have but long forgotten their true origins.
Although the "true" origin of dragons are not known, the presence of Elder Dragons being a cycle of "nature" to a certain extent suggests that these cycles have been in place for a long, long time.
This civilization may have sprung up from humanity's need to defend itself against aggression from "Elder Dragons", but apparently our predecessors were advanced enough to actually start a war with them, not just drive them away.
Following the war that saw the downfall of humanity's advanced civilizations, all that we have left are the numerous ruins that we see on hunts, weathered weapon fragments that we unearth from rocks from time to time, and the odd description in certain weapons, such as:
Ancient Gyrelance
"A Gunlance made by excavating an ancient lance and rebuilding its shelling device."
In addition, ancient hunter seemed to have fully articulate sets of "Artian Mail" as a kind of power-armour appropriate to their time.
Since appropriate training/ finesse was required to use these armours to begin with, it is logical to assume that part of the ancient dragon hunter's power came from their equipment, and the other parts of their power from their augmented bodies.
These genetic modifications would trickle down to what became the contemporary Monster Hunter.
As dinosaurs and their bones will have you believe, everything came from somewhere. Given that the contemporary hunter is the descendant of what used to be a superhuman anti-dragon weapon, all the little snippets about "Why can my hunter endure <harmful effect> or perform <superhuman feat?>" seem less incredulous and a little bit more possible.
Status weapons are a bit better as "all purpose" weapons, particularly those that paralyze or sleep the monster, but in general elemental weapons will kill a monster faster, and thus are preferred.
HOWEVER, in multiplayer, when you've got more people (and thus more sources for DPS), paralyzing a monster, leaving them completely vulnerable for 15 seconds to four players wailing on it, will probably be faster. Sleep is also a bit more useful IMO as it gives people a chance to sharpen up, potion, and the plant 8 Barrel Bomb+ on their face.
Alright I'll make a room. If anyone is bored feel free to come by and help so I can stop doing this dumb quest for the next couple days. Until I need another 5 tails for the next upgrade anyway ;_;
Password is 2589
One more room for the extremely enjoyable Dalamadur fight.
Password 2589
GAF just got home and going to eat something, soon as I'm done it's HR7 time, so get ready![]()
Same here!I would totally play that!
How do you get those skills to activate? My armor is all velocidrome with attack up skills, do I need to switch it with something else?
At least that wasn't me I don't think, been careful about using my red note in the stun state.4 player quests with smaller monsters haven't changed
fucking tripping me and shit ;_;
Later armors should start out needing Armor Sphere+, Advanced Armor Spheres, and so on for their first upgrades, so no. You'll probably end up with a lot of unused regular Armor Spheres.
Do I get more spheres for replaying the same quests? I'm about to do the kecha urgent quest and an wearing alloy armor. I think he is going to wreck me.
At least that wasn't me I don't think, been careful about using my red note in the stun state.
Lobby is made!I'll join once you make the lobby.
Just did the Emerald Congalala quest and was wondering why he wouldn't die. Took me like, 25 minutes. Turns out his element is fire and I brought a fire bow. Oops.
Do all of the different colored variants have different weaknesses?
Got an error, new id: 53-1588-8059-8786
Great, we're waiting! Or if you can join now to get your spot and we won't start till you are donei'll join gimme like 5 minutes im eating now
Got an error, new id: 53-1588-8059-8786
Quicker but "harder." You have to know the monster and when they are ready to trap, and you also NEED the trap materials, but yeah its faster and easier otherwise.do you HAVE to slay the monsters in order to complete the hunting quest? cause I did the two capture quest in HR1(just got to HR2 today ^_^) and honestly it looks like its better to just capture em, its quicker + them 2 quest gave a bunch of loot.
Sneak up and hit them from behind, they'll drop an egg.I'm having trouble with the gargwa egg quest. I return the first egg, and when I go to the second egg's area (area 6) the gargwas are there but there is no egg :/
Any ideas?
Sneak up and hit them from behind, they'll drop an egg.
Quicker but "harder." You have to know the monster and when they are ready to trap, and you also NEED the trap materials, but yeah its faster and easier otherwise.
ah, just like real life sex
Thanks! I had no idea. New to MonHun games, trying to work my way up.
Also, is there a way to know what a certain monster looks like? A quest tells me to kill a certain thing but I don't always know what I'm supposed to kill. Other than googling, I guess.
Also, is there a way to know what a certain monster looks like? A quest tells me to kill a certain thing but I don't always know what I'm supposed to kill. Other than googling, I guess.
lol another failed random lobby
alright, here's another episode of who wants to carry ohlawd through his key quests: road to HR5 edition
You slew Shagaru? Go to Dundorma.So uhm, how do I get to high rank village? I slew the Mohran, but the urgent quest is still there and I don't have any new ones I can take