Is this the right place to ask a few questions? I hope so.
I am tempted to pick this game up but I only have an old 3DS XL, how bad are the old controls? I don't usually play this type of game on handhelds cos of the hand cramps, how are peoples hands holding up to extended play?
Any lower rank hr folks want to work on key/urgent quests? Hr2 here
I play with a circle pad pro, and that works well. The better grip is really good, and I prefer the extra sliding pad to a nub.Is this the right place to ask a few questions? I hope so.
I am tempted to pick this game up but I only have an old 3DS XL, how bad are the old controls? I don't usually play this type of game on handhelds cos of the hand cramps, how are peoples hands holding up to extended play?
How do you unlock "Egg-straction: The Reckonin"?
I managed to take down Savage Deviljho without carting on my first try! I even got two gems and 4 jars of black blood!
I only managed to fight him a couple times in 3U because spawning him was a pain in the ass, and I stopped playing before his event quests came out. He didn't seem that bad because he just spammed breath attacks all day. Is that still the case?
Been grinding gathering hall quests solo trying to get the HR7...I made it to HR6 last night.
I really want the Stand Tall 6* caravan quest. Does anyone know if it will unlock right away when I hit HR7? Or will I have to complete a certain quest chain to unlock it even after getting to HR7? If it's the latter, which quest chain is it?
And also, is unupgraded HR Tetsucabra good enough for the journey? So far the only battle that's given me trouble was frenzied Tigrex. Still beat it my first try, but I did cart twice.
That quest requires you to have done Fear Factor, which in turn requires you to have done a whole chain of other quests. Its confusing, just check out the quest list here:
The pre-requisite quests are on the right. I'm trying not to spend too much time there because of spoilers.
When you get the little brown stone type things coming off a boss is that an indication that you're hitting a breakable point or that you've broken it on that hit? Sometimes hard to tell if it's a monster with lots of movement.
Not related to gameplay but I'm just curious. Does Nintendo have a deal with Capcom for the series or is it just best selling on 3DS and thats why Capcom keeps it there?
Only wondering because of the potential for this to pull a Revelations later on since I assume its running on the same engine and the game finally did well over in NA/EU.
That means you've broken it.
Not related to gameplay but I'm just curious. Does Nintendo have a deal with Capcom for the series or is it just best selling on 3DS and thats why Capcom keeps it there?
Only wondering because of the potential for this to pull a Revelations later on since I assume its running on the same engine and the game finally did well over in NA/EU.
Not related to gameplay but I'm just curious. Does Nintendo have a deal with Capcom for the series or is it just best selling on 3DS and thats why Capcom keeps it there?
Only wondering because of the potential for this to pull a Revelations later on since I assume its running on the same engine and the game finally did well over in NA/EU.
Yeah, but the game still does look great so I don't think there would be an issue in pulling a Revelations and unlike RE4 they should still have the source textures to make a "HD" version. I only think they would consider this now, now that they see it sells over here.It's just cheaper for them, I guess.
They are more or less reusing PS2 assets for 10 years now.
I think there's a deal, but it's also possible Capcom is still pissed over the MHP3rd HD debacle.
So is there any fun trick to getting what I want out of the talisman melding dude?
80% of my talismans are fucking gunner talismans and I'd only considering using 3 of them because the rest are all the same fucking thing.
So anyway I could turn these into maybe fast charge talismans or something? Or do I just have to pray to the RNG gods as I meld? Or is there some way to influence melding?
What exactly happened with that?
Awesome. Just did the expedition. Killed the velocidrome. Thanks man. I'm new to this gameAhhh, the place that you went is the Gathering Hall, and that's where you do online quests and raise your Hunter Rank. There is no story in the Gathering Hall, just quests.
If you want to continue the story (which you definitely do to unlock things), go back to Harth (which I'm guessing is the Caravan town you just unlocked). Also, go do some Expeditions as well... there's a point where the only way to advance is by doing 2 or 3 Expeditions. The place you go on Expeditions (called Everwood) is really cool and linear and has good drops.
They wanted to localize it, but due to the game not having trophies and Sony not willing to upgrade the infrastructure of a-hoc party it ended up never happening.
Is there a way to jump down through webs or branches that doesn't involve finding where they end and jumping down? That primate can poke through the trees and it makes me jealous, but I haven't figured out a way to do it myself.
Anyone know?
no, there is no way, you have to find a hole to jump through there, or jump through the hole a monster makes when it falls
Has it been confirmed that this stuff still works in MH4U?
Let's hunt Nerscylla
High Rank
Room: 37-7399-4828-1211
Password: 4763
Of course afterwards we'll hunt anything you need but I desprately want high rank armour.
MH4U is MH4G and MH4G is MH4, so, its a given that it works
I'm joining. Not sure if I'll help you that much as I'm still in LR armor. :/
Has capcom never fixed any bugs or tricks from their games or something?
i'm inAnyone up for some HR3 quests?
Let's hunt Nerscylla
High Rank
Room: 37-7399-4828-1211
Password: 4763
Of course afterwards we'll hunt anything you need but I desperately want high rank armour.
Minimum is the lowest, as I recall. It's usually overkill for anything other than explosive shots or status 2 shots though.Question! What's the lowest Recoil a weapon can have? I've seen Very Low and Minimum, is there anything lower than that?
What I heard for 3U is that it raises the more you play with people on your friends list, and if it gets to a certain point, an NPC will give you some free items. Not sure how it works in 4U.What's the Unity thing on the right of my guild card?
What I heard for 3U is that it raises the more you play with people on your friends list, and if it gets to a certain point, an NPC will give you some free items. Not sure how it works in 4U.