Mine them, quest rewards and carves from konchus. You can't buy them.where can you find armor stones?? Is that something you can buy from a merchant?
Mine them, quest rewards and carves from konchus. You can't buy them.where can you find armor stones?? Is that something you can buy from a merchant?
Desire sensor is back with a vengeance. Need a Seregios Dissenter to upgrade my hammer and I haven't got a single one. At least I can make both of his armor sets...
S. Magala plates can get right hosed.
3% drops on an advanced low rank quest you can't repeat all the time because it might not come up randomly really sucks. Not hard by any stretch but I want the next level of Magala CB.![]()
What are you guys doing to make money?
Solo quests seem to be giving a reasonable output.
Note affinity is crit rate, so Shatten crits like nuts.Okay so I'm using the great sword and I'm at a point where I can craft like 3 swords that do about the same amount of damage but have different elements. Is it worth it to make all of these?
They would be:
Khezu shock sword
Ludroth Bone Sword+
Sharpness boosts attack power by a percentage (so like going down to orange nerfs damage quite a bit), and some monsters will repel attacks that are below a certain sharpness.I just built the carapace hammer. How big of a deal is it that it doesn't have much green level sharpness? It's mostly yellow.
I was previously using the boosted hammer, but the carapace has much more raw damage.
What are you guys doing to make money?
Mine them, quest rewards and carves from konchus. You can't buy them.
Okay so I'm using the great sword and I'm at a point where I can craft like 3 swords that do about the same amount of damage but have different elements. Is it worth it to make all of these?
They would be:
Khezu shock sword
Ludroth Bone Sword+
since i am close to fighting seregios in single player i was taking a closer look at the seregios bow to see if it's any good. according to general consensus on the internetz it is supposed to be one of the best bows, and the best seregios weapon.
but honestly, i don't see it...
+ it's special ability gives c.range coatings the same 50% damage bonus as power coatings
+ third highest raw damage of all bows (384, final upgrade)
+ 30% affinity (final upgrade)
+ power shot
- can only use power, c.range and paint coatings
- no elemental damage
- load up skill is pretty much mandatory to make it en par with every other bow regarding charge level
- rapid shot arrow type, which according to gaijin hunter's tumblr is the lowest potential damage arrow type
- power shot (drains stamina extremely fast without dash juice)
so while the seregios weapon bonus is kinda nice because it basically gives you 20 more power coatings the downsides to this bow are huge.
no status effects coatings which means, no sleeping, no paralyzing, no poison. i think those are pretty important on- and offline. it's a rapid arrow bow, so you want to hit enemy elemental weak spots with it. but there is no element damage on this bow.
What are you guys doing to make money?
from my experience with bows (I mained bow in MH3U), raw damage tends to be more efficient than elemental for bows, and status while working once or twice, it isn't as useful as it sounds, while the power coatings are really handy, making my hunts less time consuming as they always help me bring down the monster faster
EDIT: well, I mained bow and HBG in MH3U, to be fair
Wanting that replay ability. I was hunting a seltas and it went to the area on the cliffs where we come out on top. I got there and it was sarting to fly up to meet me, so I jumped for an air attack and that was the final blow. It was badass seeing it pop up "mission complete!" in mid-air, then us both falling all the way down, especially as a gunner.
Do they First Aid meds that I get from Felynes get taken from me at the end of the quest? I never seem to have them in storage.
Need recording feature for hunts.
I knocked over Brachy yesterday and was right at the 3rd flash on a full charge GS swing when a Rhenpolos decided to charge into me. Needless to say, I re focused all my attention on that Rhenopolos. Wtf was he thinking?
We're blowing through these pretty quick. Got room for two more still, anyone.If you want to do all of the HR2 quests come and join!
Password: 8825
Killed stupid S.Magala too fast and all I need is his tail to upgrade my gunlance.
sure, but why would i chose seregios bow over let's say exterminator bow II which has 12 less raw damage but also 220 dragon, if i'm fighting a monster that is weak to said element? or any other elemental bow for that matter.
edit: i accidently hit post reply lol, wasn't done yet.
and a monster that is paralyzed for a couple of seconds is pretty huge during multiplayer, if your team can just hit it for that duration. what i like to do for example is loading paralyze coating when someone mounted, so i can paralyze it right after which gives the team even more time to hit it. if i'm playing with a hammer user the opening gets even bigger because he will usually try to KO it as well. that's like 30sec free hits.
and sleep bombing can be pretty important in singleplayer, because let's face it, bow kill times in 4u are pretty high.
sure, but why would i chose seregios bow over let's say exterminator bow II which has 12 less raw damage but also 220 dragon, if i'm fighting a monster that is weak to said element? or any other elemental bow for that matter.
edit: i accidently hit post reply lol, wasn't done yet.
and a monster that is paralyzed for a couple of seconds is pretty huge during multiplayer, if your team can just hit it for that duration. what i like to do for example is loading paralyze coating when someone mounted, so i can paralyze it right after which gives the team even more time to hit it. if i'm playing with a hammer user the opening gets even bigger because he will usually try to KO it as well. that's like 30sec free hits.
and sleep bombing can be pretty important in singleplayer, because let's face it, bow kill times in 4u are pretty high.
Do they First Aid meds that I get from Felynes get taken from me at the end of the quest? I never seem to have them in storage.
Yeah that one was a bit of a pain, the first 2 times I aimed like 80% of my attacks at the tail yet it still died first.
Isn't the whole point of the Seregios weapons their special ability? On bowguns, you get one extra load for free for each dodge. Melee weapons get some sharpness every 5 dodges. Bow should get something similar to what the bowguns get, no?
it might work better for those monsters that are resistant to dragon, in that bows case of course..
I know its powerful and good enough to be a kind of jack-of-all-trades bow
about this second part, yes, in multiplayer I would absolutely go for statuses on bows since they are very useful, but for solo or even for speed hunts a powerful bow is more useful
since i am close to fighting seregios in single player i was taking a closer look at the seregios bow to see if it's any good. according to general consensus on the internetz it is supposed to be one of the best bows, and the best seregios weapon.
but honestly, i don't see it...
+ it's special ability gives c.range coatings the same 50% damage bonus as power coatings
+ third highest raw damage of all bows (384, final upgrade)
+ 30% affinity (final upgrade)
+ power shot
- can only use power, c.range and paint coatings
- no elemental damage
- load up skill is pretty much mandatory to make it en par with every other bow regarding charge level
- rapid shot arrow type, which according to gaijin hunter's tumblr is the lowest potential damage arrow type
- power shot (drains stamina extremely fast without dash juice)
so while the seregios weapon bonus is kinda nice because it basically gives you 20 more power coatings the downsides to this bow are huge.
no status effects coatings which means, no sleeping, no paralyzing, no poison. i think those are pretty important on- and offline. it's a rapid arrow bow, so you want to hit enemy elemental weak spots with it. but there is no element damage on this bow.
yea, i guess it's a jack of all trades weapon, but the thing is, there is no elemental resistance. you either deal more damage because something is weak to it, or you just do regular damage without an elemental bonus. and why would i not have one bow for each elemental and choose accordingly?
so what's the best way to GP with charge blade? is it to press R+A on idle (sword unsheathed), avoiding to press R first? this part I can't really understand in the gaijin hunter "practicing GP" tutorial...
AFAIK, it's a multiplier that directly affects the raw damage, monsters do have a resistance to certain elements, and each positive resistance makes the multiplier do a negative on the raw damage, making them deal less damage than the same weapon without the element.
that's why going full fire bow against a rathalos is such a bad idea
i can do the one with a X swing first, but it can only work if you see the attack coming long before it hits, due to the delay.I'm pretty lost with that part too, haven't managed to make GP outside of pure luck moments where either the monster roars or another hunter accidentally hits me
edit: then again, maybe i overvalue elemental damage? i wish we had the exact math for damage values.
Yup. I ran into that problem the other day and realized I only had a handful of popfish around. Lots of scatterfish these days though, it's all my cats haul in.
I switch to it situationally with normal 2 as my primary shot and that works great. My one true love is pierce HBG though, looking into those next. Gravios looks like it'd work but I'm closing in on Kushala Daora in the caravan quests.
yea, but who brings a fire weapon to a rathalos fight?
if i have a dragon or thunder elemental weapon however, why would i choose seregios bow instead? i always choose my bow according to the monster i fight so i get the most damage out of it. that's why it's so difficult for me to understand what seregios bow exactly brings on the table.
edit: then again, maybe i overvalue elemental damage? i wish we had the exact math for damage values.
I can only think that may be if you do not have a weakness bow for the monster or even if you are in such slack to rather not change the weapon, then the seregios bow works pretty well since it works for everything..
about the elemental damage... it was posted some pages back
edit: nope, that was the sharpness damage
This is my first Monster Hunter game. I'm still early (Caravan 4*), but how on earth do I keep my item box organized? Thank goodness there's the combo list, but is there are sort option?
This is my first Monster Hunter game. I'm still early (Caravan 4*), but how on earth do I keep my item box organized? Thank goodness there's the combo list, but is there are sort option?