I got one (level 6), but need to recheck to send it since I barely used it in vanilla 4 and 4G.
Edit: Made a room.
Pw: 1234
Could I join and get it too?
I got one (level 6), but need to recheck to send it since I barely used it in vanilla 4 and 4G.
Edit: Made a room.
Pw: 1234
Looks like I'm gonna have to stock up on res gems then.
I got one (level 6), but need to recheck to send it since I barely used it in vanilla 4 and 4G.
Edit: Made a room.
Pw: 1234
I got one (level 6), but need to recheck to send it since I barely used it in vanilla 4 and 4G.
Edit: Made a room.
Pw: 1234
Can a Great Sword break Monblos horn? I can't remember if they could break horns or not.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but quite literally, with any weapon, if you can reach it, you can break it, with the exception of blunt weapons/ranged weapons (besides slice shots) not being able to cut off tails.
Thanks for the quest Netto-Kun! I was Elise.
You can;t smash Hermitaur's shell with anything other than a blunt weapon (Assuming it's the same as MHFU).
More like stock up on max potions.
There's nothing worse than people hitting the monster when you're mounted...
This is why my mounting shoutout is "Do not Attack".There's nothing worse than people hitting the monster when you're mounted...
Anyone interested in killing one or two rajangs for some fangs and then doing the Ukanlos urgent?
Got to HR2. Nerscylla freaking SUCKS for a gunner. I wiped those things so fast for fun with longsword, but here I fainted twice. All that moving around is no good on uneven terrain with shitty reticle controls (which you have to use because scope mode is waaay too vulnerable) Plus it's so hard to capitalize on the opportunity after you get a mount. Should you just carry bombs for that and get them ready before you mount?
This is why my mounting shoutout is "Do not Attack".
Anyone interested in killing one or two rajangs for some fangs and then doing the Ukanlos urgent?
Make a room then![]()
Is it sad that the only HR7 monster I can't solo is Rajang? HE. DOES. NOT. STOP. MOVING.
Some people have such douchey shoutouts.
"Yo dont mess up my ride bro"
Variable terrain is why I updated my camera controls to adjust for height when hitting the lock-on trigger and to point my gun in the direction of the camera when going into the 1st person scope. Though I still need to fine-tune my aim to hit weak spots, at least I'm facing the monster reliably.Yeah, the increase of variable terrain heights really makes shooting a pain in the ass sometimes. Wasting precious ammo! Even as a Bow user, missing important flinch shots really sucks. I really wish there was a slight touch of auto aiming for some terrain mitigation.
If that's still high rank I'll happily help out, if you don't mind me not knowing those monsters yet.
Yeah. Ledges are fine, but when there is just a slight incline and that results in you shooting the ground.... -_____-Yeah, the increase of variable terrain heights really makes shooting a pain in the ass sometimes. Wasting precious ammo! Even as a Bow user, missing important flinch shots really sucks. I really wish there was a slight touch of auto aiming for some terrain mitigation.
If you want to do all of the HR2 quests come and join!
Password: 8825
How do I find/craft new talismans? Kiranico fails me on this one...
How do I find/craft new talismans? Kiranico fails me on this one...
This is why my mounting shoutout is "Do not Attack".
Is it sad that the only HR7 monster I can't solo is Rajang? HE. DOES. NOT. STOP. MOVING.
Can health ever go over 150?
Bows suck.
Good god, this Gravios quest in the 5 star is the most insufferable thing ever. Whoever thought of giving monsters near invulnerability needs to be taken to an asylum. I've spent about a half hour trying to kill him with a bow since my charge blade didn't work well....still ticking. Bows suck.
how is that douchey?
How is he invulnerable?
Chill, bro. He's having fun when he mounts a monster and just wants to enlighten fellow bros about mount etiquette.Anyone who speaks like that, specifically using the word "bro," goes into the douche category. Every time.
Good god, this Gravios quest in the 5 star is the most insufferable thing ever. Whoever thought of giving monsters near invulnerability needs to be taken to an asylum. I've spent about a half hour trying to kill him with a bow since my charge blade didn't work well....still ticking. Bows suck.
So far as I can tell, the only way to hit him is in the belly or the tail. Doesn't help that aiming with bows is all jazzed up. Focus aiming should be swapped to the left circle pad when you're aiming, you're stationary anyways.
Edit: I'm sure bows are fine. But you have to fight controls half the time to make it work IMO.
Isn't there a good pierce bow available or something?Good god, this Gravios quest in the 5 star is the most insufferable thing ever. Whoever thought of giving monsters near invulnerability needs to be taken to an asylum. I've spent about a half hour trying to kill him with a bow since my charge blade didn't work well....still ticking. Bows suck.