Anyone who speaks like that, specifically using the word "bro," goes into the douche category. Every time.
I don't see it.
Anyone who speaks like that, specifically using the word "bro," goes into the douche category. Every time.
Anyone who speaks like that, specifically using the word "bro," goes into the douche category. Every time.
I don't see it.
broski, you hella hatin on this foo'.
Charge blade has been my weapon of choice for the 25 hours or so that I've played, so switching to the bow has been interesting. I'm not really a fan, I prefer to go right in. This is my first MH so I'm sure vets will have more seasoned viewpoints...but I think they're bad. (Which could be a bad opinion haha)
Some people have such douchey shoutouts.
"Yo dont mess up my ride bro"
LMAOI only play with GAFfers and friends so I'll just leave my mounting shout as "But we just met..."
Is there a kinsect guide anywhere? I hear people saying speed is the best I'm finding the stamina bug pretty useful.
I had to add a surprise question mark to my automatic mounting phrase ("I mounted it?!") simply because the odds of me actually winding up on a monster's back are remote.
Is there a kinsect guide anywhere? I hear people saying speed is the best I'm finding the stamina bug pretty useful.
So, what are the mandatory sets in this game? Like the sets you get to make the game a bit less stressful. Anyone have suggestions?
And I've heard that Hammer kind of sucks in this one, Is this true?
How can I avoid being blinded/stunned by Gypceros' stupid flashlight head? So sick of that. Breaking line of sight doesn't work. The only thing is being far enough away, which isn't always an option.
That and I also hate Khezu who can stun lock you with his dumb lightning attack and then cart you in 5 seconds flat. Khezu is the first monster I haven't been able to beat the first time through. Thankfully, I'm not the only one.
Coward options!Block it, roll through it, or dive through it.
How can I avoid being blinded/stunned by Gypceros' stupid flashlight head? So sick of that. Breaking line of sight doesn't work. The only thing is being far enough away, which isn't always an option.
That and I also hate Khezu who can stun lock you with his dumb lightning attack and then cart you in 5 seconds flat. Khezu is the first monster I haven't been able to beat the first time through. Thankfully, I'm not the only one.
well, the highest rarity set with pellet up is Seltas Z which comes with:
Crag S+ +15
Pellet Up +10
Destroyer +10
Sheathing +6
Artillery +5
Precision -12
crag s+. totally useless.
destroyer. totally useless, because if i'm using scatter bows i am not trying to break parts ffs!
sheathing. kind of useless, because bow is mobile and you don't really sheath that often.
artillery. useless.
the whole armor system is just a big clusterfuck of nonsense.
Pure speed is the best until you hit G rank, where the bugs start getting really good passive buffs (like doubling extract time) that require hybrid diets to obtain.Speed is justice. It lets you get all 3 buffs super quick.
Block it, roll through it, or dive through it.
None, really. But the basic of basic is to get jaggi armor, then tetsucabra armor, then HR tetsucabra armorSo, what are the mandatory sets in this game? Like the sets you get to make the game a bit less stressful. Anyone have suggestions?
And I've heard that Hammer kind of sucks in this one, Is this true?
Do the Roll/dive moves have to do with invincibility frames?
Do the Roll/dive moves have to do with invincibility frames?
You need to finish the story (urgent to get into 10*) to get all of the wystones.
Hit my first wall in single player.
Can't seem to beat the 6* Gore Magala quest, "Crazy Stupid Love".
I guess I should just craft something to give me more defense. Still using Rare 3 gear for my gunlance and bow set.
I get one shotted while I'm using the bow. It was fun at first but now I just want to get through this quest.
Have you heard of Athena's Armour Set Search?
Hit my first wall in single player.
Can't seem to beat the 6* Gore Magala quest, "Crazy Stupid Love".
I guess I should just craft something to give me more defense. Still using Rare 3 gear for my gunlance and bow set.
I get one shotted while I'm using the bow. It was fun at first but now I just want to get through this quest.
same for me, but at the 8* urgent. that fight is just no fun whatsoever.
Hit my first wall in single player.
Can't seem to beat the 6* Gore Magala quest, "Crazy Stupid Love".
I guess I should just craft something to give me more defense. Still using Rare 3 gear for my gunlance and bow set.
I get one shotted while I'm using the bow. It was fun at first but now I just want to get through this quest.
When you hit a wall in single player you should just hop online and make progress that way. Get some better armor from farming online stuff then use that to have an easier time at beating single player stuff.
That's what I'm doing now at least.
When you hit a wall in single player you should just hop online and make progress that way. Get some better armor from farming online stuff then use that to have an easier time at beating single player stuff.
That's what I'm doing now at least.
Are you pressing anything when getting knocked down to get back up immediately?Am I just a poor player trying to pin blame on anything but myself, or do Palicoes seem to be the leading cause of infinite combos? Going back and forth on whether or not I should drop this stupid Felyne, or keep it for the once-in-a-day helpful distraction that allows for Whetstone use.
I ask because friggin' Pink Rathian pinned me against a wall while enraged, then charged into it again as my Palico was above said wall, THEN charged into it again to kill me. On that note, I hate small areas -- Give me Dunes every day.
You could always dung bomb them out of those zonesOn that note, I hate small areas -- Give me Dunes every day.
Am I just a poor player trying to pin blame on anything but myself, or do Palicoes seem to be the leading cause of infinite combos? Going back and forth on whether or not I should drop this stupid Felyne, or keep it for the once-in-a-day helpful distraction that allows for Whetstone use.
I ask because friggin' Pink Rathian pinned me against a wall while enraged, then charged into it again as my Palico was above said wall, THEN charged into it again to kill me. On that note, I hate small areas -- Give me Dunes every day.
Seregios? That's one of the most fun fights in the game IMO.
The brachy portion of this gore magala brachy combo orchestra theme is fucking awesome.
Also that gore magala picture is top notch.
Palicoes suck. Once I get 10 to level 20 and my ace to level 30 for the guild card awards the furballs will never join me on a quest again.
Are you pressing anything when getting knocked down to get back up immediately?
Don't press anything to do a delayed wake-up, helps prevent getting hit again.
no it's not! :<
i get bleed status...wait for him to attack my palico so i can eat meat...he rushes me and stunlocks me to death or gives me bleed again. he's all over the place and all i can do is roll evade, which, suprise suprise, is terrible for bow because you can't charge attack anymore.
guess i better take a break for today, because i'm really salty right now :\
Still room? Need to do mine as wellID is 26-8393-2164-4276 and code is 9876
Ukanlos urgent.
Is it possible to get the same drops from breaking monster parts by carving them?