You can capture as many as you have traps for.If your quest is to go after two monsters, is it possible to capture both or do you have to kill the first?
Pass is 1234.
God these disconnects are enraging as hell.
I can't play online with randoms because I always get disconnected.
I legitimately don't know what to do.
I doubt it's my connection because if it was i'd get kicked offline completely instead it just disconnects me from the room.
No lag or anything it just drops me.
Shagaru Magala defeated, thus the end of the offline campaign. That was quite a intense battle, and I shall expect many more of such in the high and G ranks.Wonder how far I am going to go heh, but I glad I finally got into the series after a couple attempts of trying. Now back to moving up in online (still in HR2 heh)
Played a couple arena matches. Took 25 minutes to kill Keecha Wacha with the light bowgun, that swingy-jumpy bastard. S-rank is 4mins? Did they even prove that is possible with all the provided weapons, or do they assume you'll just go for the switch axe?
Anyway, I think the controls for the bowgun would be WAY BETTER if it didn't have that weird pause before practically jumping in the direction you push. I would hope maybe the c-stick on the n3DS fixes it, but it does it in scope view too, so it's just a weird aspect of control. I understood it for a ballista or something because that's like a machine you crank, but for a weapon in your arms? Get your shit together, guys. This is just not acceptable for a high action game. I'm constantly using quick reticle and using the running of my character to aim. That means you dun fucked it up.
Shagaru Magala defeated, thus the end of the offline campaign.
Huh? Shagaru is the mid-boss, not the final boss.
The S rank times in the arena are meant for two people, not one.
God these disconnects are enraging as hell.
I can't play online with randoms because I always get disconnected.
I legitimately don't know what to do.
I doubt it's my connection because if it was i'd get kicked offline completely instead it just disconnects me from the room.
No lag or anything it just drops me.
Some and even the MH wiki say it the end of the main story, campaign, etc.*shrug* I know there more to offline afterward.
Some and even the MH wiki say it the end of the main story, campaign, etc.*shrug* I know there more to offline afterward.
Shagaru was the end to MH4. MH4U adds a whole bunch more to the main story.
If that's the case, when the hell did the story end in Tri?
Recruiting people for Advancedragon Attack (HR6). Yes, I am slightly insane, but its the last high rank mission I have that has materials behind it.
Pass: 1447
Making my way through caravan still. In 8 star currently and it's interesting to see which monsters cause me trouble and which don't. Rathalos seems like one of my harder monsters even though he's been a free kill for me since freedom unite. Smoked a Pink Rathian and a Monoblos at lunch both of which were pretty fun.
That being said Khezu is still one of my banes. I really need to bolster my bow load outs to fight him, just less hassle.
Caeodus, I think.
You can capture as many as you have traps for.
Making my way through caravan still. In 8 star currently and it's interesting to see which monsters cause me trouble and which don't. Rathalos seems like one of my harder monsters even though he's been a free kill for me since freedom unite. Smoked a Pink Rathian and a Monoblos at lunch both of which were pretty fun.
That being said Khezu is still one of my banes. I really need to bolster my bow load outs to fight him, just less hassle.
Cool, thanks.
Does the first one stay knocked out indefinitely until I can get the second or does that put a bit of an added time limit on it?
Pass is 1234.
w-w-what is that MH4U 3DS??? that's certainly not the limited edition from any region
How do I unlock hr2, hr3, etc in multiplayer? I'm hr3 in single player but still hr1 in multi
I find Khezu really easy with the bow. He is weak to fire, so a nice fire bow does the job. Keeping mobile is a must but just keep circling him and getting shots in as you can. Sometimes having the Palicos out to distract him can be really handy.
I'm trying to raise HR to 6.
GHID: 15-8656-8056-3866
Anyone have any good ideas for high rank armor sets I can make? I'm HR4, and I mostly focus on offensive sets.
Sorry about the disconnect! Hope you got the urgent complete, though.
Is the Dah'ren urgent to reach HR4 high rank?
Cool. I can finally get the stuff I need to upgrade the Dah'ren CB!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. That urgent is NOT a high rank Mohran, sorry to disappoint you. It gets you into high rank, but it will absolutely not give Mohran+ items.
Damn. I guess the Seltas CB will be my go to water weapon for quite a while longer then.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. That urgent is NOT a high rank Mohran, sorry to disappoint you. It gets you into high rank, but it will absolutely not give Mohran+ items.
Oh, sorry about that. I think I misread the question.
What determines what weapons and armor are available to craft at the blacksmith
Certain materials of the monster.What determines what weapons and armor are available to craft at the blacksmith