I just stopped even trying to fight him legit, it's just too unfun. I just grab my insect glaive and spam jump attacks all day. That Black Gravios has way too much health though, mounted him over ten times. 25 minutes of spamming jump attacks ain't fun at all, but that's still more fun than fighting him normally.
It's really a badly designed monster, you can clearly see the signs that he was made with the mount mechanic in mind. Surely they could've designed him in a way that mounting isn't the only way to have fun fighting him. Nope, it's jump or hate your life with him. If they patched him out of this game I wouldn't even be mad.
How do I get a Velocidrome Head? I've been fighting and killing them for the better part of two hours now. What am i missing? I've tried hitting just the head, mounting it numerous times, etc.
Look around the towns to unlock the 6*s.Beat shagaru magala and unlocked high rank. Kind of odd that High rank is 7 and the only rank 6 quest I did was fighting the crab, which unlocked 7. Whats with that?
It's a rare drop. Breaking its head is your best chance but it's still a low chance. If you're on low rank you might wanna try capturing it, on high rank you're better of killing it.How do I get a Velocidrome Head? I've been fighting and killing them for the better part of two hours now. What am i missing? I've tried hitting just the head, mounting it numerous times, etc.
Believe me when I say I'm not a fan of mounting either. Even though I use the IG regularly I barely use it to mount unless I'm trying to get certain monsters out of their rage mode, I rather stay on the ground and whack them just like you. I'm just making an exception for Gravios (and basarios) to adapt that spammy playstyle just because they're so obviously weak to it and aren't fun to fight either way. I've tried a bunch of weapons on Gravios and the fight stays boring with all of them, so I'd just rather opt to kill him quickly so I can get to the fun monsters again than waste my time on him because I want to play in a particular way.I use the switch axe and never ever mount. even when on higher ground because my weapon takes time sheathing and unsheathing. I prefer whacking more. I am done for today trying to kill him. Made me really sleepy. I might ask for some party members here since randoms just leave.
Just go into the hunt pretending that you don't need one and you will get it. Trust me on thisSpent HOURS fighting Zinogre breaking all his parts and cutting the tail and STILL NO GODDAMN PLATE. I fucking swear the drop rate for some things is WAY too low. I'm giving up for the night.
Spent HOURS fighting Zinogre breaking all his parts and cutting the tail and STILL NO GODDAMN PLATE. I fucking swear the drop rate for some things is WAY too low. I'm giving up for the night.
You don't need his plate. That's what I say every rath fight and sometimes it works.Spent HOURS fighting Zinogre breaking all his parts and cutting the tail and STILL NO GODDAMN PLATE. I fucking swear the drop rate for some things is WAY too low. I'm giving up for the night.
Spent HOURS fighting Zinogre breaking all his parts and cutting the tail and STILL NO ~~~~ PLATE. I ~~~~ swear the drop rate for some things is WAY too low. I'm giving up for the night.
I hunted my first HR Zinogre in the caravan right now. I get a Jasper on the first carve and I didn't even want it. Your method should work perfectly.Turn off the game
Set the date about a week or so ahead
when you start the game, do not go look at any Zingore armors or weapons- in fact don't go to the armoury at all
Go online and join someone elses Zinogre party (so you don't have to post the quest)
hug poogie
slay zinogre
get plate
100% desire sensor free.
This is how I have always felt like I should play MonHun, but never how it ends up working out for me in reality.I don't ever spend hours fighting the same monster even if I need a certain plate/gem for something. I fight it a few times, fight something else that drops parts I want, then take a break.
Personally after the third time hunting the same monster in a row it just gets really really boring and the last thing I want to do is fight it again.This is how I have always felt like I should play MonHun, but never how it ends up working out for me in reality.
So i've always wondered, what are the books in the shop for? I know the Book of Combos increases your combination rate but what about the monster books like Bird Wyverns Vol 1. or Gore Magala book. Are they used for anything?
So they're pretty much useless if you don't even look at that stuff huhAs far as I know, they fill up the monster info in your hunter's notes (menu)
So they're pretty much useless if you don't even look at that stuff huh
Sure, if you're still up for it. I could try out a new weapon. Maybe the HBG.Anyone up to do some HR1 quests? My first time playing online.
Sure, if you're still up for it. I could try out a new weapon. Maybe the HBG.
Aight. I'll make a room soon.
Tap World Map, then hit Solo/Multiplayer, Online Multiplayer, Find a Gathering Hall, then enter the Gathering Hall ID. Or you can leave that blank to search random groups.If you guys are still playing in say..50 mins let me know, I'm in a dota match but I'd love to party up since I've yet to do so.
edit: also i have no idea how to join a room or anything, so if someone would be nice enough to explain that would be awesome![]()
Need your gathering hall ID too.Room Made. Passcode is 4371
Tap World Map, then hit Solo/Multiplayer, Online Multiplayer, Find a Gathering Hall, then enter the Gathering Hall ID. Or you can leave that blank to search random groups.
Need your gathering hall ID too.
You can break that? It actually looks like Gypceros hide or something.Seems legit.
I get heads pretty reg and I use a hammer on those coked out bird like monsters cause they're just asking for a head pounding.
Anyone ever break off all the rocks from the hr spider? I did the quest where you have to kill 2 of them and after a pounding it ran off. I followed it and ... WOOOHH! That damn thing was naked and looked like a reg spider!
Had to go ham and kill it asap cause that thing was creeping me OUT!
You can break that? It actually looks like Gypceros hide or something.
Seems legit.
I get heads pretty reg and I use a hammer on those coked out bird like monsters cause they're just asking for a head pounding.
Anyone ever break off all the rocks from the hr spider? I did the quest where you have to kill 2 of them and after a pounding it ran off. I followed it and ... WOOOHH! That damn thing was naked and looked like a reg spider!
Had to go ham and kill it asap cause that thing was creeping me OUT!
If you have an evasion talisman or handicraft talisman, maybe that. I have a 3 socket stun+12, so I went with AuM (3x3soc Atk deco) and negate stun. When I use a weapon with a socket I'll gem out slow sharpener.Caved in and made the Regios X; any recommendations to gem in?
Do I unlock more armor pigments later in the game, aside from the black, red, etc?
Or do I buy them?
If it's like the previous games, then high rank armor, you only get set colors, but absolute endgame tier armor will have like a color slider like the game had when you were picking hair color, and you can basically do whatever color you want.
I see, thank you!
Awesome string hunts, Shengar, Scher, and Jockey.
We all have our Dalamadur urgents up now, but unfortunately, we had to quit for the moment.
However, I do have this sexy, sexy thing to show for all our work.
Was the weapon that bad?
I have got one Earthgem to spend but can't decide what on :-(
Ok, reached HR7 solo!
So some mental notes:
- Really need to stop trading blows with (any) monster.
- Find a better spot to blow my CB load (that two-handed slam hurt!)
- Always remember to use Back+X (Super, Super, Super NEVER Ultra!)
Basically spend some time re-learning CB and actually use GP intentionally.