+10 psychic is insanely convenient. It may not help in any fighting, but man, it's nice to not have to search forever.
Getting charms in 4U is horribly frustrating.
I haven't gotten any charms I'd say are anywhere near awesome, my best charm is a +5 expert with 2 slots and +3 stam rec.
In fact most of my good charms are just the +10 gathering, +10 psychic, +10 speed setup ones I've found along the way. The one I mainly end up using is this +2 sharpener + 2 hunger with 3 slots.
Because 3 slots is really good.
I thought you were already in g-rank? Unless I played with a different Beats yesterday!
Nah, I was still in High Rank lol. There's one urgent that unlocks your HR cap then another that lets you get into G-Rank I think.
I'm pretty sure my favorite (reasonable) way to finish off a flying enemy is by shooting them out of the sky. It's such a good feeling! Particularly a Rathalos that won't freaking land.
Unless you're Kensei, in which you can finish off someone by Kicking them. Seriously, how the heck did you do that Kensei?
Got disconnected in the middle of S.Magala urgent. damn
creating another room
21-5822-8233-9760 pass 8008
That's true for Tetsucabra. But I've seen Rathians fly off to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Ancestral Steppe.at the beginning is good, but later on I memorize where the monsters usually are and where they will never go, and then search those specific areas.
for example I know that tetucabra is always in area 8 or 9, it rarely goes to area 2 or 3, so I'll always go to 8 and almost always see it's there...
Beat it when you guys left. :/
I'm thinking of trying a ranged weapon for the first time.I was playing the tutorials and concluded to the LBG.What skills should I get?I was thinking Recoil/Reload speed or Evasion/Evd dist depending on the weapon.Any suggestions?
I want the guild quest. What level?Anyone want a Yian Garuga guild quest?
If a monster has less than 100 HP left when you mount it, you'll drop them down to 1HP instead of killing them. I knew she was almost dead when I mounted her so I took the chance and kicked her after the mount.
I want the guild quest. What level?
Ah I wanted a high rank one.It's level 11.
Password: 8825
That's true for Tetsucabra. But I've seen Rathians fly off to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Ancestral Steppe.
Ah I wanted a high rank one.
I'll keep the room open in case someone wants it.
I wouldn't focus on reload and recoil primarily, as you can reduce recoil through silencers, and reload on lbg isn't that bad. Evasion and evade distance are incredibly useful. Rapid fire and status increases are also really good to make the most out of your status shots (poison, para, etc) if you decide to go the route of more support gunning.
But I tend to prioritize status shots myself when using the lbg, since I usually only use it when grouping. If I'm solo or want to do mostly damage, I tend towards the heavy bowgun.
Edit: If you are going the damage route, also consider the appropriate elemental up and shot up skills for whatever gun you are using.
Low rank bow and long sword user here, what weapons and armors should i be focusing on near term, and what skills for the long term?
Every time I have to fight a Gypceros I die a little on the inside. Fuck that monster. The one I just fought stole around ~10 items (including my fucking map) in one go. FUCK. THAT.
Most efficient way to craft bombs? I can't seem to get many scatterfish with the felyne fishing and it's frustrating...Eventually I'll hit G Rank, and actually start having the funds to power my Bomberman gameplay style...
Sucks being poor as shit. And constantly needing more Caravan Points.
Sucks being poor as shit. And constantly needing more Caravan Points.
Every time I have to fight a Gypceros I die a little on the inside. Fuck that monster. The one I just fought stole around ~10 items (including my fucking map) in one go. FUCK. THAT.
Most efficient way to craft bombs? I can't seem to get many scatterfish with the felyne fishing and it's frustrating...
Anybody for HR7 in a cple of hours?
Any recommendations for a first armor set? Tetsucabra seems solid for beginner armor.
Any recommendations for a first armor set? Tetsucabra seems solid for beginner armor.
I don't think B.Gravios is that hard from my experience with it in P3rd. I didn't have much problems taking him down with my water gunlance. I hugged his stomach as close as possible and just shelled and poked away.I just stopped even trying to fight him legit, it's just too unfun. I just grab my insect glaive and spam jump attacks all day. That Black Gravios has way too much health though, mounted him over ten times. 25 minutes of spamming jump attacks ain't fun at all, but that's still more fun than fighting him normally.
It's really a badly designed monster, you can clearly see the signs that he was made with the mount mechanic in mind. Surely they could've designed him in a way that mounting isn't the only way to have fun fighting him. Nope, it's jump or hate your life with him. If they patched him out of this game I wouldn't even be mad.
So I joined Numbatista and saw how Akantor and Teo was like in MH4U.
Akantor is still the same - just a bit active and has the Tigrex run and Teo is mostly the same with that super-explodosius shit that can likely one-shot someone.
Sooo nice to see them F2/U monsters back!
Managed to solo the Ukanlos urgent on my first try. It took 30 minutes though with my fire SnS, but it wasn't too hard. It toppled over a lot when I kept hitting the back leg. Only thing that kept hitting me was the roar. > . <
My Palicoes were super helpful during that fight.
So I joined Numbatista and saw how Akantor and Teo was like in MH4U.
Akantor is still the same - just a bit active and has the Tigrex run and Teo is mostly the same with that super-explodosius shit that can likely one-shot someone.
Sooo nice to see them F2/U monsters back!
I will be later tonight after work, like 8 pm estAnybody for HR7 in a cple of hours?
Grats, and welcome to G rank.
I always had tons of trouble with Kushala Daora whereas I farmed G Teostra all the time in FU. Curious to see how those fights play out in this game but I have no idea how far I am from unlocking either. I'm well into 9* caravan and haven't seen them yet.
Going after my Ukanlos urgent once I finish this quest. Anyone want to join up?
Hm, I can get the Rustshard dragon element hammer (Breath Core Hammer) right now. Is it worth it? I know the dragon SnS was (still is?) super worth it back in MHFU. Used it to take down Kushala Daora a few times. Not sure how useful the hammer would be against the elder dragons, though. Since elements are usually more of a big deal on weapons that can hit several times quickly.