The gong you refer to is right beside the table for eating, but I think you are mixing up hunter for hire with the gong. If I remember right, the gong only advertises the room to everyone, so randoms can join if they couldn't already (passcoded). Hunters for hire come from guild cards (can pass them out online) and are only useable in single player. From solo gathering hall, you can send them out on quests to get stuff.
Anyone up for some HR brachydios? Or G1 quests?
Cool, room is 53-8847-3299-9306. Pw is 4321.Sure!
How is Ukanlos compared to Dalamadur?
It's basically an ice version of Akantor.How is Ukanlos compared to Dalamadur?
It's basically an ice version of Akantor.
2 spots left, doing HR brachy and G1 stuff.Cool, room is 53-8847-3299-9306. Pw is 4321.
Question guys. I'm trying to unlock the whale hammer and I already did the huntathon for zinogre but I didn't see the two black gravios which according to Kiranico is the next hunt in the chain. Did I forget something?
Maybe you have to do a quest in the meantime for their next quest to pop up?Question guys. I'm trying to unlock the whale hammer and I already did the huntathon for zinogre but I didn't see the two black gravios which according to Kiranico is the next hunt in the chain. Did I forget something?
To go online, you have to use the menu from the world map. create a gathering hall only makes a lobby, which after you make one you can choose quests like normal. All of the options there are just info on the room, but you can leave it default.
The gong you refer to is right beside the table for eating, but I think you are mixing up hunter for hire with the gong. If I remember right, the gong only advertises the room to everyone, so randoms can join if they couldn't already (passcoded). Hunters for hire come from guild cards (can pass them out online) and are only useable in single player. From solo gathering hall, you can send them out on quests to get stuff.
Cool, room is 53-8847-3299-9306. Pw is 4321.
come on lyzz, we need a tail cutter!
After I talked to the armory girl the bubble went away.Did you talk to everyone with a speech bubble / did you do the other quests?
I'm trying that now with regular Gravios. We'll see if it works.Maybe you have to do a quest in the meantime for their next quest to pop up?
So an ice punching bag, nice.
Is it just me or are decorations a lot more expensive than before? Gathering and Spd. Gathering has no business requiring this many parts, it's crazy
So on Dahren Mohran, he only has two breakable parts on his back right? One in each 'section'? With those parts being the equivalent of Jhen's back scales, where you want to break them with your weapon and move on.
I'm not sure what to do with the anti dragon bombs in that case. Is there some way to get up on his horn and place them? The one time I fought him, I broke it with the dragonator in the final phase.
5 star Caravan quests, I believe. They're in Heaven's Mount and even have a quest to kill a bunch of them.I need remobra parts for my gore magala armor
When's the earliest you can find them?
I need remobra parts for my gore magala armor
When's the earliest you can find them?
I love it for single and online. It's just as good as anything else.How is Hunting Horn solo? I love the moveset and the reach, but wonder if I'm better off sticking to something else for singleplayer.
For you MH pros, how many potions do you go through in a fight that you consider "went well".
Also, if I'm not bouncing my attacks, is the number of times I have to sharpen a good rough way to gauge how much damage I've done to a monster?
I see a lot of comments about soloing in HR. Perhaps I'm the only person who never goes for monsters in HR alone. It takes too long and is wayyyyyyyy more fun with other people. If you have the option, play with other people! Even if you have no clue what to do. I got carried on a few monsters that I had never seen before, but I will pass that knowledge along by helping someone else next time. It's all part of the experience.
For you MH pros, how many potions do you go through in a fight that you consider "went well".
Also, if I'm not bouncing my attacks, is the number of times I have to sharpen a good rough way to gauge how much damage I've done to a monster?
Against something like Rathian that I've really got down, I won't use any potions at all. If I'm really in the zone, I don't even get hit at all. But against monsters I'm still working on, 2-3 mega potions seems more typical. Stuff I've just met takes more but that's natural.For you MH pros, how many potions do you go through in a fight that you consider "went well".
For you MH pros, how many potions do you go through in a fight that you consider "went well".
thanks, Lazy and Ellie
Azure Los
fuck yeah best MH boss ever
I'm better now and feel dirty wasting too many potions, but when I first got into MH through Tri I basically considered any no-cart hunt successful, unless it took forever. Multiplayer is sometimes messier though, you end up going for things you shouldn't and at least I, personally, don't play as cleanly and well as in singleplayer.
Its much harder to predict the AI when its multiplayer so this is pretty normal I think. Some times you expect the monster to do something because it would normally do it when you are soloing but then it decides to charge a player on the other side of the map behind you.
Does anything actually happen when Kochu's latch on to monsters?
So GAF, any tips for gathering sets? I just got to caravan 8* and thought about doing some farming so any advice on farming sets is welcome![]()
Agreed on everything, though if it's a new monster or I haven't used the weapon in a while (I'm pretty rusty with the lance), I'll cut myself some slackI'm better now and feel dirty wasting too many potions, but when I first got into MH through Tri I basically considered any no-cart hunt successful, unless it took forever. Multiplayer is sometimes messier though, you end up going for things you shouldn't and at least I, personally, don't play as cleanly and well as in singleplayer.
Maaan they really do a ton of damage. Still not enough to make me upgrade my armor but I'm thinking about just using mega potions already.
The new Lance jump is so fun to use that I keep spamming it and getting hurt :lol
Love knocking those two out with my hammer.