What make it bad isn't about the fight being boring (kinda like it actually) or about the falling meteor .....no screw that falling meteors is the worst.I think I'm just gonna build the rebellion chest piece and be done with dalamadur.
It is Dalamadur dies before I can mine any shattered omens. I've mine its meteor 6 times across 7 fights and only got one shattere omens. Mind you that this material treated as middle tier drops where you need at least 3 for an upgrade. In the end you feel lile farming for two different gems for a single weapon which is very bad.
Dragging out the fight intentionally for Dalamadur to drop mineable meteors seems the most plausible method. But farming with randoms you can't do that. This is where I really miss lobby name from MH3U. If the lobby have a name, I could just slapped "shatterrd omen mining" and have three other people running around like chicken waiting for the meteor stuck during the last phase.