Alright, I got the wystone in the caravan. Now I just need to complete the last research quest online and I'll have a lv2 stone?
You need to reach the 10* quests for that. I got a level 2 stone before doing any guild hall quests.
Alright, I got the wystone in the caravan. Now I just need to complete the last research quest online and I'll have a lv2 stone?
You need to reach the 10* quests for that. I got a level 2 stone before doing any guild hall quests.
Alright, made it to Cheeko Sands. Did not have fun with that battle on the ship.
Now, when should I start attempting to play online with people?
Have finally got most of the tetsucabra set (Minus the boots and helmet. Gotta get three more claws for it.) and a kecha whappa horn as my weapon.
And what're those numbers everyone's posting?
If anyone over the age of 30 has room for someone to join some onlije questing, please add me and send me your fc. Mine is in my profile. I live in the US. I have only ran about ten hours on story mode
hey burgerdog where'd you get your avatar at?
no offense taken I hope. Its just that if i were to chat (i know there is no in-game chat) , it makes it easier to have some common ground. My past experiences with a lot of the younger crowd have just not been for me. I like long walks on the beach and talks about wheelchairs and walking canes.
I was using the blocky pixelated version from the wiki and somone found this version. I have no idea where, though.
hey burgerdog where'd you get your avatar at?
One time use only so not really that good.Finally made it to caravan 10* and got the disposable earplugs. I'm sure those will come in handy.
The monster icons would come in handy for possible future tattoos...I have some monster image files here - do you need something?
The monster icons would come in handy for possible future tattoos...
Do you have the Lagiacrus and Barioth?
That last egg quest... they didn't say which wyvern you were stealing eggs from now did they?![]()
Meh, should have been the Blos couple
Same reason they brought back Khezu and Gravios. Nostalgia. Because we all have such good memories of fighting them.Why did they even bring back Cephadrome? He does absolutely nothing but exhaust my Sonic Bomb material supply.
Why did they even bring back Cephadrome? He does absolutely nothing but exhaust my Sonic Bomb material supply.
Do you happen to have vectorized versions for the new monster icons from MH4U (Seregios, Shah Dalamadur etc)? Not sure which ones are missing in the internal version of 4G Dex since I'm on mobile right now, but they could certainly be of use if you have them and want to shareonly really have those two at 150x150, which you could find in the wiki.
Most of the images that I have that are large are for a MH4U app - some stuff I have to re-render in vectors.
Why did they even bring back Cephadrome? He does absolutely nothing but exhaust my Sonic Bomb material supply.
Cephadrome and Gravios are two monsters they really should have left out of this game, imo. Neither of which are fun to fight for pretty much anybody. I'm all for more monsters but putting these idiots in despite the fact that they are not at all fun to actually hunt feels like padding the roster a bit. Just my opinion though.
Do you happen to have vectorized versions for the new monster icons from MH4U (Seregios, Shah Dalamadur etc)? Not sure which ones are missing in the internal version of 4G Dex since I'm on mobile right now, but they could certainly be of use if you have them and want to share![]()
Cephadrome and Gravios are two monsters they really should have left out of this game, imo. Neither of which are fun to fight for pretty much anybody. I'm all for more monsters but putting these idiots in despite the fact that they are not at all fun to actually hunt feels like padding the roster a bit. Just my opinion though.
I actually like Gravios. His limited hit spots and map spanning beam attacks make for interesting fights that force you to always be on your toes. Again, just my opinion.
Regular Gravios is fine. it's Black Gravios that very frustrating to fight especially when all it does just spamming laser beam or worse, spamming laser beam while walk around farting fire.
I actually like Gravios. His limited hit spots and map spanning beam attacks make for interesting fights that force you to always be on your toes. Again, just my opinion.
I started with 3U, so this is my first time with Cephadrome, but to me he just feels like a faster, land based Plesioth. Since I didn't like Plesioth, I don't like him either. Ples has a better design, so ultimately I think he's a bit more interesting. Wouldn't mind getting rid of him, but he's not too offensive either.
In my time with the game, the only real roster changes I would make would be Gigginox instead of Khezu (who feels like such a weakling compared to Giggi) and adding Nargacuga who was my favorite fight in 3U and who's presence is sorely missed. Maybe bring back Lagiacrus and tweak him to be more on-land friendly, but other than that I dig the roster.
Amazing, thank youActually am working on both - will PM you when I'm done.
so I got this weapon from a guild quest yesterday...worth building an awaken set around it?
Rare 9
Attack 825 Lv1
Element 460 Fire (Awaken)
Sharpness: White (Purple with sharpness +1)
Slots: OOO
Affinity: 30%
Defense +20
the set I thought of would have
Sharpness+1, Awaken, Evade +1, ElementalCrit, Rock Steady
your thoughts guys?
anyone? :>
Sounds amazing! I would love to use this with my LagiX Set! I think there is a skill called Arkana with awaken + status/element att.up or something like that, might be a pretty good fit,
but depending on where you are right now might take some time to get that set.
What was the guild quest lvl when you got that beauty?
Looks like I should do more of those![]()
Hey guys, nub question here. I'm about an hour or 2 in and I'm starting to get overwhelmed by the amount of items in my inventory. How do I know what's vendor trash and what's worth keeping? And is it better to finish the gathering quests quickly or stick around and use the time to my advantage?