Anyone have a low rank Kirin quest they're willing to share?
Get this instead:Well thanks to this game and loving Zinogre so much in design and battle, this shall be mine soon.
Eh? Has a gender ever been explicitly stated for Fatalis? As far as I'm aware it's not a species with a specific gender, unlike say rathian/rathalos.
Get this instead:
In the first MH on PS2 they did. They also revealed that Lao Shan Lung wasn't on it's way through that canyon by choice, it was being chased by Fatalis.
In the first MH on PS2 they did. They also revealed that Lao Shan Lung wasn't on it's way through that canyon by choice, it was being chased by Fatalis.
Hrm. Did they say the species as a whole though or just that one specifically? Just wondering since I've never seen any mention of it that I recall on any sites or in the games I've played =/ I only played the PSP games and 4U though.
You'd at least think a wiki or something would've trivia'd it. But google seems to show nothing at all lol.
Well there was only the one Fatalis in MH1 so it's possible that just that one was female. I've been under the assumption all these years that regular and Crimson are female and White is male (I mean, it does have a beard after all).
Well there was only the one Fatalis in MH1 so it's possible that just that one was female. I've been under the assumption all these years that regular and Crimson are female and White is male (I mean, it does have a beard after all).
There's no difference between black, crimson and white Fatalis except their years of maturity. They're essentially the same creature which is why their names don't change when you look at the quests.
I do if you still need itAnyone have a low rank Kirin quest they're willing to share?
Anyone wanna do escaped convicts to unlock the second wystone?
You need a quest from G3 as well, I'm about to do it if you want to get it out of the way.
I hate when they do that.Wowwwwwwwww, fought the smartest Tigrex ever; he actually rolled me over to the next zone when I was mounting it.
I'll join tooGot a dude with me already
Join me 44-3370-2313-1317
There some gaffer who solo the caravan quests using only gun (tuffy is the one I see most), so I guess it's pretty doable for solo. Just don't expect cutting tail with it and you'll be fine I think.I've gotten used to all the Melee weapons, and wanted to try out the guns...but if I'm mainly solo, is it worth using them, or are they suited more for support roles? Which gun is the best for single player? Or should I just not bother...
Fighting the Gogmazios. Need 2 people to to halp meh real fast. 50-5432-5088-4887
I've been helping my LR buddies whenever they're on, but TBH no one in LR really needs help to progress. IMO the first major hurdle is Pink Rathian.So how are you guys who aren't G rank making progress? Nobody wants to help low rank people anymore.
I like this
Zamtrios is my favorite new gen monster. surprised me when it expanded like a balloon. I love it when I'm near one and I can see the scales and shit. Best looking monster in the game. sure it's just a shark with legs but look at it. it makes every other monster in the game look like they were done on a PS1/N64
so i'm hr3 & 4 star caravan (at gore magala urgent quest)
should i use my armor spheres+ to upgrade my gore magala armor further or should i save them for later in the game? so far i've only used regular armor spheres on the gore magala armor, not armor sphere+
new to monster hunter so no clue whether they are worth saving
So how are you guys who aren't G rank making progress? Nobody wants to help low rank people anymore.
I've been helping my LR buddies whenever they're on, but TBH no one in LR really needs help to progress. IMO the first major hurdle is Pink Rathian.
Assuming people got decently far and learned their weapons in SP, of course. Monsters don't have enough health to be a major threat until late HR.
Unless the issue is filling a room at all, which really sucks. I can't imagine we're at that point already though.
Hmm, that really sucks. Do you create lobbies it search for them? Your best bet might be searching for generic X* quest rooms and switching off hunts. This means it might take longer, but at least you'll be progressing.My issue has been getting people to run with. I don't need help because I can't kill stuff, I need help because monsters balanced for 2.5 players being solo'd take way too fucking long.
They are pretty easy to farm, and only easier in HR. At most you'll use 10 on one set of armor, but a lot of armors will only use one round before it bumps to needing adv armor sphere. I'd just go ahead and use them since your next armor upgrade will still push you well ahead of where they get you (my upgraded Tetsu S set is twice my upgraded Ingot set) and like 20-30 mins of mining runs in the right places will get you enough for fully upgrading a whole new armor set.should i use my armor spheres+ to upgrade my gore magala armor further or should i save them for later in the game? so far i've only used regular armor spheres on the gore magala armor, not armor sphere+
new to monster hunter so no clue whether they are worth saving
Funny question and I haven't tried it but can you mount a monster as a gunner?![]()
So how are you guys who aren't G rank making progress? Nobody wants to help low rank people anymore.
I'll fill in the blank:1. Find 3 people around the same rank.
2. Make pact to rank up together and help each other.
3. ??????
4. Attain G Rank
It's harder. A lot that mount with the first first smack on LS mount with the second smack on LBG. Also if you weren't fully loaded and miss, you'll sit there reloading on the ground right next to them. Although if you get the mount it fully reloads you, which is nice for shooting them quickly after the dismount, provided you had the ammo you wanted to use when they are grounded set up, which you should.Funny question and I haven't tried it but can you mount a monster as a gunner?![]()
Funny question and I haven't tried it but can you mount a monster as a gunner?![]()