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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate |OT| I Mounted It!

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90 hours in and I'm just starting HR5 haha.
I'm just having way too much fun helping randoms to worry about progression.
There's a huge lack of gunners online though which is a shame.
I'm gonna pick it up myself soon...

Is there any kind of pattern behind receiving Palico tickets?
I've noticed VE tickets are given at specific milestones so guessing these are the same...?

Also what does it mean when a Guild Quest has a weapon bias?
Are you more likely to find treasure if you are using the chosen weapon?


Regarding Teostra and his Supernova.

Fact: He will cast it exactly 100 seconds after enraging.

Ways to cancel rage mode? Mounting works, but what else?
Breaking horns? Cutting tail?

The next time he goes mad, does the timer start from 0 again?


Regarding Teostra and his Supernova.

Fact: He will cast it exactly 100 seconds after enraging.

Ways to cancel rage mode? Mounting works, but what else?
Breaking horns? Cutting tail?

The next time he goes mad, does the timer start from 0 again?

KO or Sleep.


90 hours in and I'm just starting HR5 haha.
I'm just having way too much fun helping randoms to worry about progression.
There's a huge lack of gunners online though which is a shame.
I'm gonna pick it up myself soon...

Is there any kind of pattern behind receiving Palico tickets?
I've noticed VE tickets are given at specific milestones so guessing these are the same...?

Also what does it mean when a Guild Quest has a weapon bias?
Are you more likely to find treasure if you are using the chosen weapon?
That's a very good habit lol
By helping randoms, you're not losing anything. In fact you gain HR points and extra material that you can sell. Regarding to VE Tickets, you'll gain them by building Unity Point with other player. Unity Point can only gained by hunting with hunters that exchanged their guild card to you.
Regarding Teostra and his Supernova.

Fact: He will cast it exactly 100 seconds after enraging.

Ways to cancel rage mode? Mounting works, but what else?
Breaking horns? Cutting tail?

The next time he goes mad, does the timer start from 0 again?

How do you know this? Experiment? Regardless, this is very useful. I'll make sure to make Kinsect Juice as the timer.


Regarding Teostra and his Supernova.

Fact: He will cast it exactly 100 seconds after enraging.

Ways to cancel rage mode? Mounting works, but what else?
Breaking horns? Cutting tail?

The next time he goes mad, does the timer start from 0 again?
Isn't there some consumable item that lasts for 90 seconds or so? Popping one of those should help for the timing.


Are we talking about low rank, blind, slow Khezu or something else? I was surprised how easy he was compared to some earlier bosses.

Same. First time hunting him, I was expecting him to be him to be more like Gigginox. But he didn't even have a noticeable rage state and was so damn slow.


Scratch that, it's the only dragon charge blade at the moment. Until G-rank Fatalis comes out anyway.

I prefer the utility of impact charge blade. A lot of monsters elemental weak points are their heads so might as well get a KO while you're at it.

Heh, that's what I get for theorycrafting off the weapon tree. Of course you're absolutely right, at the moment, the Gore CB is the only Rarity 10 Dragon CB available.

And yeah, the utility of impact is great, especially paired with a status CB. If you're in a group without hammer user, you can hog the head with guard points and impact KOs. Just a shame that there is no full-on paralysis CB, the T. Zamtrios one isn't too hot, although Schwarzschild with Awakening could be pretty nice and is definitely something I want to make a set of down the line.


KO or Sleep.
Paralyze should too, I guess.

How do you know this? Experiment? Regardless, this is very useful. I'll make sure to make Kinsect Juice as the timer.
I watched a stream once where they talked about it.

Isn't there some consumable item that lasts for 90 seconds or so? Popping one of those should help for the timing.
I think one of the Wystones last 90 seconds.

Let me add to this. If Teostra sleeps on it's own, it can still be in rage mode and waking it up can result in an instant supernova to your face. Happened to me before.
Yeah, happened to me too.


So I'm at urgent HR4 Pink Rathian , I'm doing this tonight .
What should I expect ? any tips with Pink Rathian ?

I use SA and Testu + armor btw


Paralyze should too, I guess.

I watched a stream once where they talked about it.

I think one of the Wystones last 90 seconds.

Yeah, happened to me too.

I forgot to ask an important question: do all of that thing should happened just some second before he went supernova or could happened anytime? I asked because in all of my experience fighting Teostra, the instance where he uses supernova could be counted with my finger. If the interruption must happened some seconds before it, I should see it more often.


I'm kinda surprised people are having so much trouble over that nova. I've found it pretty easy to gauge when it's about to go off... But I've also farmed like 50 GQ teo in the original 4 solo so I think I have a little bit if a head start lol

So I'm at urgent HR4 Pink Rathian , I'm doing this tonight .
What should I expect ? any tips with Pink Rathian ?

I use SA and Testu + armor btw

Watch out for the tail. After she rage roars she will fly behind you and tail flip. Don't get hit by the tail. She has a side sweeping tail flip now. The tail hurts. She does this weird fire bite now but you can roll around it. The tail poisons you


I forgot to ask an important question: do all of that thing should happened just some second before he went supernova or could happened anytime? I asked because in all of my experience fighting Teostra, the instance where he uses supernova could be counted with my finger. If the interruption must happened some seconds before it, I should see it more often.

AFAIK: the moment he "leaves" rage mode, the timer resets back to 0 until he's back raging, then the timer starts counting again (from 0, I think).
I'm not sure though...

That means, that IG users (hi JimPanzer) should probably wait with their mount attempt for his rage and then after ~1 minute go for it.

I'm kinda surprised people are having so much trouble over that nova. I've found it pretty easy to gauge when it's about to go off... But I've also farmed like 50 GQ teo in the original 4 solo so I think I have a little bit if a head start lol
Yeah we did him a lot, that's true.
I was using GL back then with Guard+2 etc, so I never cared about anything, tbh. :lol


I forgot to ask an important question: do all of that thing should happened just some second before he went supernova or could happened anytime? I asked because in all of my experience fighting Teostra, the instance where he uses supernova could be counted with my finger. If the interruption must happened some seconds before it, I should see it more often.

It can be done anytime. If he's just entered rage mode and someone mounts him he'll be knocked out of rage immediately.


I hope the next DLC is the currently unavailable G Rank monster such as Gold Ian, Silver Los, and/or Dahren. The best IGs seems to be locked behind these unavailable monster somehow and it kinda frustrating

It can be done anytime. If he's just entered rage mode and someone mounts him he'll be knocked out of rage immediately.
Oh I see, that mean no supernova until his next rage then.


I hope the next DLC is the currently unavailable G Rank monster such as Gold Ian, Silver Los, and/or Dahren. The best IGs seems to be locked behind these unavailable monster somehow and it kinda frustrating

Oh I see, that mean no supernova until his next rage then.

It's not. We already know next months DLC and they're not in it. I suppose the Fatalis quest could be G rank, but I doubt it.

Right. And if you keep knocking him out of rage mode before 90 seconds (the timer resets every time) he'll never do it.
Would anyone happen to have a resource available that shows which G-Rank Expedition monsters give which Guild Quest monsters? Or is it completely random?


I'm confused now!

Btw. cubi next quest I'll get from text deciphering will be the Gogma quests which unlocks miralis parts at wycoon :)

Yeah I'm not so sure now, too. :lol

That's great, need him!

edit: has anyone a Yian Garuga G-rank GQ? I hate myself and want it (for parts).


Saint Nic
Got my Kettleblower last night. Seregios on a boat is interesting...

Also built my first HR set - Velociprey S. Attack Up XL is good times.


Most monsters have new actions or moves they can do in 4.

Well, yeah, obviously a lot of them do, but it hasn't made them feel any more difficult exactly. Tigrex moves have been adjusted but everyone agrees he's a kitten now. A. Rath is like a completely different experience difficulty wise for me. Generally with a new move or two I can just play a little cautiously, get my hits in and be fine, but that wasn't working. Poison claw out of nowhere followed immediately by fire blast leaving me stunned with very little health might as well have been a OHKO. I got through it eventually I was just surprised by the perceived ramp in difficulty.


Charge blade is tough to use online. You can't effectively keep a combo up in Axe mode without tossing people around.

You have to look at your group composition to know where to hit.

No hammer user around? Go for the head, everyone that gets in your way shouldn't be there in the first place.
If there are other CBs or the odd GS with PunishDraw -> Chat it out.

With a hammer user in your group it gets trickier. CB isn't really suited for tailcutting, so you're better off trying to trip monsters and GP their charges for additional damage/KO. Try to avoid the upswing when going at a downed/stunned monster, you can substitute for an overhead with forward+X that doesn't launch. Also avoid your wide axe-swing that hits two times (or aim it away from the monster so only the final part of your swings hit), instead use your super more, since that's more of a vertical attack that can be aimed carefully. If it's a small monster, use your swordmode most of the time and only directly combo into super/ultra-burst from there.

At least that's what I try to do and it works. Personally, other CBs don't even trip me that often, IG and some DB players are way worse for me.
Regarding Teostra and his Supernova.

Fact: He will cast it exactly 100 seconds after enraging.

Ways to cancel rage mode? Mounting works, but what else?
Breaking horns? Cutting tail?

The next time he goes mad, does the timer start from 0 again?
Ah, now I understand why the "Teo Timer" app exists.


You have to look at your group composition to know where to hit.

No hammer user around? Go for the head, everyone that gets in your way shouldn't be there in the first place.
If there are other CBs or the odd GS with PunishDraw -> Chat it out.

With a hammer user in your group it gets trickier. CB isn't really suited for tailcutting, so you're better off trying to trip monsters and GP their charges for additional damage/KO. Try to avoid the upswing when going at a downed/stunned monster, you can substitute for an overhead with forward+X that doesn't launch. Also avoid your wide axe-swing that hits two times, instead use your super more, since that's more of a vertical attack that can be aimed carefully. If it's a small monster, use your swordmode most of the time and only directly combo into super/ultra-burst from there.

At least that's what I try to do and it works. Personally, other CBs don't even trip me that often, IG and some DB players are way worse for me.

Or just do what everyone else does: run straight at the monster and swing away, tripping half your team!

Bonus points if you actually turn away from the monster and do a full combo hitting only me and the air!

Bonus bonus points if you go out of your way to run around to the other side of the monster where I specifically went to get away from everyone else to do all your attacks directly into my back!


Now that I'm into HR, I've been trying to go through the Yukomo event quests.

Easy enough stuff, and then Sergios on a boat. What an asshole. >=(


I hate that haze Teostra generates. I noticed his 'red sparks/yellow sparks' trick from the olden days still works, but it's difficult to tell which is happening when the screen is all blurry. Maybe it's better on a N3DS. At any rate, the supernova is no problem at all for a gunner, I just need to get better at reading his movements so I can stay on his tail.
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