So I decided to give the hunting horn a break for a bit and try out the heavy bow gun. Any tips from experienced gunners? I've never played a ranged weapon in any MH before.
I'm relatively new to HBG myself but you'll probably want at least two guns, one for Normal shots and one for Pierce. Normal 1 shots are garbage. Normal 2 is your standard ammo, does good damage to whatever it hits. Normal 3 does less damage on the initial hit but ricochets so you want to shoot it somewhere it has the opportunity to bounce around a lot, like between monsters' legs. Pierce goes through and hits multiple times as it passes through. The longer it's in the monster the more hits and damage it does. Pierce 1 is a worse version of Pierce 2. Pierce 2 starts outdamaging Normal for monsters Rathian and larger if you shoot it wing-to-wing or from the head down, I hear. Pierce 3 does less damage than Pierce 2 unless you can get all the hits, so use it on very large monsters. I dunno about Pellet, most people seem to be pretty meh on it so I don't use it.
The screen shakes if you're in ideal range to do maximum damage to the monster when you shoot it.
Lowering recoil will really help DPS when using Pierce shots.
Felyne sharpshooter increases the damage of Normal shots by 10%.
Try to get a weapon that can seige fire useful ammo like Normal 2/3 or Pierce 2/3, especially in multiplayer. The lack of need to reload in seige mode makes your damage output crazy.
Flying F-Bomb is the most useful Felyne team attack because it keeps the monster from focusing on you. Go into seige mode and wreck it.
The Black Gravios HBG line is really good for Pierce shots.
Might want to attach a shield to your HBG while you learn it at least, so you have an emergency out of those situations where you accidentally pushed the wrong button and such. The shield also automatically works in seige mode, and when something hits it you'll be automatically out of seige mode.
Watch Gaijin Hunter's tutorial video, of course.