235 hoursHow many hours have you guys logged so far? I just hit 60 hours tonight!
I'm failed to play this 10 hours per day, I'm so sorry
235 hoursHow many hours have you guys logged so far? I just hit 60 hours tonight!
How many hours have you guys logged so far? I just hit 60 hours tonight!
180 I think.
235 hours
I'm failed to play this 10 hours per day, I'm so sorry
So whats the deal with the gathering spot in the palico hideout?
So whats the deal with the gathering spot in the palico hideout?
How!? HOOOOOOW!? My friends are already making fun of me for how much time I spend playing it and I bought it at launch!
Do you guys who have 100+ already get hand cramps?
if they steal something from you, you can get it back there
You can retrieve stolen items that you couldn't recover there.
I wiped out too much
Sorry everyone
better luck next time
Man I really hate just how much I love the Charge Blade. I've been playing Monster Hunter since Tri and this is by far my favorite weapon ever.
However, it seems like it's everyone else's as well. Wish there were more variations as well.
It's like a twelve year old designed it, after he finished designing the switch axe.
'GUYS GUYS. It's like a sword. And a shield. And an axe. And it has explosions. And it can knock monsters out. And block anything and explode when it blocks!'
lol"Shengar, NeoGAF has asked me here today because all of us care about you and want to let you know how this problem is affecting everyone. Who wants to share first?"
My MH4G CPP turns my 3DS into comfortable gaming device that second only to Wii U Pro controlle.Holy shit that's 60 hours a week since the game came out O_O
Seriously, treat your hands right, that's a hell of a lot of time holding a 3ds and staring at a tiny screen.
It's like a twelve year old designed it, after he finished designing the switch axe.
'GUYS GUYS. It's like a sword. And a shield. And an axe. And it has explosions. And it can knock monsters out. And block anything and explode when it blocks!'
Hey I didn't say that was bad, I like swords and shields and axes and explosions![]()
How many hours have you guys logged so far? I just hit 60 hours tonight!
I think I'm around 110-115. Would be longer but have only been able to get a couple hunts in these past couple days. Need to get back in and at least finish the HR Caravan just so I don't fall off the wagon.
My MH4G CPP turns my 3DS into comfortable gaming device that second only to Wii U Pro controlle.It does give me some problem, though impulsive browsing contribute more to my procrastination problem than MH did
Because the 3DS is so goddamn top heavy, if I don't have the bottom corners supported by the part of my palms at the base of my thumbs, the whole system rocks when I use the circle pad and face buttons, and when I press the shoulder buttons it pushes the whole system down. I can take care of the first problem by setting the system down on a table, but that is awkward as fuck and still doesn't take care of the second problem. This is not to mention that using the touchscreen d-pad from that position makes the whole grip precarious.I have 170 hours and never once got hand cramps from this game or any other 3DS game. Hold your 3DS in a looser grip.
I'm not really fond of this weapon for this reason. You've got all these weapons that have their own niche, forcing people to pick one and play a role, and here comes charge blade. It blocks and counters like a lance, has burst damage like a greatsword, KOs like a hammer, the concept is just one-upping the SnS and Switch Axe... why would you play anything else? So I get a bunch of multiplayer rooms with 3 charge blades and myself. It's not as much fun as a varied team. I had the same problem in 3U with 60% of people using only long sword and most of the remainder using dual swords, but I just don't see the logic in making a bunch of niche classes and then nearly obsoleting them with another.It's like a twelve year old designed it, after he finished designing the switch axe.
'GUYS GUYS. It's like a sword. And a shield. And an axe. And it has explosions. And it can knock monsters out. And block anything and explode when it blocks!'
I'm not really fond of this weapon for this reason. You've got all these weapons that have their own niche, forcing people to pick one and play a role, and here comes charge blade. It blocks and counters like a lance, has burst damage like a greatsword, KOs like a hammer, the concept is just one-upping the SnS and Switch Axe... why would you play anything else? So I get a bunch of multiplayer rooms with 3 charge blades and myself. It's not as much fun as a varied team. I had the same problem in 3U with 60% of people using only long sword and most of the remainder using dual swords, but I just don't see the logic in making a bunch of niche classes and then nearly obsoleting them with another.
I fought these little guys yesterday btw who would be stunned and lay down whenever I attacked them, with stars floating above their heads. I couldn't do anything to them when they were down, and when they got back up they just disappeared. Not running away, literally disappeared the same way the monster corpses do.
What's that all about?
Am I correct that they only give you enough Super Mushrooms to make either a Mario costume or a Luigi costume but not both...?
Why would they do that???
Setting the system in between the last two joints of your pinkies is a reach? I have really small hands for a guy and I can do it comfortably. Do you have an XL?Because the 3DS is so goddamn top heavy, if I don't have the bottom corners supported by the part of my palms at the base of my thumbs, the whole system rocks when I use the circle pad and face buttons, and when I press the shoulder buttons it pushes the whole system down. I can take care of the first problem by setting the system down on a table, but that is awkward as fuck and still doesn't take care of the second problem. This is not to mention that using the touchscreen d-pad from that position makes the whole grip precarious.
So, I basically have to support the system by the bottom corners, and there are two basic positions to do this. Either I am holding the system above my lap, looking down at it, or I am holding it up at eye level. When it is down, the weight of the system hinges on my index fingers at the base of the top screen, causing most of the pressure to press the bottom corners into my palms. If it is up, then just the entire weight of the system is held on my palms.
It has nothing to do with my grip, and everything to do with the system being first so goddamn heavy, and second designed in such a way that your grip does not actually support it. If I try to avoid this issue by not supporting the bottom corners with my palms, then I either have to truly smash my hands into the sides of the system to keep it held up, or I have to put my pinkies under the system which is a bit of a reach for them and uncomfortable, just as bothersome holding the weight of the system, and also has a sharp edge that scratches them.
That's really it for me, just the corners jabbing into the palm under my thumbs. Even after not playing for 2 days, that area was a bit sensitive. I don't think "cramps" is the right word, since that is an issue of muscle strain, not being mashed in. Aside from that, I just just think the circle pad feels like shit, which I would call a comfort issue but not a pain-related one, just awkward.
You're talking about Kelbi, the little deer/goat things, if I'm reading you right. You can carve them when they're down like that. Give some pretty useful parts. Have no clue why they don't die like other monsters. Too adorable to kill?
Because the proper method of acquiring the mushrooms is via a future dlc quest. The ones you get from the starter pack are just a bonus.
Yes, it's an XL. To feel properly supported, I have to rest it on the middle of the pinky, just below the first knuckle. To do this I have to turn my hand in a bit from the natural grip angle, and it is *just* far enough of a reach to strain the muscle from the base to the middle knuckle a bit, which would build up over hours of play. Of course, I think this has less to do with the reach itself and more to do with the thing being so goddamn heavy. But I have a CPP now so these are old issues. I will definitely never get a handheld so large ever again.Setting the system in between the last two joints of your pinkies is a reach? I have really small hands for a guy and I can do it comfortably. Do you have an XL?
80 hours and still have yet to hit G rank. I think at least 15 of those hours have gone towards grinding for parts
Same to all this, 80hrs too. Still cant beat Gold Rath on HR7. Team keeps carting.
I didn't call the charge blade a "noob weapon" or its users noobs like a lot of people are doing now. I'm just saying I don't really like how its design undermines the appeal of other weapons.Cool. So what's your suggestion for someone who's put several hundred hours into every weapon across all the previous games and looking for something new?
And it's not as though charge blade is braindead. Sure, you'll run across a fuckton of people using it. How many people are using it properly?
Guard pointing is easily more complicated and more difficult than lance countering.
Hmm, I might have to consider somehow importing a New 3DS regular when/if I decide to buy one. I honestly never considered the XL size being a problem for supporting the system with your pinkies.Yes, it's an XL. To feel properly supported, I have to rest it on the middle of the pinky, just below the first knuckle. To do this I have to turn my hand in a bit from the natural grip angle, and it is *just* far enough of a reach to strain the muscle from the base to the middle knuckle a bit, which would build up over hours of play. Of course, I think this has less to do with the reach itself and more to do with the thing being so goddamn heavy. But I have a CPP now so these are old issues. I will definitely never get a handheld so large ever again.
Yeah I don't have a regular 3DS but my DS lite is WAY better than my XL and I know it's a comparable size to regular 3DS.Hmm, I might have to consider somehow importing a New 3DS regular when/if I decide to buy one. I honestly never considered the XL size being a problem for supporting the system with your pinkies.
I didn't call the charge blade a "noob weapon" or its users noobs like a lot of people are doing now. I'm just saying I don't really like how its design undermines the appeal of other weapons.
Yeah I don't have a regular 3DS but my DS lite is WAY better than my XL and I know it's a comparable size to regular 3DS.