Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I honed my Paralyze LS for defense so i can prioritize Specialist when eating; it's nice.Kind of want to hone DB for defense. Free Protection seems really nice.
I honed my Paralyze LS for defense so i can prioritize Specialist when eating; it's nice.Kind of want to hone DB for defense. Free Protection seems really nice.
Your options would be:Any tips for telling when a monster is close to death? I need 2 more molten tigrex fang+, which only come from capture and breaking head. I'd like to capture, but so far I always trap early. One map fight, so I can't wait for him to limp.
Having lunch, joining in 10 minutesAnyone want to do G1-G3 quests?
Pass: 1234.
Your options would be:
-Capture Guru skill
-palico with support forte
Having lunch, joining in 10 minutes
I guess there's no way to have "sets" of palicoes right? I like using Bombing ones when I'm gunning, but I have to change them to something else if I switch to a Blademaster set. : <
It's still counted as done so you're okay.Sheng, I have 3 or 4 G2 keys left before Chaos Gore.
-Brute Tigrex
-Brachy+Stygian (I need 2 Stygian lashes, so I need to cut that tail off)
-MAYBE Black Diablos. I know I did 2 of those already but it's not on my quest list since I haven't done regular G rank blos yet so I'm not sure if it counted.
Anyone want to do G1-G3 quests?
Pass: 1234.
Lol, ran into first jerk, while he didn't directly bother me, his attitude was rotten. We are up against a super g rank chameleos. He starts off by calling us nubbies or whatever the hell the term is. Says the monster is tough.
We go in, thanks to team work no one carts.
A player asks for Chameleos quest, guy flat out refuses it and posts it again. I have one so I give it to him.
We start the match, jerk carts twice and disappears to the entrance to let us do the work. Finally another guy carts and games us over, first one to flee the lobby is the jerk lol.
Made it all the way to the second credit sequence. Apex Seregios was pretty easy and Rusted K. Daora was a really pushover with the cannon. Also cleared Crimson Fatalis. Almost ran out of time, but still managed the kill.
Need to clear some Gathering Hall quests to open up the next set of Wystones. Probably going to ask for some help here tomorrow. I need the Frenzied Tiger Zambrios and the pair or Shrouded Nerscylla, is that correct?
Is a kinsect's final level 12?
It doubles the amount of time the buffs last.What is this "rare" kinsect I've been hearing about?
It doubles the amount of time the buffs last.
http://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunt...n_you_help_me_understand_this_kinsects_guide/any link on how to procure it?
Has anyone here played the Japanese version and know when or how the G rank monoblos comes?
I want to finish my damn kirin ice GS.
Has anyone here played the Japanese version and know when or how the G rank monoblos comes?
I want to finish my damn kirin ice GS.
So whats the best way to play SnS? sleep sns and bomb the shit out of monsters? Or just makes a bunch of elemental and take w/e the monster is weak vs? What skills are good?
So whats the best way to play SnS? sleep sns and bomb the shit out of monsters? Or just makes a bunch of elemental and take w/e the monster is weak vs? What skills are good?
Do I need to keep the Book of Combos in my Item Pouch to use its effect?
You could get status attack up and go crazy with paralysis. Groups would love you.
It's pretty nice. I had a bunch of Chameleos stuff so I crafted its set and with a little messing around I get
Windproof (Hi)
HG Earplugs
Status Atk +2
Sharpness +1
Speed Sharpening
Status Crit
It's probably a good idea to not be the second or third guy on paralysis duty. I did Yian Garuga with a group to test it out and there were another 2 people (DB and another SnS) who had the same idea. Took like 12 minutes.
Next game I switched to my GS set and we did it 5 minutes faster lol
Can you post your armor / charms for this please?![]()
Anyone up for G3 progression?