So I'm around 6 hours in and I'm loving it so far! I'm gravitating towards using the Charge Blade (already upgraded my weapon, for better or for worse) as it's the only weapon that instantly clicked with me beside the longsword and Insect Glaive. It only took watching one video from Gaijin Hunter on the charged blade to know how intricate the combat is in this game.
I'm currently doing the 2 star quests (are these the story quests? I honestly can't tell if I'm doing the main story or side quests now) and I'm yet to visit the Gathering Hall until I can figure out my internet stuff on the 3DS.
Yup, the Caravan quests are basically the story quests/quests balanced for solo play. The Gathering Hall are quests balanced for online play (I think the only difference is the health that the monsters have, and you start fighting more difficult monsters at a lower star level in the gathering hall).