Disconnected. I think I disconnect from 60% of the rooms now. Really testing my desire to play.Cool. 14-0660-9583-5191.
Pw is 4321.
Okay Dak'kon. Room for G2 Keys everyone. Join up if you need, or want to help out please!
We can chat here in the MH4UGaf chat channel thing if anyone wants to.
Sorry, didn't have my glasses on and thought you said HR2. Hopefully someone can help![]()
go ahead and create a room ill join you
Cool. I've already got my Urgent but can go through Keys again if you need?
Room 68-5563-4592-4107
Bit conflicting but they're both good skills for CBs. That's a free Artillery God with Seltas Helm X and one gem and you should be able to get Stat Atk+1/2 and S+1 with some Chameleos parts. Conflicting because you usually go for either status or damage and not both but maybe with this charm you can.
Screw this game's online sometimes I swear. Me and my friends gotten a few dc issues in the last hour and a half even after switching hosts. So annoying.<.<
I'm now G2 and still wearing my HR armor. The G rank armor seems a lot harder to make. Can anyone recommend a set for a GS that is attainable in G1/G2? Eventually I want to get Diablos X, but I feel I shouldn't wait so long before upgrading my base defence. Or is it OK to use HR armor through G2/G3?
I also was thinking CB with para, but JimPanzer told me Artillery is "garbage" on it...
I don't know how useful it is on a status CB but generally Artillery is a decent enough skill (it was buffed in 4G (and so was the shield buff which wasn't even in 4), so those calculations from 4 are outdated). You get a free 4 Artillery from the helm so it's only 3 gems to get Novice which ups your impact phial damage by x1.3 on top of the shield buff. The conflicting part is that with a status CB you'll be spending a lot of time in sword and shield mode spamming shield thrusts so you won't be getting much use out of that increased phial damage (though I guess shield thrusts also proc phials with the shield buff).
Yesterday I failed Dalamadur... three times, and because I ran out of time.
I manged to break everything and it even destroyed the other platform. But, I feel my damage output is way too low...
I'm using a Brimsten Drakescale (224, 350 Dragon) SnS, and I ate for Attack L and used Mega Demondrugs during the whole fight (I was never under the effect of it).
I watched the GaijinHunter tutorial (after the first time, as he says, nothing beats the "What the hell do I do?!" feeling) and managed to memorize its pattern, cut the tail, carve the head and all of that...
Is there any reason to use Wystone: Drive if I already have Mind's Eye from my armor?
Is there any reason to use Wystone: Drive if I already have Mind's Eye from my armor?
I've been getting DC'ed more often in the last few days. Glad to hear it's not completely uncommon.
LBG users, is it worth Honing for Power if using the gun primarily for Elemental shots? Raw attack doesn't factor too much into its damage IIRC from 3U.
LBG users, is it worth Honing for Power if using the gun primarily for Elemental shots? Raw attack doesn't factor too much into its damage IIRC from 3U.
I also was thinking CB with para, but JimPanzer told me Artillery is "garbage" on it...
I don't think it's worth it. LBG has a really low damage multiplier so you'd get something like +25 attack.
Compare that to +60 defense + divine blessing for defense honing.
Don't get hit.That caravan Furious Rajang is so bullshit, he has no openings at all and all his moves take away 2/3rd of my health.
was a bit off on that
basically it's worth it with your charm
14-0660-9583-5191 pass 4321Hey guys, I'm down to do G3 quests, frenzied and apex monsters if anyone is interested or has a room!!
Don't get hit.
We need 2 more for gogmazios urgents.Cool. 14-0660-9583-5191.
Pw is 4321.
I have yet to find any risk-free openings where I can actually get a hit in with no chance of getting hit.
I feel like defense honing is good if you aren't confident in evading? Seems like even with 60 defense everything is still a 1 or 2 shot for gunners, and it's more hoping for divine blessing procs.
I have yet to find any risk-free openings where I can actually get a hit in with no chance of getting hit.
14-0660-9583-5191 pass 4321
Gog urgents
We need 2 more for gogmazios urgents.
I feel like defense honing is good if you aren't confident in evading? Seems like even with 60 defense everything is still a 1 or 2 shot for gunners, and it's more hoping for divine blessing procs.
I don't get hit often but 60 defense could be the difference between a 1 shot or surviving with a sliver.
true, but coupled with kitchen defense buff you get twice the chance for divine blessing and even more defense. outside of sure OHKO attacks that would even 1 shot blademaster i could imagen that this might be the difference between a OHKO and a sliver of health yet.
i honestly don't know.![]()
When he tosses rocks or dodge his thunder beam. After his Dempsey Roll, he likes to do his jump back so you could try to land a hit there. If you're a lancer you can counter his rushes.
I think the biggest thing is to not get affected by the ground shaking body slam because he moves into his next attack faster than you recover from tremor.
Is there math out there for defense? Without combat/battle logs it's really hard for me to grasp how big 60 defense boost is when it comes to damage. It's usually just pray for the sparkles of Defender/divine blessing proc and live!
Guard 1 will let you survive through most, if not all of monster's attack with no health loss.I could make this Gunlance set:
Artillery God, Stam Recov Up, Load Up, Guard Boost, Sharpness +1
Not sure if I want Guard+1/2.
I'm hoping as they try and expand the series in the west they start tweaking monsters with openings for attacks. Way too many monsters have attacks that have them jump back to a safe position, block punishes, lock on, it wouldn't be bad if the programming didn't allow them to spam the same damn move 5 times in a row.
haven't seen anything for defense yet, but 60 def is basically an additional non upgraded g-rank gunner armor piece.
I think Furious Rajang has a good amount of openings, having done it solo as a lancer and a bowman. The punish is definitely there but I adjusted by reducing pokes or going into counter.
Some days I feel like 5 piece of gunner armor is equivalent to no armor lol.