Finally got a couple streetpass tags today. None of them higher than HR5.
I hope they appreciate my Lv101 Yian Garuga guildquest.
Finally got a couple streetpass tags today. None of them higher than HR5.
I hope they appreciate my Lv101 Yian Garuga guildquest.
You monster...
From what I understand, any guild quests you send through streetpass get reset to level 1.
Do I have to complete all those weapon training quests to unlock the caravaneers challenge?
Do I have to complete all those weapon training quests to unlock the caravaneers challenge?
It's every 1* - 6* quest excluding the weapon training quests. So, no, you don't have to do them.
From what I understand, any guild quests you send through streetpass get reset to level 1.
Anyone want to attempt G rank arena quests with me?
Room: 70-1154-1937-9400
Pass: 1346
So what's the easiest or most efficient method of ensuring you get Divine Spheres. Considering how many are needed just to get one piece of armor maxed out it's slow going when having to it for all 5.
You sure? I always thought it was reset to the initial level of the GQ, at least that's the way for sending them in-game. Is Streetpass any different?
Here's a list I've been using:
Guild Quest Lv 126 - 140
Gore Magala
Shagaru Magala
You'll get them in the quest rewards. I've gotten as many as three at once, although I've also had plenty of runs with no drops.
I actually kindof like the one-time introductory monster cutscenes. They're a nice way of showing how the monster behaves and what sort of attacks it likes to use without any actual danger of being attacked.These mandatory videos for every monster are so off putting.
I actually kindof like the one-time introductory monster cutscenes. They're a nice way of showing how the monster behaves and what sort of attacks it likes to use without any actual danger of being attacked.
These mandatory videos for every monster are so off putting.
I love them!
I mean, come on. You just have to watch them once...
The only thing that bothers me is that your hunter doesn't really act like a hunter in those. He/She's just walking in there being all "I wonder what's going on in this area, derp"
took a while but I got that final Rajang hammer. And I made the Jang HH too. I needed my Stygian Tristitia notes back. Took longer to get the pelts than anything but the offline quest made Gorers easier to stomach
hen na hanashi, man
I put up Fur Fixation four times and get this, randoms broke the horns for all four runs. Yeah. I had a different group for each run too. guess they only needed one Gorer and nothing else. I didn't have to say shit either like "horns pls pls pls"
I'm the one who put down traps tho >_>
Anyone willing to come along for dalamadur urgent?
It's especially funny when you run into a monster you've fought a hundred times in a different quest than the one you're 'supposed' to first encounter it. Or when you're wearing the damn thing's armor. It's like Ash Ketchum pulling out the pokedex for a pokemon he used to have.
Stygian Tristitia was my favorite 3U weapon and I was sad to see the notes were changed in this one. It'll be a while until I can get the Rajang or Fatalis horns too.
Does anyone want to help me with my Gog Urgent?
I'm up for anything after that.
Does anyone feel for helping me with Gog?
I spent 2 hours doing it with randoms but we only succeeded once for the original host of the room, then we failed three times in a row due to the same person carting so everyone left.![]()
I'd definitely be up for helping out with Gog.
Anyone want to attempt G rank arena quests with me?
Room: 70-1154-1937-9400
Pass: 1346
Still looking for help?Thanks!
pass: 1111
Still looking for help?
Still looking for help?
One moe spot, come join us!
Yeah i'm tired of Rajang always showing up in my quests and i'm only 3 into G =/
I need to spend a day just doing mining runs.
I've heard that heavens mount is better than the Volcano, is that true?
I'd definitely be up for helping out with Gog.
Still looking for help?
Do I have to complete all those weapon training quests to unlock the caravaneers challenge?
Or the Seregios intro: "Oh shit, that monster is so incredibly dangerous you'd better quit the mission! *back at town* So your next target is that Seregios."
Ah thanks for the offer, ended up getting it done thoughI'll swing by if you still need help. Haven't fought him with Gunlance yet, but I have Artillery God, Load Up, Partbreaker, Guard +2, and 760 Defense with Wide 5! We can make this happen!
Anyone up for high rank Fatalis? If anyone has the G rank Scorching Fatalis I'd do that too.
YESSSSSSS, I did it! I got the perfect charm! Guard Up +7 and three slots. It lets me use the Uka-Uka-U armor to get:
Guard +2
Guard Boost
Sharpness +1
Mind's Eye
Weakness Exploit
Tremor Res
Without using any slots on a weapon, so I don't have to mind what weapon I use on what quest. No more charm farming for me!