Daaaaaaaaamn that's a good one. Perfect for a SnS/Lance/Gunlance user I bet.
Not bad at all for CB either. Nicely done!
Daaaaaaaaamn that's a good one. Perfect for a SnS/Lance/Gunlance user I bet.
Sure. I don't have the G rank one, though.
An ultra-aggressive creature that is rarely sighted and seldom survived. Survivors report it exhibits a strange attack. The Rajang is said to be a loner, and this isolated life has made it difficult to pin down its territorial leanings.
Rarely sighted my undies! Thing shows up everywhere.
Is there a prerequesite for g3 akantor and rusted kushala or am i just being unlucky with the quest draws?
I know Akantor is from the second scroll. I assume the other one might be in a scroll as well.
I have made it to G Crown and I've only seen a Rajang in a quest he wasn't supposed to be in a single time. Never seen a Deviljho outside of his quests, either.
I know Akantor is from the second scroll. I assume the other one might be in a scroll as well.
Raging Brachydios is not possible with randoms, or I'm out of luck.
Anyone up for it?
There's a huge Fatalis sized hole in the list of monsters I have hunted. Anyone want to help out and then do some Special G rank quests or 126+ GQ maybe?
ID: 08-4568-6889-7453
The game has been out for a month and all I could think of at work is MH4U. Help.
I'm in a room with three Insect Glaive users, also known as HELL.
YESSSSSSS, I did it! I got the perfect charm! Guard Up +7 and three slots. It lets me use the Uka-Uka-U armor to get:
Guard +2
Guard Boost
Sharpness +1
Mind's Eye
Weakness Exploit
Tremor Res
Without using any slots on a weapon, so I don't have to mind what weapon I use on what quest. No more charm farming for me!
I'm in a room with three Insect Glaive users, also known as HELL.
It depends on what you're after.
Just charms. Would like a better crit draw and handicraft charm, among others.
Is Rusted Kushala(g rank) available online yet?
Clear a battlegrounds urgent to unlock.
Why is this bad?I'm in a room with three Insect Glaive users, also known as HELL.
Why is this bad?
So, I'm just kind of moving along at my own pace, trying to be pretty thorough and wipe everything out in each rank single player wise before moving on (as there are unlocks based on that far as I can tell, same as 3U was, and I don't really feel like back-tracking to a ton of low rank quests later, much as that maaaaaaay make more sense). I've almost finished all the low ranks and just started high rank (just need to take out a Tigrex and that Rathian+Rathalos double team, though I feel like I'd probably find some more rank 6 quests if I checked around the various villages, since that stuff is empty!)
But yeah, long story short, what's a good starting armor for High Rank? I've been using the Tetsucabra stuff and haven't had any problem so far, but things do pretty nasty damage to me in High Rank. Like, I haven't wiped yet but that's going to be an issue soon. Using Charge Blade if that helps, but I just want something to get me by as I keep plowing through.
Can someone help me farm G Zinogre? I need skymerald, and these randoms are dumb as fuck -____-
Ah late to the party I am![]()
I assume he's referring to getting tripped over and over.
If you're just looking for something to get by, then high rank Jaggi, Velociprey, or even Tetsucabra again have been popular with other starting high rank GAFfers. I went with Tetsucabra S, myself.
As a GS main, I actually like having at least 1 IG in the room. Helps bring the monster down for more free charges.
Can anyone tell me what magala feelers are? is it his horns?.
Can anyone tell me what magala feelers are? is it his horns?.
Thanks guys, I'm going crazy here because it says on kiranico it's a 100% drop and I'm pretty sure I've been breaking it every time in the last 3 hunts and nothing, wth D:
From what I understand, any guild quests you send through streetpass get reset to level 1.
Man, just got a big old chunk of new quests in low rank to do. Though I've already put a lot into it, I'm thinking I'm going to give up my focus on completionism as I go along and just start progressing naturally now that I'm in high rank.
Is there a decent list of quests that actually actively give you something in one way or another, though? Like, the ones that upgrade your food or anything else?
But yeah, long story short, what's a good starting armor for High Rank? I've been using the Tetsucabra stuff and haven't had any problem so far, but things do pretty nasty damage to me in High Rank. Like, I haven't wiped yet but that's going to be an issue soon. Using Charge Blade if that helps, but I just want something to get me by as I keep plowing through.