Jeff Vader
Does Stygian Zin get any new moves in G?
Daora isn't on my list of "elder dragons with fancy soundtrack" though
Just post the room when you're ready.
Rule of thumb, in the words of Scher: Follow the head or the claws.
Just be prepared to superman dive if you choose the head.
I'm fine with any elder dragons to be honest. Need every chance on large elder dragon gems I can get... Fine, I'd rather have the stygian tails any way. Gimme a minute. This post will be edited with the room when I'm ready.
I blame myself for fighting Teostra first since his music completely stomped Daora's.what
sure it is
Daora has nice xmas music
Does Stygian Zin get any new moves in G?
anyone want to help out with my gogmazios urgent?
That Snake is so annoying, thanks for all the help. I could have never done it alone. Now I need to upgrade my weapons and armor but I'll do that tomorrow.
Does anyone knows hot unlock the two tigrex hell hunter caravan 10 quest to trade for Lunastra parts?
Ok! I don't like this fight either.
anyone want to help out with my gogmazios urgent?
I actually enjoy it lol
Epic Monster fight is a drug that I enjoy too somehow
Well, with 3 people at least
Have finished all Hell Hunter related quest?
Come on in! Free Horn buffs.Epic Monster fight is a drug that I enjoy too somehow
Well, with 3 people at least
Ugh 11 136+ Velocidromes for 1 Divine Sphere....... -_-
I did 130+ double Rajang for 5, and one 130+ Jho gave me 4.
I've done 2 Apex Jho's as well as 126+ Diablos and Tigrex but nothing :/
IIRC there is some Hell Hunter quest in Guild Hall, you should check on thatI think I already did, those are the ones that the cat at the assembly gives you right? I even did the one that Kiranico has a prerequisite for that, but its not showing up.
Come on in! Free Horn buffs.
IIRC there is some Hell Hunter quest in Guild Hall, you should check on that
Considering the name of the last quest, I'm rather convinced that you need to do them all before it unlock lol
Welp, joined Amethyst room first, sorry![]()
damn i just discovered mega dash juices and how useful they are. never bothered to read their description so never knew what they did and ended up never using them.
they can make a huge difference during a tough battle. i use CB and am loving how much it lets you block when using mega dash juices.
i probably should have been more conservative using them cuz now im almost out and i have no idea how to get dash extract.
i was hoping i could make a mega dash juice by combining a regular dash juice with honey![]()
Come on in! Free Horn buffs.
I did 130+ double Rajang for 5, and one 130+ Jho gave me 4.
Thanks for the help guys!
IIRC there is some Hell Hunter quest in Guild Hall, you should check on that
Considering the name of the last quest, I'm rather convinced that you need to do them all before it unlock lol
Any use for kicking? I'd rather have the menu on Start/Select and there doesn't seem to be any other way to kick?
Any use for kicking? I'd rather have the menu on Start/Select and there doesn't seem to be any other way to kick?
You can make is so the kick touch button is on the start button. The during missions, you'll have to hit the touchscreen to get to the menu.
You can kick bombs and people frozen, but attacks are usually better for the latter, especially ones with a wide sweep.
I just use it to kick people into other areas.
Yeah, like I said, I want to keep the menu on Start.
I see, so barely important. Thanks!
Have exhaust all NPCs dialogue?I'm really early in the game, and I appear to have run out of quests. I did the first Expedition quest and the first Seltas quest--where do I get more?
So disappointing of a moveset and AI downgrade from 3UNo new moves beside more combo+dracophage bug flying off everywhere any time it uses big move such as tail slam.
Well I think I may have finally hit my wall in G2. These two monster quests are just brutal and I keep failing key quests. Maybe I'm just off my game today but it's been pretty disheartening overall. About the only progress I mad was a kill on the G2 Zinogre quest.
Which? Do you need help?
And yeah bad days are totally a thing.
I'll join.Well I think I may have finally hit my wall in G2. These two monster quests are just brutal and I keep failing key quests. Maybe I'm just off my game today but it's been pretty disheartening overall. About the only progress I mad was a kill on the G2 Zinogre quest.
It was the Azure Rath/Tigrex one that broke me today. I probably will ask for help, but I got pretty irritated after that last try so I think I need a break for a bit.
Not bad eh?
Anyone know the exact values between Challenger +1 and +2?