Jeff Vader
I think I already did it but I'll do it again to see how long it takes.Go do the speartuna fishing quest and tell me how long it takes.
I think I already did it but I'll do it again to see how long it takes.Go do the speartuna fishing quest and tell me how long it takes.
No, the RNG is so bad for fish you want to get. Not to mention you have to mash super fast right after you hook it.
I'd rather transport wyvern eggs than fish.
Alright one secJust got my second Wystone so I'm ready for whatever. I'm too lazy to make a room/post stuff though.
Go do the speartuna fishing quest and tell me how long it takes.
Alright one sec
It'll be a while since next we wouldn't get them. I suggest build Ash Kecha IG for fire element because that's the only alternative. Considering its high fire damage, it is a perfect fit for Rath Soul Z.Anybody know, based on the japanese DLC schedule, if the G rank Silver and Gold Rath event quests will be released soon or not? trying to decide whether I want to build a different fire IG or just wait for silver rath DLC since that one seems better.
No, the RNG is so bad for fish you want to get. Not to mention you have to mash super fast right after you hook it.
I'd rather transport wyvern eggs than fish.
I'm doing HR7 quests to raise my HR, anyone can drop by.
GHID: 62-4875-5753-4277
Or just leave and re-enter the area. It took me an embarrassingly long time before I thought to try this.Goldfish bait to reset the pool of fish until you find a speartuna.
The Kettleblower Deluxe still rapid-fires poison lv. 1, para lv. 1 and sleep lv. 1 like the Master Kettleblower, but it lost the poison lv. 2 and para lv. 2 clips of its predecessor. So it's a mild downgrade but probably not enough to make a big difference.Did the Kettleblower get nerfed at all? I'm not really certain. In MH3U, it was awesome having a good stat gunner. Made a huge difference in quests like Alatreon and Savage Jho.
well last two rooms ended in triple carts, losing patience for randoms
What are you doing?
g2 keys i guess but im going to bed soon and I haven't managed to even get anything done.
Go do the speartuna fishing quest and tell me how long it takes.
G2 wycoon help 58-8153-6050-5509
Our last group got disconnected. It's against zinogre and frenzied pink rathian.
Seems like a relaxing distance away to be for the big beasties while the other players can get stressed in close.
It's not something to give... you just do it...
I'm doing HR7 urgent quest, GHID is listed in my previous post. Anyone who wants to help can join.
I;m taking a quick shower. If you still need help, when I'm done, let's rock and roll.
I can wait.
I can wait.
Dalamadur, the annoying snake. One spot is available.
Dalamadur, the annoying snake. One spot is available.
I barely know this fight.
I swear I just 'know' when I'm about to carve something good. Like right now when I carved a seregios lens after doing the caravan g rank one. Looking forward to trying his LBG out but holy shit I am broke and I'm not even close to finishing my molten tigrex gun.
Anybody up for some Kirin or Elder Dragons with fancy soundtrack? Need to reward myself after slogging through a terrible class, urggh
After upgrading all my weapons to Rarity 9 (besides ice, goddamn stygian tails), I was down to 50k until I sold all my rarity 5 weapons from Ancient Shards.
I kept one of each, but I had so many of each, and those all only have one upgrade path except the bowgun, so it's safe to sell extras.
I had like 700k in pink weapons.
I need Daora Tails. And still those Stygian tails you said you'd helped me farm.
I have no work tonight. Get ready.
Daora isn't on my list of "elder dragons with fancy soundtrack" though
Just post the room when you're ready.