I need like 3 more gathering quest. Do you need anything else in the meantime?
Nothing in particular.
I need like 3 more gathering quest. Do you need anything else in the meantime?
This game loves me so far. I just got out of low rank and so far I've gotten 4 Ian plates, 3 gore plates, 2 zin plates, 2 earth dragon gems, and a Los plate
What is the best class for the series newbie?
Thanks!Excavated stuff? The polisher in the second town handles that.
Any got any tips for dealing consistent damage without just doing hit n run? My timing is probably way off but im finding it hard to be aggressive.
Oh, I haven't seen you since the JPN game. Did you get a localized version too?;_;
So you got all my zin plates!
I'm on about 3 hours of sleep since launch. Worth it.
How did you get to G3 within 3 days? Not only that, but grinded a Chameleos set as well. Even without any sleep that seems unlikely. Sorry if this sounds rude, but are you using powersaves? I ask because I've seen quite a few G-rank players using that.
Evade Extender, I'd missed you so much. I like that it makes bouncing up walls faster, too.
If he had group of friends that do the same and tons of luck for rare drop, I think it's possible without any cheating.How did you get to G3 within 3 days? Not only that, but grinded a Chameleos set as well. Even without any sleep that seems unlikely. Sorry if this sounds rude, but are you using powersaves? I ask because I've seen quite a few G-rank players using that.
How did you get to G3 within 3 days? Not only that, but grinded a Chameleos set as well. Even without any sleep that seems unlikely. Sorry if this sounds rude, but are you using powersaves? I ask because I've seen quite a few G-rank players using that.
Can you coop the village quests?
No powersaves here. We used the wiki to make sure we were only doing key quests and basically made a b-line to G3 and started grinding elder dragons. LR to the end of HR was Friday, G1 Saturday morning. I just finished getting all my Chameleos drops today after 36 captures and 7 kills. Which, according to the wiki, is kind of unlucky. I got extremely lucky on the Najarala drops for the glaive though.
We've seriously just been playing nonstop. And now that I want to go to sleep, I can't.
No powersaves here. We used the wiki to make sure we were only doing key quests and basically made a b-line to G3 and started grinding elder dragons. LR to the end of HR was Friday, G1 Saturday morning. I just finished getting all my Chameleos drops today after 36 captures and 7 kills. Which, according to the wiki, is kind of unlucky. I got extremely lucky on the Najarala drops for the glaive though.
We've seriously just been playing nonstop. And now that I want to go to sleep, I can't.
No, palicoes are your only choice.Can you coop the village quests?
Lol it's not just you. I played a Kirin Sub guild quests where the Kirin is stuck at the end of the expedition base camp...Okay, my bad then. I guess I'm just getting overly suspicious after meeting a few of such players online (they freely admit using powersaves in the chat). Good job and that talisman sounds awesome.
What is a powersaves?Okay, my bad then. I guess I'm just getting overly suspicious after meeting a few of such players online (they freely admit using powersaves in the chat). Good job and that talisman sounds awesome.
Action ReplayWhat is a powersaves?
The reason I reluctantly play online with randoms is this.
The first two 'big' monsters i've fought I've fainted. Playing with a sword and shield. Tricky game, but fun. One time the monster ran into it's nest (looked like a cave) and I didn't know what to do- can I get it back out?
Use a paintball on it and go to the area with the pink spotThe first two 'big' monsters i've fought I've fainted. Playing with a sword and shield. Tricky game, but fun. One time the monster ran into it's nest (looked like a cave) and I didn't know what to do- can I get it back out?
The first two 'big' monsters i've fought I've fainted. Playing with a sword and shield. Tricky game, but fun. One time the monster ran into it's nest (looked like a cave) and I didn't know what to do- can I get it back out?
What is a powersaves?
The reason I reluctantly play online with randoms is this.
Just keep at it. You'll get better over time.The first two 'big' monsters i've fought I've fainted. Playing with a sword and shield. Tricky game, but fun. One time the monster ran into it's nest (looked like a cave) and I didn't know what to do- can I get it back out?
It's a method that basically allows you to alter saves or put on saves of different people on your cart. I'll give you an example of what I've seen:
I was doing G2 missions with other reviewers when a new player comes into the hall to join us. This player is also G2, but is already rocking Rare 10 armor and weapons (G2 is Rare 8-9). Furthermore, he is using gourmet vouchers after every single mission. I research his weapon online and find out you can only get it from a very far G3 monster. I ask and he says he's using powersaves. After that I started noticing more of these players. Sometimes they immediately leave after I ask them, sometimes they tell me. Now I just make rooms with a password on.
Probably has been discussed already, but has anyone else noticed that the text is much harder to read if you do not use 3D? It is very blurry until I enable 3D, and as much as I like the 3D and feel it is the way the game should be played, my eyes bug out a little if I use it to long, so I tend to disable it now and then.
But damn, the text on items, etc. is blurry when doing so.
Use a paintball on it and go to the area with the pink spot
So with all the Flash Carts, CFW, and Homebrew and shit, are there a fair number of cheaters running around online?
Do you have the Stable 3D or whatever it is called on or off?I noticed this on 3 ultimate. like the font size used was not perfectly matched with the pixels on the screen so you had to have the 3D slider on a certain level to have the text come out perfect.
Haven't noticed this on 4 ultimate though.
I noticed this on 3 ultimate. like the font size used was not perfectly matched with the pixels on the screen so you had to have the 3D slider on a certain level to have the text come out perfect.
Haven't noticed this on 4 ultimate though.
Anyone comment on this? Interested in picking this up, but not even going to entertain it if 3DS is a hack fest online. I don't follow the scene so I have no idea what is or isn't possible.
Agreed. Great advice for new hunters.Probably the best advice to give to aspiring hunters.
Paintball the monsters as soon as you see them, everything else will come to you with practice.
It's much better than 3U but when in 2D the fonts look like they're anti aliased and blurry as a result.I thought the text looked good in this one.
Read my post above. I wouldn't say it's infested. I've seen maybe 5-6 'cheaters'. I'm sure there are more, but it's hardly overflowing. I would recommend playing with friends or the friendly GAF people here anyway.
Huh? 5-6 is pretty low, and I haven't encountered any that I know of. Didn't see a whole lot of hacking in MH3U either.Visions of PSO just came rushing back. That's too bad, I'll pass.
Thanks for confirming I am not losing my mind.It's much better than 3U but when in 2D the fonts look like they're anti aliased and blurry as a result.
Just got to the third village / killed a farting monkey (I'm so happy I just got to type that) and have been having a blast with the game so far, but I've finally been overwhelmed. There are too many armors, and I have no idea which one to go for. I had to switch off of my Hunting horn because no other set has Maestro on it, I can't upgrade my current set (need armor sphere +?), and I'm currently running around with a sword and shield in a leather set because I have no idea which armor to go for. I'm paranoid of accidentally wasting my mats to make the wrong armor, and have hit a wall where I can't really upgrade my weapons anymore (they need mats that I have no idea where to find). Plus, it looks like all the armor I can make just have awful elemental weaknesses, and I know I'm going to burn hours making a set only to immediately get destroyed by whatever element it's weak too.
So, like, anyone got some friendly advice to get me out of this rut? I feel like any decision is a bad one here. Should I just make random armor pieces and gem them to what I want per weapon? Should I be farming old quests to make armors? The thing I just fought (farting monkey) felt like it took way to long to kill (26 minutes?) and I used a heck of a lot of healing items. I'm starting to feel very underpowered, and I don't know how to fix it.![]()
Huh? 5-6 is pretty low, and I haven't encountered any that I know of. Didn't see a whole lot of hacking in MH3U either.
Don't worry too much about armor in Low Rank. It starts becoming more important in High Rank and especially G-Rank because the armors offer more and better skills. Just get anything with decent defense.Just got to the third village / killed a farting monkey (I'm so happy I just got to type that) and have been having a blast with the game so far, but I've finally been overwhelmed. There are too many armors, and I have no idea which one to go for. I had to switch off of my Hunting horn because no other set has Maestro on it, I can't upgrade my current set (need armor sphere +?), and I'm currently running around with a sword and shield in a leather set because I have no idea which armor to go for. I'm paranoid of accidentally wasting my mats to make the wrong armor, and have hit a wall where I can't really upgrade my weapons anymore (they need mats that I have no idea where to find). Plus, it looks like all the armor I can make just have awful elemental weaknesses, and I know I'm going to burn hours making a set only to immediately get destroyed by whatever element it's weak too.
So, like, anyone got some friendly advice to get me out of this rut? I feel like any decision is a bad one here. Should I just make random armor pieces and gem them to what I want per weapon? Should I be farming old quests to make armors? The thing I just fought (farting monkey) felt like it took way to long to kill (26 minutes?) and I used a heck of a lot of healing items. I'm starting to feel very underpowered, and I don't know how to fix it.![]()