That frenzy tigrex quest caught me off guard holy shit. My first solo faint
Please, the LS hate is so overblown, I've been hit by just as many shitty GS, SA, DB, GL, Hammer users.
If you want to "master" using the LS online then don't stand right next to people and attack (just like every other weapon): Mastery Acheived.
And if you play with melee weapon users that received super armor when attacking, make sure they start their string of combo first before you start with your spirit combo.Go with the long sword. Super easy to use and good damage. If you play with other people make sure no one is close when you do the spirit combo or if a monster is toppled go to the other side and do it.
Its annoyingness is greatly exaggerated
I struggled a bit when it lured me into area 2. An enraged Tetsucabra and tight quarters can be pretty rough. If you don't have a lot of room to get knocked back in, he can easily start combo-ing you. I gave up on fighting it in there after I noticed he was draining my recovery items and waited for it to move. At least it was a reminder to make and dung bombs to fights. Rather I learned it this way than during a multi-monster hunt.Miss Slow-pants over here. Beat Tetsucabra. Almost carted, due to a rare instance of genuine bad luck where the AI decided to only attack me right as I was getting up, but I managed to save it. Everything was fine, the fight wasn't that difficult, all things considered.
I had no idea... Get into the expedition, everything's great. No seeds. Anywhere. Not in the first area, not in the second area. Go to the third area. Ohhh, big fat Tetsucabra. I expected that and came prepared. Laying into it, Velociprey comes from behind me, but I think, "Oh, that's a big Velocipr-- Oh. Oh, dear." That ain't a Velociprey, that's a Velocidrome. I didn't know you could have two at a time in the Everwood. I didn't know that was a possibility. I don't remember it telling me that. Maybe it did and I just wasn't paying attention.
What makes you suck with it?Also trying to pick up a ranged weapon. I tried bow, but I'm a bit butt with it. And when I say a bit, I of course mean a lot. But, I'm gonna keep on trying. I have a plan for LBG sitting in the background if it doesn't work out. anyone know where I can get killer beetles?
Picked up a quest called Two Live Crew to kill a Rathalos and Rathian lol
Oh, so everyone still has to complete their own urgent quest to rank up. That's frustrating.
After putting in around 100 hours into MH3U, I was somewhat hesitant about only being able to play MH4 on 3DS, and not Wii u. So far however, having a blast! Just one question for you all:
Does anyone else feel like the 3D hurts their eyes when turned on past halfway? What's curious is that no other 3DS game has made my eyes hurt even in the slightest...
Also, I'm looking for some MonHun friends to play with if anyone's got some open slots.
Hi everyone. Monster Hunter newbie here...I was hunting the Great Jaggi last night (the very first big monster hunt) and it fled to its cave. No matter what I did it wouldn't come out again.
How do I lure it out again, please?
I struggled a bit when it lured me into area 2. An enraged Tetsucabra and tight quarters can be pretty rough. If you don't have a lot of room to get knocked back in, he can easily start combo-ing you. I gave up on fighting it in there after I noticed he was draining my recovery items and waited for it to move. At least it was a reminder to make and dung bombs to fights. Rather I learned it this way than during a multi-monster hunt.
What makes you suck with it?
Hi everyone. Monster Hunter newbie here...I was hunting the Great Jaggi last night (the very first big monster hunt) and it fled to its cave. No matter what I did it wouldn't come out again.
How do I lure it out again, please?
The cave is a shortcut he uses to get to another area. He never stays off the map, he's just somewhere else, you need to go look for it.Hi everyone. Monster Hunter newbie here...I was hunting the Great Jaggi last night (the very first big monster hunt) and it fled to its cave. No matter what I did it wouldn't come out again.
How do I lure it out again, please?
It just fled to a different area. If you throw a paintball at it before it flees you'll be able to check where it fled to on the map.
It fled to a different area, when you first see a monster throw a paintball at it to track it
The cave is a shortcut he uses to get to another area. He never stays off the map, he's just somewhere else, you need to go look for it.
Edit: slooooow.
Where can I get the Double BBQ Spit?
Yeah, it was like that in 3U for sure (never played earlier games). Everyone needs to earn it and pay the fee!
Everyone's different in regards to the 3D tolerance. What other 3DS games do you tend to play with the 3D on? Maybe it's just the quick motion?
Also, there are definitely bugs in the 3D mode, which may affect you more than I do. The drop down UI which says things like "quest completed!" or "your bag is full!" has a z-rendering of being further away, but it is being rendered on top of the item UI for example, which looks like it's close to you. That fucks with my brain every time that happens. There was also something weird regarding the map and another UI element that would be near it when on the top screen, but I haven't seen that as much. Once things get close to the camera, things also get a bit weird with clipping, camera spinning to get unstuck from the terrain and what-not. I'm not sure how much patch support Capcom gives MH games post-release, but I would love it if these sorts of fit and finish issues would be fixed. The first one I mentioned is the biggest offender to me because it happens pretty frequently.
Regardless of the issues, I still play at 80-100% on the slider. Put in 16 hours of playtime since Friday, and it's been fine. No real headaches/eye aches.
You and your weird dreams again lol
Not feeling safe having started HR. Some knocks are almost one shot without health boost.
Whats the first armor set to farm for a ls user? Just took out the frog and have just a mixed set of jaggi and the one I started with.
Well it use to be a traded thing but I don't know if that's in MH4U.
Thanks for the tips!The main thing will be to learn a particular monsters attacks, the animations, where they hit, where their body parts end up. This will help you know where you can safely position yourself, where to aim, and when you need to move.
Other things to watch out for are the monster getting tired (it will drool), and enraged (it will huff visible breath). Tired monsters pause, sometimes trip, and are generally slow. You'll have lots of opportunities to get aggressive. Conversely, you'll have different sorts of openings when it's pissed and fast.
Some monsters have things you can take advantage of to create openings. Attacking legs can trip monsters, a well timed flash or sonic bomb (like flash bombing Ketcha Wacha while it swings) will give you some free hits.
Edit: What weapon are you using?
So, yeah, this game is becoming the "RE4" of the Monster Hunter franchise for me in the sense that I didn't give a shit about the series until this release and now I have an urge to play the prequels.