Anyone up for HR1 urgent?
I am in for it First time playing MH seriously at all since I never liked the 3rdU one. Never gotten past the 3 star rank on that one. This one I love due to the new aerial approach.
Anyone up for HR1 urgent?
up to what rarity level can you trade stuff with other players?
cause i have a gore plate i don't need, and would be willing to trade it for a chilling beak. (both rarity 5.)
Only up to level 4, which intentionally only lets you give people low-level farmables and craftables. So each hunter needs to personally get all their monster carves and things for making armour and weapons!
Decided I'll grab it later this week.
am I going to have to worry about my Charm tables again? Is that a thing in 4U?
Looks like those are a pretty common jaw break part and body carve, actually.After farming Tetsucabra for his armour (just finished it), is it normal to have like 7 dignified skulls left over? They seem like they're supposed to be the rare drop...
So is there any low rank hunter left in this thread
I'm starting tonight with my friend but I also want to play with GAF .
So is there any low rank hunter left in this thread
I'm starting tonight with my friend but I also want to play with GAF .
So, I just foughtWhen and how do I do Palicoe quests? I need some new gear for them.Gore Magala on the ship.
Also, Is there a good guide that explains in depth how skills work?
So is there any low rank hunter left in this thread
I'm starting tonight with my friend but I also want to play with GAF .
So is there any low rank hunter left in this thread
I'm starting tonight with my friend but I also want to play with GAF .
So is there any low rank hunter left in this thread
I'm starting tonight with my friend but I also want to play with GAF .
Still working my way through all the newbie weapon training quests trying to decide on which one i want to focus on. I thought i was gonna go insect glaive, but i've read its not a good beginner weapon. I'm also interested in the bow, but i dont want to have to rely on aiming with the c-nub.
So I got spend basically all weekend with the game and it's really fun. Decided to stick with the Greaytword for now even though it isn't my usual forte. Even though I've spent hundreds of hours with the series I feel like I'm super behind the curve by going through all of story/offline first. Ah well, it's still lots of fun.
Also I've seen some talk of the training missions for weapons. Where does one get those? I'm in the second city and I don't recall seeing them. Might be nice to have some consequence free training with the new weapons and ones I'm rusty with.
Thinking of picking this up after work tonight. I played Monster Hunter Freedom on PSP many moons ago. I tried to play it on Wii U (MHU3), but couldn't remember how to play/what to do and ultimately gave up.
Does this game make it easier on new/returning players when the game starts out?
No, it does not matter at all. You'll [maybe] get a tail if you break off the tail (and then carve it); you'll [maybe] get an ear if you break the ear, etc.So I think I story wise, I'm about to head to the 2nd town. Was able to play online for the first time last night. Man monsters are harder.
Noob question
When you are carving the monsters, does it matter where you're cutting? Like if I carve at the tail, will I get a better chance of getting the tail? Also, I notice that sometimes I would get messages saying a monster's horn or ear has broken. Do all monsters have specific body parts that can break? If so does that affect drops?
It doesn't matter where on the monster you carve things once it's dead. The tail has to be chopped off to be carved and sticks around in the area as a separate thing for as long as the monster or its corpse is around. All the big monsters have some breakable part which gives extra rewards at the end of the quest.When you are carving the monsters, does it matter where you're cutting? Like if I carve at the tail, will I get a better chance of getting the tail? Also, I notice that sometimes I would get messages saying a monster's horn or ear has broken. Do all monsters have specific body parts that can break? If so does that affect drops?
When you are carving the monsters, does it matter where you're cutting? Like if I carve at the tail, will I get a better chance of getting the tail? Also, I notice that sometimes I would get messages saying a monster's horn or ear has broken. Do all monsters have specific body parts that can break? If so does that affect drops?
So I think I story wise, I'm about to head to the 2nd town. Was able to play online for the first time last night. Man monsters are harder.
Noob question
When you are carving the monsters, does it matter where you're cutting? Like if I carve at the tail, will I get a better chance of getting the tail? Also, I notice that sometimes I would get messages saying a monster's horn or ear has broken. Do all monsters have specific body parts that can break? If so does that affect drops?
You're pretty close to getting those quests.
Also, obtaining skills? From what I gather, you hit a threshold for a skill to obtain it (I think it's usually 10 to get the first tier). Armour skills sometimes have one skill that gets negative points, causing you to learn a skill that detriments you. For that you can equip a talisman with the positive value for that skill to negate the skill.
Just read the past few pages here can kick a trap to destroy it!?
Why did I never know this, would have save much time before! Thanks MonHunGAF!
I did some searching online but couldn't find anything so I'll try asking here...
Is there a way to share equipment between different characters on the same 3DS?
After farming Tetsucabra for his armour (just finished it), is it normal to have like 7 dignified skulls left over? They seem like they're supposed to be the rare drop...
Just read the past few pages here can kick a trap to destroy it!?
Why did I never know this, would have save much time before! Thanks MonHunGAF!
wait.. is this true??? new from this MH or since another one???
LOL, yeah it's so normal to have 7 left over. I haven't gotten a single one in 10 kills.
Is there anyone up for playing with an HR1? I'm hoping to rank up online.
Someone suggested it when another complained that you couldn't remove traps. Dunno if it's true I guess, so I dunno. Please be true lol
Is there anyone up for playing with an HR1? I'm hoping to rank up online.
I'll join you.