I'm still early in the game and only just now killed my first Great Jaggi, but that damn egg quest felt like a huge accomplishment just by itself. Apparently, this is a thing in Monster Hunter games?
Anyway, like every newcomer, I have a zillion questions:
- I'm still very early in the game. Like just killed Great Jaggi for the first time. I'm using Long Sword, which armor set should I be working towards?
- What armor skills are good for Long Sword?
- Is upgrading gear worth it at low levels, or should I save mats for just buying better pieces?
- What's the difference between Guild and Village quests?
- Do monsters always have the same progression between zones? (Like Great Jaggi moves from 6 to 4 and finally to 8? Not sure if those are the actual zone numbers, but you get the idea).
- How important is it to do sub-quests, in general?
- A lot of materials quests have a sub-quest for a specific item (like golden egg or rare mushroom). How do you get these? Do they only drop from one place or are they rare drops from nodes/beasts and you have to just keep doing it over and over?
- For general kill X number of beast quests, is there a trigger to make the beasts respawn like moving between zones and returning?
- If I need to farm for materials, can I just run out into the field or do I need to take a quest first?
- What's the little green or red book icon over my character's head in town?
- Is there an advantage to hunting online vs solo? Are monsters easier in one place or the other?
I'm stuck at work, so all I can do is think about when I'll get home and play again. Thanks for answering any questions for a MonHun newbie.
-You don't have to do the egg quest, Google MH4U key quests. Thank me later
-make whatever armor you can, in low rank it's pretty pointless to sit and farm for a full set, just go with the highest base defense and don't worry about it until high rank
-Don't know, don't worry about armor skills until high rank
-you get tons of armor spheres if that's what you're asking, but I still usually wait until high rank
-Village quests are single player, guild is multi
-generally yes, but they'll switch it up. Just pauntball them
-sub quests make it easier to get certain materials (usually because it involves breaking certain parts). You should do them, but you shouldn't hesitate on killing a monster just because you didn't do the sub quest.
-don't worry about harvest subquests
-don't know, I generally don't do them. They should have very high spawn rates though
-if it's something specific then go on a harvest tour.
-shows what type of quest you have selected
-online is generally harder, but it really doesn't matter because there are three more people. Single player will eventually get you a bunch of nice things like the bug farm and armor decorator (again, worry about armor decorations until HR)