Just did the Village 4* Urgent quest. I thought it would be the same as the demo mission, but then he started offReally threw me off guard, but I did beat him on my first run!in rage mode!
After carting twice
This god damn Gore Magala fight on HR2! What the hell. It seems literally impossible at the moment. He's just too fast and strong and my greatsword is too damn slow. Plus he's usually killing me in two decent hits. I'm using full Nerscylla armour with 119 defence and 10 dragon resistance yet his purple shit almost kills me in one hit.
It's seriously annoying me now. What am I doing wrong? I've watched videos and they seem to do the exact same as me, but when they dodge they take no damage and whenever I do he fucks my shit up anyway. Aggh.
Are you doing this solo?? Gathering Hall quests are scaled towards a multiplayer group so doing it solo would be pretty rough. Especially on a monster like Gore Magala.
Another question:
I'm at 4* Village quests, and I've yet to mount a monster (excluding the ones where you start mounted). Any tips? I've just never really figured it out. Also, does mounting do a great amount of damage or break parts, or is it not worth it?
Why did they Nerf jaggi gear? It used to be so good.
Why did they Nerf jaggi gear? It used to be so good.
We are doing HR4 urgent, 1 slot open
Room ID: 29-2402-0492-1135
Passcode: 4444
I know.Is Tetsucabra the new Jaggy armor?
This is likely just something incredibly obvious that I've just overlooked but either way I'm kind of stuck getting to the 3* village quests. Last thing I did was the 2* Seltas quest and then Expeditions opened up but the only place I can go is under repair or something at the moment and I can't enter the hall or whatever there due to my rank being too low.
What am I missing here?
Thats what I'm wearing. Easy to make too.according to Gaijin Hunter, the velocidrome set is the most popular lowbie set
Thats what I'm wearing. Easy to make too.
This god damn Gore Magala fight on HR2! What the hell. It seems literally impossible at the moment. He's just too fast and strong and my greatsword is too damn slow. Plus he's usually killing me in two decent hits. I'm using full Nerscylla armour with 119 defence and 10 dragon resistance yet his purple shit almost kills me in one hit.
It's seriously annoying me now. What am I doing wrong? I've watched videos and they seem to do the exact same as me, but when they dodge they take no damage and whenever I do he fucks my shit up anyway. Aggh.
So regarding the weapons, i can change the weapon anytime i want from the blacksmith? it wasn't like that in the demo...
Enjoying the game so far.
I cant get hides for the life of me (still havent reached the 2nd town), would probably help if I had a hunt specifically for velocidrome, instead of hoping he shows up in the expedition
So regarding the weapons, i can change the weapon anytime i want from the blacksmith? it wasn't like that in the demo...
Enjoying the game so far.
I use the insect glaive and typically mount a monster 3-5 times before it dies.
It seems like it does a ton of damage and also breaks hard to reach parts. I feel like it has got me extra loot and is super fun to do.
To mount, just hit a monster while your are airborne. After a few hits you will mount it. Luckily the glaive has a pole vault move so I can mount where/when I want.
So, I use a bowgun. What do you mean "hit a monster while you are airborne"?
Was fighting the Zamtrios for the first time and thought that it looked awesome but then it blew it up and I got carted for laughing too hard and not paying attention.
Yeah, no limitations with regard to swapping weapons. Keep in mind that Melee and Ranged weapons use different armor sets though.
Do you have a quild quest for the velocidrome at this point?
Open the menu, and go to Guild Quests, and Manage List or something like that. If you see in there a guild quest for the velocidrome, register it and you can run it multiple times. Just know that each time you complete it, you level it up and it will become slightly more difficult, but on the flip side, every couple of runs it should become rare, and you'll likely get sweet loot from the blue mining points / equipment piles.
You can embark on the guild quests from the gathering hall.
Run (or roll) off a ledge and attack in midair.
Again, I'm using a bowgun - you mean shoot in midair? Is there a button combination I should be pressing, or can bowgun users just not mount?
I used the expedition hunt that has him in it. Registered it and went thru it about 5 or 6 times and then had the full set.I cant get hides for the life of me (still havent reached the 2nd town), would probably help if I had a hunt specifically for velocidrome, instead of hoping he shows up in the expedition
Go on 2 expeditions to continue.
No. When you hit X in the air your character will smack the monster with their bowgun.
Hunter rank 2,"HR2"
I keep seeing it in this thread. What does it mean?
I keep seeing it in this thread. What does it mean?
I keep seeing it in this thread. What does it mean?
That explains why the "reload in midair" animation looks so awkward. I hadn't even noticed it doubled as a mounting maneuver!No. When you hit X in the air your character will smack the monster with their bowgun.
If your friend makes a room, you can go directly to them through the Friend List in-game.
I can't seem to get the 1.1 patch on the eshop. The "download" button is greyed out, can anyone assist?
Any EU people playing? Just ordered the new DS with the game. Newbie ;(
So regarding the weapons, i can change the weapon anytime i want from the blacksmith? it wasn't like that in the demo...
Enjoying the game so far.
Hunter Rank. Every time you do a guild hall urgent it goes up.