>Fighting frenzied rathalos and frenzied rathian
>rathian is dead
>rathalos lookin like he's weak
>haven't carted once but I'm out of potions completely
>rathalos is up in the air lookin like he be reving up a fire ball
>get on a near by ledge and leap straight at him
>Hit X
>He releases fire ball
>fall to the ground smoldering still on fire as rathalos' limp body drops in front of me
Holy shit that's officially the clutchest kill I've ever done, had I not been in range or pushed X a second later I could have died.
I love monhun stories like this, they get me so hyped to keep playing.
Something pretty cool and similar just happened, I was grinding Velocidrome for his set (pretty decent for LR imo) and I must have levelled the quest up too much, because suddenly he's tough as shit. Really fast, wiping out half my health with his big jump attack, constantly repositioning himself out of my horn's hits. FUCKING INTENSE
I'm trying to play the song of my people and he's having fucking none of it.
Eventually his crest is smashed and I can see the end in sight.
I go for a jump attack and I manage to smack him right in the gob and KO him. He gets up, very pissed, and I go for it again so I can get a mount.
We collide IN MID-AIR, Dragonball z style, I fall on my ass with a smidge of green health but I get the quest clear jingle and Gesture> Prance all the way home.
Even without mounting, ledge attacks create some really fun moments.