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Monster Hunter Generations |OT| Generation X


Hey guys, whats a good bundle of skills to focus on with SnS? Also considering a heavy bowgun, so ideas with that are appreciated!


Think I'm starting to get the hang of things, probably going to stop using Adept as I just can't take advantage of it, I get the dodge/dash thing fairly frequently, but I seem to be unable to turn after the dodge, and usually has me running away from the monster rather than towards..so I get a nice animation, but the counter attack thing seems to be wasted. Guess I'll try Aerial next.
Had my first fight with a member of the fated four: Astalos.

Overall, pretty fun fight. Not too difficult. I really like it's design, especially with the whole butterfly wings thing going on.


Its been a while since i last played mhx. But I'm pretty sure you can set your HA skill to slot 2 n 3 to utilize it with zl and zr.
You can set the art on any slot. Think you just need to change style to reset the slots then select the slot then select what arts goes on that slot. This way you can put the art on either zr or zl. Sadly the first slot have no physical button nor can be mapped, so must use touchscreen.
Edit: Nvm what i said. Think i misread some1 asking about setting the ha to buttons.


So I ended up with enough materials to forge this entire armor set without even trying. I don't even like fighting the giant blue bug thing.



Are monsters weaker in this game or are hunters stronger?

I feel they die too quick and don't post much of a threat

Hr3 here

Maybe high rank?


Why would they be weaker? Specially when hunters have never been stronger

When are those available online?

No idea.

The Arzuros, Lagombi, and Hermitaur variants are unlocked when you beat them in HR1. The Rathian variant is unlocked when you beat her in HR2. Not sure about the others.


Unconfirmed Member
Does Evade Extender work with adept evade?
Yeah. It won't change the actual adept evade itself but you still have the same active frames on the initial dodge, just over a longer distance. Still good if you want to move around quickly with heavy weapons drawn.


Are monsters weaker in this game or are hunters stronger?

I feel they die too quick and don't post much of a threat

Hr3 here

Maybe high rank?

From what I can tell they have less HP but hit a bit harder and are more difficult to mount than their 3rd and other 4th gen counterparts. It's also feels like it's easier to get stunned in this one if you get hit multiple times.


How is the bow for soloing?

I've started playing with two friends and I went full bow, but haven't killed or tried anything solo yet.

I'm rocking the tetsu gunner armor and the daimyo warbow.
Are monsters weaker in this game or are hunters stronger?

I feel they die too quick and don't post much of a threat

Hr3 here

Maybe high rank?

From what I heard some late game monsters are guild quest lvl 140 tier from MH4U.

How is the bow for soloing?

I've started playing with two friends and I went full bow, but haven't killed or tried anything solo yet.

I'm rocking the tetsu gunner armor and the daimyo warbow.

Great for village quests, shit for soloing the hub (the moment you don't have coatings your damage drops like a rock)
How is the bow for soloing?

I've started playing with two friends and I went full bow, but haven't killed or tried anything solo yet.

I'm rocking the tetsu gunner armor and the daimyo warbow.

As someone who used Bow a lot on 4U, I'd say it's good, but you need to know what areas on the monster are weakest to shot type damage and if you can hit the area reliably enough. That's the difference between a 10-15 minute quest and a 40+ minute quest. Also, bringing extra materials to combine for more coatings helps a ton. You'll also want to charge to max for the most part in order to get a damage multiplier bonus.

That said, I'm rusty with everything regarding MH. =P


Aerial Style vs Najarala

The poor thing couldn't fight back. The Verdant Hills one didn't even get a chance to limp.
Yup, Aerial style is a real saviour for Najarala. Jump, hit, mount, jump, hit, mount... feels good after him being a total bitch to me in 4U :D


Glavenous is still just as fun to dominate with adept lance as Ember Dinovaldo in X. I could fight them all day.

Are monsters weaker in this game or are hunters stronger?

I feel they die too quick and don't post much of a threat

Hr3 here

Maybe high rank?
Wait until you unlock furious monsters (or whatever they're called in English--the replacement for Frenzy monsters), they take a good 2-3 times longer to kill.


Well that sucks. Assuming it cant be patched in...ZL should've been HA1, ZR HA2, and then both together for 3.

You can work around it by putting HAs in any of the slots I believe, even in Aerial/Adept.

I really really miss the vertical-ity of 4U's maps, and the sense of scale it brings (I guess the volcanic caverns can stay in 4U, give me 3's volcano area any day). Which is funny since I hated them at first, now I miss the variety that even a simple steep slope gives to an area.


Just fought Malfestio for the first time and it really reminds me of Zamtrios, in that it has a lot of different moves. Hopefully it doesn't become a trend for the next set of monsters as it makes the fights tiring more than anything else.


More questions from a rookie!

1. The online MH fandom seems to be enamored with this boomerang Palico build, but you can take two Palicos with you if you're soloing, correct? Should the second Palico also be a boomerang build, or is there a different setup (a support build of sorts, probably) that gives a better balance?

2. The multiplayer hub town - are all the quests there the exact same as the normal solo quests? It seemed that way from a quick glance. Are there any extra benefits or rewards from doing the hub quests (other than the fun of playing with others)? Does doing the hub quests solo get you anything?

3. What is the purpose of the different towns? I went to a few of them and it seemed like the quest list was universal no matter where I want. Is it more so players have the option to spend the most time in whatever town has the atmosphere/vibe they enjoy the most?

Thanks, everyone <3


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
More questions from a rookie!

1. The online MH fandom seems to be enamored with this boomerang Palico build, but you can take two Palicos with you if you're soloing, correct? Should the second Palico also be a boomerang build, or is there a different setup (a support build of sorts, probably) that gives a better balance?

2. The multiplayer hub town - are all the quests there the exact same as the normal solo quests? It seemed that way from a quick glance. Are there any extra benefits or rewards from doing the hub quests (other than the fun of playing with others)? Does doing the hub quests solo get you anything?

3. What is the purpose of the different towns? I went to a few of them and it seemed like the quest list was universal no matter where I want. Is it more so players have the option to spend the most time in whatever town has the atmosphere/vibe they enjoy the most?

Thanks, everyone <3

1-It's really your choice because the single player content doesn't demand perfection from your Palicos

2.Not all of the quest are exactly the same in the Hunter's Hub but there are some Hunter's Hub exclusive content you can play and unlock.

3-The purpose? Mostly there for nostalgia and a great eye candy for us Hunters who have been playing the series since 2004.But Mechanics you can take requests from each town in order to unlock more quests and rewards and each town has a different bias when your recruiting for a specific Palico type.
Just fought Malfestio for the first time and it really reminds me of Zamtrios, in that it has a lot of different moves. Hopefully it doesn't become a trend for the next set of monsters as it makes the fights tiring more than anything else.
lol what More moves more fun. Malfestio is amazing!

More questions from a rookie!

1. The online MH fandom seems to be enamored with this boomerang Palico build, but you can take two Palicos with you if you're soloing, correct? Should the second Palico also be a boomerang build, or is there a different setup (a support build of sorts, probably) that gives a better balance?

2. The multiplayer hub town - are all the quests there the exact same as the normal solo quests? It seemed that way from a quick glance. Are there any extra benefits or rewards from doing the hub quests (other than the fun of playing with others)? Does doing the hub quests solo get you anything?

3. What is the purpose of the different towns? I went to a few of them and it seemed like the quest list was universal no matter where I want. Is it more so players have the option to spend the most time in whatever town has the atmosphere/vibe they enjoy the most?

Thanks, everyone <3
1. Never heard of this boomerang strategy.

2. Same goal (kill X monster) but different quests. No immediate benefits, but as you raise your HR you will unlock new maps/monsters/materials not available in the village. No benefits for soloing hub, it's pretty challenging/fun though!

3. Correct.


More questions from a rookie!

1. The online MH fandom seems to be enamored with this boomerang Palico build, but you can take two Palicos with you if you're soloing, correct? Should the second Palico also be a boomerang build, or is there a different setup (a support build of sorts, probably) that gives a better balance?

2. The multiplayer hub town - are all the quests there the exact same as the normal solo quests? It seemed that way from a quick glance. Are there any extra benefits or rewards from doing the hub quests (other than the fun of playing with others)? Does doing the hub quests solo get you anything?

3. What is the purpose of the different towns? I went to a few of them and it seemed like the quest list was universal no matter where I want. Is it more so players have the option to spend the most time in whatever town has the atmosphere/vibe they enjoy the most?

Thanks, everyone <3

1) I don't generally see much discussion on general palicoes, but the Boomerang build is the optimal build for a Prowler, which is when you yourself take control of a cat. For palicoes, they're mostly there as a distraction usually. I'm sure there are some preferred builds out there, but usually I'd just say build them around what you feel is useful for you.

2) Hub quests are different, and the monsters in them will generally be scaled for ~2 hunters (this is not exact, it could be something like 1.7x, the general modifiers vary from quest to quest). Everything in the hub can be soloed, though. And things don't change whether you're offline or online in the hub, the monsters will have the same stats if it's just you or four people. Endgame content is in the hub. Nothing special for soloing over participating in a group, though.

3) They have their own selection of NPCs that will give you requests etc, and they do have some unique things about them, for example Bherna has its moofahs, Pokke has the giant sword you can eventually mine from and Kokoto has a sword you're eventually able to obtain. There's also the nostalgia factor, as Kokoto, Pokke and Yukumo are from previous games in the series. Generations is a "celebration" of the series, so there's a lot of nostalgic stuff involved.
Really struggling to believe deviants where meant to be done at low rank.

Level 2 deviant, took almost 40 minutes! Even ignoring not getting one shot twice, that would still be around 35 minutes~

If anyone has detailed info on these guy it would be appreciated, they seem to be the first content actually balanced around multiple people, rather than 1/2.


More questions from a rookie!

1. The online MH fandom seems to be enamored with this boomerang Palico build, but you can take two Palicos with you if you're soloing, correct? Should the second Palico also be a boomerang build, or is there a different setup (a support build of sorts, probably) that gives a better balance?

2. The multiplayer hub town - are all the quests there the exact same as the normal solo quests? It seemed that way from a quick glance. Are there any extra benefits or rewards from doing the hub quests (other than the fun of playing with others)? Does doing the hub quests solo get you anything?

3. What is the purpose of the different towns? I went to a few of them and it seemed like the quest list was universal no matter where I want. Is it more so players have the option to spend the most time in whatever town has the atmosphere/vibe they enjoy the most?

Thanks, everyone <3
1. The Boomerang cat is more for playing as the Prowler than as your companions. Support Cats has free traps so that would be my recommendation, Healing Cats seems fine too.

2. Multiplayer Hub is different, solo is low rank only, with a couple of advanced high rank monsters at 6*, so essentially all the late-/endgame content is Hub only. Soloing hub quests doesn't get you anything extra in comparison to playing with others.

3. Kotoko, Pokke, and Yukomo are returning towns from previous games, so it's mostly nostalgia and picking your favourite hangout.
Hey everyone! I was just wondering a few things:

How exactly do I earn more hunter arts or upgraded versions of arts?

How exactly does the trader work? Apparently I need him for variant tickets. What else does he do?

Speaking of which, how does that Palico lady work, the one that talked about giving me companions?

Furthermore, after having played all NA releases since Tri, is there anything new about this game that I wouldn't innately know? For example, I know the upgrade system is different, yet I still don't know if I should keep leveling up the orginal weapon or branch it off into something else.

Any and all help is appreciated, thank you!

Edit: Is it just me or do weapons show true damage now? I find it weird how my strongest weapon that is getting me through HR 3 online is only 100 damage, and any elemental/status damage I've seen is below 100.

Also, if I have upgraded Tetsucabra armor and aren't really experiencing difficulties, should I try making Astalos armor? Individual Astalos pieces start at 24 defense, while my current Tetsucabra pieces are at 22. Would it make that much of a difference if I get another full set?


Hey everyone! I was just wondering a few things:

How exactly do I earn more hunter arts or upgraded versions of arts?

How exactly does the trader work? Apparently I need him for variant tickets. What else does he do?

Speaking of which, how does that Palico lady work, the one that talked about giving me companions?

Furthermore, after having played all NA releases since Tri, is there anything new about this game that I wouldn't innately know? For example, I know the upgrade system is different, yet I still don't know if I should keep leveling up the orginal weapon or branch it off into something else.

Any and all help is appreciated, thank you!

there's a dude on the far left of the starting town who teaches you arts. You can equip them from the box in your house. From time to time he seems to have a new one for me.

trader works just like the farm/boat routes in past games, you put items in, assign a cat, and it multiplies them in exchange for points. The problem is that you can only upgrade it by either progressing your HR or doing a lot of prowler quests (have to play as a cat). I got pretty far without being able to multiply honey, and only having one cart.

cat lady works like past indentured servant vendors, more or less. You can tell her to either focus on one type of cat (fighting, assist, healing etc) or search only for cats that look a certain way. The thing that's more complex in this version is all the cats have a huge array of different skills, and you can only teach them 1 additional active/passive skill respectively. So you need to constantly check her to look for an optimal cat if you're trying to do that.

Upgrade system is different but still pretty straightforward. For example you can keep leveling up the starter weapon and at each level you can either branch off into a different weapon path, or keep leveling up the base weapon. For example a level 3 iron weapon might be able to turn into a Tetsucabra or Kut-Ku weapon at that level, or you can get to level 5 and it'll give you options for a Nargacuga or Najarala weapon. I haven't looked deep into weapon trees but I probably should since good power SAs seem rare in low rank.


lol what More moves more fun. Malfestio is amazing!

Nah, I always find these monsters a lot more messy. It never really feels like you're fighting an actual monster, just another thing you need to fight. I really do like it's design and some of the things it does is refreshing but I'll pass on actually going out of my way to fight them.
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