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Monster Hunter Generations |OT| Generation X

Post a picture on Miiverse and then retrieve the pics url on the web version of Miiverse. Or you can go directly to an image hosting site like imgur and upload either screens.
I know you can do that on the Wii U. But can you do that on the N3DS too? I think I have tried it before and it didn't work.
Played a bunch of MHFU (Great Sword), MHP3rd (Hammer), and MH4U (Insect Glaive). Now I was close to falling into my IG habits but picked up the Switch Axe though I really do like both.

Interesting...here's my weapon history: -

MHF2 (Hammer)
MHFU (Hammer)
MH3U (Hammer)
MH4U (Charge Blade)
MHG (Charge Blade - Adept)


yeh. some of them are useful crap like letting you multiply fish, honey, and other mushrooms. that's in village tho. dunno if any of the guild prowler quests do anything. tbh I just want all this tedious shit over with so I can go all in with large monsters

Oh shit.

I was trying to figure this out for the longest time.


I figured out how to get the guild card award for each pet. Here's how if you're a completionist like me.

Moofy: Put him by the fireplace in your house.
Kokoto Poogie: Put him in front of the general store
Pokke Poogie: Put him in front of the general store
Yukumo Poogie: Put him in front of the giant egg


I'm surprised they put Khezu in but left out Gigginox again. It's not that I find Khezu hard, just a bit boring with waiting out his electricity charges. If it was a problem because it needs large flat ceilings to walk on, couldn't they have added the snow area from Tri instead of arctic ridge? Maybe the new height elements mean that Gigginox has been left permanently, that would be a shame. If they can include Lagi and Ludroth without their water moves, surely Gigginox would be alright without a ceiling! I thought it was just awesomely disgusting watching it spawn Giggis in Tri :)

All in all, I'm glad Ludroth and Lagi have carried forward rather than Gobul and Gigginox as the former are two of my series faves, but ol' leech-face is a cool monster too.


Man, adept makes Khezu such a cakewalk, so many easy evades you can roll into.

Their electric discharge is basically free evades now.

I'm surprised they put Khezu in but left out Gigginox again. It's not that I find Khezu hard, just a bit boring with waiting out his electricity charges. If it was a problem because it needs large flat ceilings to walk on, couldn't they have added the snow area from Tri instead of arctic ridge? Maybe the new height elements mean that Gigginox has been left permanently, that would be a shame. If they can include Lagi and Ludroth without their water moves, surely Gigginox would be alright without a ceiling! I thought it was just awesomely disgusting watching it spawn Giggis in Tri :)

All in all, I'm glad Ludroth and Lagi have carried forward rather than Gobul and Gigginox as the former are two of my series faves, but ol' leech-face is a cool monster too.

There's already caves with ceiling in both MHG and MH4U. It just about monster rotation.
It's RIDICULOUSLY good with energy charge.

But, SA has some amazing arts, which makes leaving striker behind tough.
How would you rank the styles for the Switch Axe?
My current progress isn't far enough to form a solid opinion but so far striker and aerial style seem to be first choice here in terms of simplicity and damage output. The slightly extended moveset with guild style doesn't really justify the lack of one Hunter Art except if your going for style and intend to actually use Axe Mode.


There's already caves with ceiling in both MHG and MH4U. It just about monster rotation.
Sure, but it seems a bit strange to then have a veteran monster Khezu in both icy mountain areas in MH4U and MHG while leaving out Giggi who has far less appearances.

Still, you're probably right, thanks.


Woo hoo, finally got the game last Saturday. Already roughly 40 hours in, which is insane given my lack of free time.

Loving the aerial dodge. You can roll into many attacks and still come out unscathed, then turn around and ride the monster like it's going out of style. Plus, getting a free reload out of it has finally made me appreciate (heavy) bowguns.

Feels kinda overpowered, to be honest.

Currently experimenting with the yukumo heavy bowgun since it comes with a considerable and free stock of slicing/piercing/elemental shots (long before I could possibly have a reliable ammo supply). No more fucking around with crafting and preparation, what a nice QOL improvement. ...Or was this in MH4U already?


Sure, but it seems a bit strange to then have a veteran monster Khezu in both icy mountain areas in MH4U and MHG while leaving out Giggi who has far less appearances.

Still, you're probably right, thanks.

The same could be said to Jaggis, which is also infinitely better than those dromes. Hopefully MH5G would have MHG monsters where the older, 1st and 2nd generation monsters replaced by their respective direct counterpart.


Man, adept makes Khezu such a cakewalk, so many easy evades you can roll into.

khezu was always gunner bait but adept HBG makes it just sad. You can just siege mode all day and roll out of it when he eventually gets around to spitting lightning at you.

on the opposite end of this, I finally had my first cart against Zinogre of all things. I got caught in the perfect evade reload animation while he was doing his paw slams. Will definitely bring Striker next time.

For the most part I've still been sticking to adept SA though. Finally looked up a weapon tree - the Seregios SA looks crazy good.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Switch Axe main here! Anyone got any tips on HA and styles, along with skills and weapons to look out for?

You're in luck, all of them are awesome.
Aerial more than everything else, though. Sword-mode 100% with Charge and doing aerial hits all day long.

Striker loses the long combo, but you can slot the relevant HA in place of it. Demon Riot + Charge means you can be in empowered sword mode more or less 100% of the time.


Switch Axe main here! Anyone got any tips on HA and styles, along with skills and weapons to look out for?

Aerial is the popular one but to me I feel like I'd be crazy not to use Adept. I'm practically invincible and I can stick on monsters relentlessly. The moves you lose are from axe mode...and I hardly ever use axe mode because Charge gives you near-infinite sword energy.

I could see myself switching to Guild or Striker once I have access to more armor abilities and better HAs. Charge and Demon Riot get much crazier in their higher levels. But early on, that Adept evade is too damn good. Roars in particular are just free damage now.

I forget what path I followed to make it but a while back I created an Obsidian Axe. Dragon phial, but 140 raw and huge green sharpness - I think it may have been upgraded out of the Petrified Axe? Anyways, it was massively stronger than anything else I could have gotten until 6* village. It lasted me a good long while and it's still strong where I'm at - I killed Mizutsune in ~5 minutes with it on my first try. The Petrified Axe was actually really good before then, power phial and decent raw/sharpness.

Also, Ceanataur armor was a huge gamechanger. I no longer needed to sharpen mid-battle which is great when you're trying to break parts. Sword already doesn't bounce but it burns through sharpness pretty quickly.

My next goal is going to be the Seregios SA unless someone has a better suggestion. It just seems way better than everything else and it looks like it'll be my 'power through hunter hub urgents solo' weapon.

Also really want a pierce HBG and I think Mizutsune has a good one. Considering what I did to that monster with SA I don't think it'll be hard to make.


Narga SNS get! Now time to craft the armor. I am pretty sure the LR narga armor will be a straight downgrade to the Attack up L set everyone is starting with but I need to look cool.

hearing all this stuff about sword mode is kinda making me sad since really all sword mode is just mashing vertical swings :/, I will give aerial ago tonight since that should spice up sword mode a bit. Seregios switch axe in mh4 was great for sword mode as it was just slow enough to make the sharpen effect worth it whereas it was garbage for daggers for example.


Updated the OP with a link to Desire Sensor for MH Generations: http://www.desiresensor.com/monster_set/mhgen

Useful for checking your chances on getting a drop. You can pick and choose stuff like Body Carve, Tail Carve, Shiny Drop etc. Also shows chance of success by # of hunts.
If you use this it's guaranteed you won't get the part you want while everybody else does multiple times.

Consider yourself warned

Jealous of you guys. Won't be able to pick it till I visit the states in a year or two...
Ouch! If it helps, the Canadian eshop accepts international credit cards, so if you change your country you could buy it digitally.
New to the series. What are some tips people could offer me because this seems way too difficult to play solo. Had an okay time running through some stuff with friends yesterday but doing monster hunts solo is pretty ridiculous. Still trying to get a handle on not missing 50% of the time and wrestling with the camera (I'm on a original 3DS)


New to the series. What are some tips people could offer me because this seems way too difficult to play solo. Had an okay time running through some stuff with friends yesterday but doing monster hunts solo is pretty ridiculous. Still trying to get a handle on not missing 50% of the time and wrestling with the camera (I'm on a original 3DS)
Are you using the camera lock-on tool? You shouldn't need to manually adjust the camera when fighting large creatures. When a monster notices you (a red exclamation mArk appears over its head) you can then click the one you want to target in the bottom left of the touchscreen. Now you can just centre the camera behind you and pointed towards the monster by clicking 'l'. I find it just as good as a second stick due to requiring less management and letting my right thumb concentrate on attacking, items etc. When fighting small creatures you'll still need to adjust with the dpad.

Use the training arena missions to practice this and connecting until you are happy that you can fight effectively rather than waste time running around the hunting grounds.

Try the faster weapons first if you keep missing, and don't worry too much- connecting is as much about learning the monsters as learning the controls.

When you start a hunt, the supply box will give you a hint of what to bring next time- if it has nulberries (cancel elemental debuff), the monster probably has an elemental debuff attack. Take the rations, eat one before you go to extend your stamina bar. Always take the paintballs- they aren't account items, you can keep them after the hunt if you don't use them. First aid med, rations and mini-whetstones are account items- they disappear at the end of the hunt so use them first.

When foraging, don't take stuff you won't need. You can send stuff home via the courier in the camp if you run out of space.

Lastly, organise your items and equipment. I always tab 'l' to the last page of the item chest and arrange my most used items there where new items won't fill in around them, for an at-a-glance look at what I have in stock. Otherwise new items are always placed at the first empty slot, and if you use up something it can be a pain to find it again in the late game.


Narga SNS get! Now time to craft the armor. I am pretty sure the LR narga armor will be a straight downgrade to the Attack up L set everyone is starting with but I need to look cool.

What's the name of the Narga SNS? I just killed my first but I guess I didn't get the parts as its my showing up on my list...


so ive been playing mostly online so far, decided to do some village quests the past few days, came in with my Dark Scythe and a tetsucabra set, and was asked to fight a Velocidrome, literally the battle took 1-2 minutes


The game didn't acknowledge me killing that giant T-Rex for the HR3 mushroom gathering quest. Boooooooo

New to the series. What are some tips people could offer me because this seems way too difficult to play solo. Had an okay time running through some stuff with friends yesterday but doing monster hunts solo is pretty ridiculous. Still trying to get a handle on not missing 50% of the time and wrestling with the camera (I'm on a original 3DS)
Try to eat before going on hunts for some passive bonuses. Try messing around with combining items after you've gathered a few things, the game automatically points to the possible combinations you can do so you're not wasting your time with it. Potion + Honey = Mega Potions | Stone + Sap Plant = Bomb Casing | Bomb Casing + Flash Bugs = Flash Bombs | Trap Tools + Thunder bug = Shock Trap

Most supply items won't return with you after the mission so don't hesitate to use the special items they give you in some missions.

For the most part, complete armor sets will activate special skills that range from more health, easier gathering, Mark monsters on your map as well as higher critical hit %. Skills activate when you reach 10 points in a skill. So sometimes mixing and matching armor will get you good results and this is especially true in this game since early on you can do some pretty good mix and match.

The best path to success is to be prepared and carry some handy tools that will make your life easier.

Who wants to take the bullet and use this at night while we hunt Rathians, I need a plate.
It has to be completely earnest. You can't trick it.


I opened my NA Generations new 3DS XL last night. It's so pretty. High gloss blue on the outside. Hadn't seen that in person before. Only the black and red. Definitely going ahead with a system transfer. Anyone else get one?


The game starts infuriatingly slow!

If my memory serves me right MH4U was much better in this regard. I hope I am almost done with 2 star quests but so far 90% of the quests have been boring fetch quests or kill x amount of small monsters. On top of that, when I finally get to fight a monster they are so easy that they also feel like a grind.

Correct me if I am wrong but the difficulty was quite high even on early monster in MHtri. I remember feeling intimidated by the Great Jaggi.

Now everything feels like a grind. If I did not know that an amazing games is buried somewhere below all this fluff I would have given up a long time ago.


How/Where do I go about combining items? :eek:
From your item box, or directly from your item pouch (press start then combo list) when hunting.

The combo list will show you which recipes you know, which ones you do/don't have the resources for, and what you'll need. Also if you don't know a recipe, it won't show the name but will show its ingredients so you can look for them if curious.
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