Anyone recommend some SnS sets for HR? They don't all have to be the best, as I'm interesting in picking the most "OK" sets I can find that look fabulous. I'm primarily playing with elemental weapons and am willing to build a set per element if that's still a thing.
Also, after ignoring guard for the first 40 hours, started mixing it into my SnS play. I always loved the feeling of guarding an attack as lance in monhun but thought I would take tons of damage with SnS. Turns out it's almost just as good and just as satisfying! Actually considering Guard +2... (I know evading is way better than guarding, and I've played evade styles, but I L O V E the feeling of guarding a giant monster attack).
Guarding with the sns is more of a last resort than anything. You mainly want to roll out of the way or round force shit when you have it.
For HR sets its looks like the HR glavenus is pretty good and you get a decent amount of slot to work with as well