Here is my "review" after 100 hours.
After finishing the campaign twice, once with a female character and once with a male character (I didn't like my first character and didn't want to spend money on DLC), I definitely think this is the easiest Monster Hunter game ever made. During both campaigns, I didn't fail once and I carted very few times. When the second part started, I thought the difficulty would improve a bit, but no, the game continued to be extremely easy. During this entire time, I played solo without using SOS.
Story: MH out MH
Graphics: The art direction carries the game on its shoulders, but unfortunately the game fails to achieve all the brilliance it could due to performance issues and very low-quality textures.
Exploration: In my opinion, this game handles exploration much worse than MHWorld. There is almost no reason to explore the world other than the player's own curiosity. In MHWorld, we had several quests that helped to enhance the feeling of exploring of a new world, and because we didn't have mounts, exploration was more natural, since we had to do everything on foot.
Quests: Again, in my opinion, much worse than MHWorld, where the sidequests helped to create the feeling of exploration whether it's looking for condiments to improve the canteen, to get items to improve the botanical center or the Palico gadgets, every quest helped to build this sense of exploration way better than MHwilds do.
Gamplay: This is where the game shines, but it's not without its flaws, combat is fast and dynamic, and much, much more forgiving than the combat in World was, all the weapons seem to be much more responsive, but as I said, the combat has its flaws, and many things help to trivialize the combat. I'll just mention the most OP mechanic ( imo ) in the game that trivializes the entire combat, and it's called perfect guard. Once you get the timing of the attacks, you don't need to move anymore, just block everything and that's it, you don't need to position yourself anymore, you don't need to use the superman jump anymore, you just need to hold your shield to win.
Audio: As I don't understand much about audio, I'll say that I thought what I heard was very good, however, in my opinion, the soundtrack is extremely inferior to MHWorld. To be honest, the only time the soundtrack really got me was when Anjanath's theme started playing.
Conclusion : MHwilds is an extremely good game, although extremely easy, its technical flaws make the experience leave a little to be desired with dreadful performance and PS1 levels of texture. The combat is fun and dynamic despite some mechanics completely trivializing it. The lack of more world-focused quests makes the exploration shallow, which for a new and diverse world like this is a huge flaw in my opinion, and the soundtrack fails to reach the same levels of mastery than MHworld did achieved.
score: 7.5/10