The point I'm making is that those fights didn't mean MH3 and 4 were shit or not real MH did they?
Okay.... now make *the entire game* those fights, and you've got a vastly different proposition that isn't what MH fans want.
We don't want glowy tracking trails, we want to have to learn the Monster and just know where it is and where it's going.
We don't want cinematics, we want full control over the gameplay.
We don't want stealth. Or ghillie suits.
We don't want to lose the arenas, nor the segmented arena design of the map.
I don't want dynamic weather, though unless it gets stupid I guess I wouldn't mind it.
"Signalling for help" goes completely against what I like Monster Hunter for, which is going to my friend's house with my system and hunting monsters together, all the time. This isn't Bloodborne or Dark Souls, and as a person who is a HUGE fan of those two games, this is not the series for those mechanics.
I don't like the graphics, personally -- I like the vibrant colors of MH. They can improve the graphics and lighting without resorting to bland realism. Also, strong lighting will lead to more visual noise making it harder to read the monsters -- something I'm not looking forward to.
EDIT: All this being said, I don't really care one way or the other about this game. It's a spin off, and may help grow the fanbase, but we'll still have XX, and given JP loves local multi, the mainline isn't leaving.