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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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I thought it had been established that it was in fact still made up of defined arenas, but instead of them being connected by loading screens, it's done organically (Metroid Prime snake tunnel style) by a small diving passage or having to pass through thorns or something.

Maybe let's wait until more information becomes available and some solid gameplay footage before passing judgement?

This is how they decided to reveal the game so it's what they want people to judge.

It's not like my feelings can't be changed. If the gameplay stream next week looks amazing then you'll see me singing it's praises.


meanwhile in Japan:


→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM

it seems people liked it.

Checking various blogs/sites and tweets without knowing japanese, judging by the number likes/reposts and visits, Japan seems to really like the game.


I remember playing the demo for MH3U on Wii U and not liking it at all, so maybe for newcomers it's a welcome change. I have no idea tbh :p

All I can say is that while I have no Monster Hunter titles to compare this with, as a game in general it looked like something I'd want to play.
I see it as no different to the Elder Dragon fights in MH3 and 4. Some of those were full on set pieces and didn't follow the conventional MH battle formula in the slightest, but those games were okay. The hostility to change is what's going to lead this franchise to further stagnating and ultimately dying.

If you've ever been in an MH thread, you'll know that everyone fucking hates those fights.


OK, after having my manbaby tantrum and calming down, I rewatched the trailer and I'm more interested now. Some of new features do look quite neat.

I just hope they don't deviate from the formula too much trying to chase back development costs like the usual horror stories that have happened. The fact they've got the MH4 team does fill me with some hope, just please don't make the combat brain dead easy for us filthy casual westerners.


You could read the thread.

Long story short it doesn't look like Monster Hunter.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
Videogame series that's conservative as fuck gameplay-wise breeds conservative as fuck fans.

Personally I'm excited for the evolutions to the series, will probably get it day one (same with MHXX) unless the upcoming gameplay footage turns me off.

It's another MH spinoff like MHX, except the changes here are seen as too egregious and "not" MH, whereas MHX arguably had a ton of changes as well.

They also don't like that the game evolved in certain aspects, like the grappling hook thing. Games tend to evolve over time, especially when a portable game actually gets on a console.

The only thing I really hate is the carving.

Ah, I see. I think I can understand this, as I've felt similarly about other series having radical changes in the past. It's worth remembering that change isn't always a bad thing, though. For example, Capcom's own Resident Evil franchise reinvented itself twice now, and the results of that were two of the best games in the series (RE4 and RE7). Well, as an outsider looking in, I personally think the game looks beatiful, polished, and fun. I'm excited to finally jump into Monster Hunter with this one, and it's also the closest thing I'm going to get to a Dinosaur game on PS4 (that's not an MMO), so I'm hyped, y'all.


I see it as no different to the Elder Dragon fights in MH3 and 4. Some of those were full on set pieces and didn't follow the conventional MH battle formula in the slightest, but those games were okay. The hostility to change is what's going to lead this franchise to further stagnating and ultimately dying.

That is one way of looking at it. Another way would be an appeal to a wider audience that works as trojan horse for the traditional games. Once everyone has bought into the idea of Monster Hunter, there is nothing stopping them from releasing/making Monster Hunter more in the vein of the standard releases, perhaps marrying systems in World with them. That or maybe just two seperate both traditional and World. Both can exist, there is nothing to suggest it'll cannablize the traditional games other than presumptions.


So, why are people hating on this game exactly? Like, I've never played Monster Hunter before, but I think this looks fucking amazing!?

Got duped into believing outdatted mechanics Capcom could continually copy paste, were actually REALLY good. Personally I put up with the mess to experience the music, monster and world design, plus co-op.
The game looks just like monster hunter with better graphics. I don't understand the controversy....oh...wait a second...this is GAF so controversy has to exist no matter what...
If you've ever been in an MH thread, you'll know that everyone fucking hates those fights.

The point I'm making is that those fights didn't mean MH3 and 4 were shit or not real MH did they?

That is one way of looking at it. Another way would be an appeal to a wider audience that works as trojan horse for the traditional games. Once everyone has bought into the idea of Monster Hunter, there is nothing stopping them from releasing/making Monster Hunter more in the vein of the standard releases, perhaps marrying systems in World with them. That or maybe just two seperate both traditional and World. Both can exist, there is nothing to suggest it'll cannablize the traditional games other than presumptions.

Well yeah, but either way I don't think it serves Capcom well to keep the games as they are now, especially with the current stagnation of sales in Japan. The only thing left to do is try and expand which is sensible business. The two can co-exist, but you'll all soon realise that actually, this game isn't that much of a departure from the other games in terms of it's core structure and systems anyway.
Machine guns
Bad game design (detective) vision
Open world
Mid fight cutscenes (the water washing you and the monster away)

None of that belongs in Monster Hunter.
Detective vision is actually good game design. I mean, sure if you're trying to make a game as unaccessible as possible so you can earn some kind of "so hardcore" medal then sure. But "detective modes" are becoming more and more necessary now that games are becoming so cluttered with visual detail. No better way to argue for it that the Collect-A-Frog missions in FFXV.
Also, monster hunter already has machine guns. Siege mode on heavy bow gun and rapid fire on light bow guns. Sure it controls differently, but it's not like he was zipping around whilst firing.


If you've ever been in an MH thread, you'll know that everyone fucking hates those fights.

I only put up with them since they usually net nice armor pieces for GS users, particularly the Mohran duo. The only time you can mix things up with those fights is if you're carrying noobs and they don't know how to use the Dragonator. Otherwise, you could probably do most of them blindfolded and still do pretty alright.

The point I'm making is that those fights didn't mean MH3 and 4 were shit or not real MH did they?

Well, if elements of those elder dragon fights start to become more pervasive during normal monster fights, I do think that is cause for some concern, as it adds a level of automation that takes away from the strengths of the series. They really hasn't shown enough yet to know just how big a part the zone transitions play into the flow of combat, but that just goes to show just how important their showing on the 20th has to be.


Detective vision is actually good game design. I mean, sure if you're trying to make a game as unaccessible as possible so you can earn some kind of "so hardcore" medal then sure. But "detective modes" are becoming more and more necessary now that games are becoming so cluttered with visual detail. No better way to argue for it that the Collect-A-Frog missions in FFXV.
Also, monster hunter already has machine guns. Siege mode on heavy bow gun and rapid fire on light bow guns. Sure it controls differently, but it's not like he was zipping around whilst firing.

Just vomited in my mouth a little. My monocle also fell into my champagne glass.
The game looks just like monster hunter with better graphics. I don't understand the controversy....oh...wait a second...this is GAF so controversy has to exist no matter what...

cause its not just monster hunter with ps3 level graphics and some decent lighting.

It's monster hunter with STEALTH.


The game looks just like monster hunter with better graphics. I don't understand the controversy....oh...wait a second...this is GAF so controversy has to exist no matter what...

I'm sure people said the same of Bionic Commando and DMC...

Sets timer for 5:30AM on Jun 20 in hopes that that trailer was just typical MonHun Trailer BS.
Honestly I'm not sure why people are hating on this game, because it looks great maybe? For the first time the graphics don't look like 3DS graphics but upscales into Wii-U levels of quality. Honestly only way they could do that is to leave nintendo platforms which are all underpowered anyway and can't serve Capcom's needs?

I mean it's the next step so gotta keep or get left behind. Why can't people just be happy we have a new Mon Hun game coming out that looks great and plays different?? Potential downplaying maybe????Seeing a lot of it in this thread, gotta smh

What? Come on now it's a game even though it sucks that it's leaving nintendo we should be happy it's a new monster hunter game after like forever, and on console too

Stay positive friendo :^)
You don't need to lord over me with smugness. Your platform bias is what's embarrassing in a thread where most of the discourse is about what was actually shown or not shown, presumably from people that actually care about the games and not the consoles they're on.

Man I wish the 20th would hurry up soon for some gameplay so we can put this controversy to rest.
Sweet fuck. This.
Detective vision is actually good game design. I mean, sure if you're trying to make a game as unaccessible as possible so you can earn some kind of "so hardcore" medal then sure. But "detective modes" are becoming more and more necessary now that games are becoming so cluttered with visual detail. No better way to argue for it that the Collect-A-Frog missions in FFXV.
Also, monster hunter already has machine guns. Siege mode on heavy bow gun and rapid fire on light bow guns. Sure it controls differently, but it's not like he was zipping around whilst firing.


I'm sure people said the same of Bionic Commando and DMC...

or that horrible megaman reboot


Detective vision is actually good game design. I mean, sure if you're trying to make a game as unaccessible as possible so you can earn some kind of "so hardcore" medal then sure. But "detective modes" are becoming more and more necessary now that games are becoming so cluttered with visual detail. No better way to argue for it that the Collect-A-Frog missions in FFXV.
Also, monster hunter already has machine guns. Siege mode on heavy bow gun and rapid fire on light bow guns. Sure it controls differently, but it's not like he was zipping around whilst firing.

I don't believe this game has 'detective mode'. I think they showed us the means of tracking a target, just like in the current MH, only instead of having a DOT on your minimap, you now have to track a trail.


Machine guns
Bad game design (detective) vision
Open world
Mid fight cutscenes (the water washing you and the monster away)

None of that belongs in Monster Hunter.

No, a faster firing Bowgun

Bad game design? You don't even know what activates "detective vision" - It could easily be on item use, such as Psychoserum/paintball or based on skills on gear... Like psychic before. Just a flashier version than a blob on the minimap. If it is automatic, then sure takes away a little but hardly bad.

Open world is a change that could be amazing or terrible depending on implementation

Fair point, and the only one that is concerning as taking away control is not fun. It remains to be seen if this is result of environmental effects which actually could increase interactivity if done right.

You seem to just want to hate this game without even knowing anything. I've thousands of hours of MH experience and this looks like an evolution of the formula, which hasn't changed since... Freedom. Whilst it is still successful no doubt, there is nothing wrong with trying something new which doesn't stray too far from the original design.


I thought the game looked great and, for me, was the most exciting game shown at the Sony briefing. Also thought that it looked exactly like a current gen Monster Hunter.

Frankly I'm surprised by the negative feedback in this thread.
I enjoyed inmensely the Monster Hunters in the original PSP, but even in that moment the formula was beginning te get a bit stale, I think its good at least to try to do something different of the archetypes from the PS2 era. We'll see how the game results, but at least its good to try.
The point I'm making is that those fights didn't mean MH3 and 4 were shit or not real MH did they?

Okay.... now make *the entire game* those fights, and you've got a vastly different proposition that isn't what MH fans want.

We don't want glowy tracking trails, we want to have to learn the Monster and just know where it is and where it's going.

We don't want cinematics, we want full control over the gameplay.

We don't want stealth. Or ghillie suits.

We don't want to lose the arenas, nor the segmented arena design of the map.

I don't want dynamic weather, though unless it gets stupid I guess I wouldn't mind it.

"Signalling for help" goes completely against what I like Monster Hunter for, which is going to my friend's house with my system and hunting monsters together, all the time. This isn't Bloodborne or Dark Souls, and as a person who is a HUGE fan of those two games, this is not the series for those mechanics.

I don't like the graphics, personally -- I like the vibrant colors of MH. They can improve the graphics and lighting without resorting to bland realism. Also, strong lighting will lead to more visual noise making it harder to read the monsters -- something I'm not looking forward to.

EDIT: All this being said, I don't really care one way or the other about this game. It's a spin off, and may help grow the fanbase, but we'll still have XX, and given JP loves local multi, the mainline isn't leaving.


Man I wish the 20th would hurry up soon for some gameplay so we can put this controversy to rest.


Although I really wish Capcom had just shown an example of the basic gameplay loop in a demo after the trailer instead of waiting a week for no good reason.
Eh, you can't get everyone happy. As for me, baring the detective vision everything looked good to me. So I'll be there day one and can't wait for more gameplay.
Game looks great so far. Capcom hasn't had much luck when they intentionally try to appeal to Western audiences, but hopefully, this bucks the trend.

Sadly, it's going to be my least played MonHun in years simply because it's not portable, but if it's good, I'll still be there Day 1.


Okay.... now make *the entire game* those fights, and you've got a vastly different proposition that isn't what MH fans want.

We don't want glowy tracking trails, we want to have to learn the Monster and just know where it is and where it's going.

We don't want cinematics, we want full control over the gameplay.

We don't want stealth. Or ghillie suits.

We don't want to lose the arenas, nor the segmented arena design of the map.

I don't want dynamic weather, though unless it gets stupid I guess I wouldn't mind it.

"Signalling for help" goes completely against what I like Monster Hunter for, which is going to my friend's house with my system and hunting monsters together, all the time. This isn't Bloodborne or Dark Souls, and as a person who is a HUGE fan of those two games, this is not the series for those mechanics.

I don't like the graphics, personally -- I like the vibrant colors of MH. They can improve the graphics and lighting without resorting to bland realism. Also, strong lighting will lead to more visual noise making it harder to read the monsters -- something I'm not looking forward to.

You need to learn to speak for yourself, friend.

Game looks great so far. Capcom hasn't had much luck when they intentionally try to appeal to Western audiences, but hopefully, this bucks the trend.

Sadly, it's going to be my least played MonHun in years simply because it's not portable, but if it's good, I'll still be there Day 1.

That's why Vita means life tho


You could read the thread.

Long story short it doesn't look like Monster Hunter.
Visually it looks like a proper Monster Hunter 2. We're no longer using PS2-era assets, huzzah.

Gameplay wise we'll have to see but the combat looks good, the lack of zone changes seems monumental, and the grappling hook looks amazing.
Okay.... now make *the entire game* those fights, and you've got a vastly different proposition that isn't what MH fans want.

We don't want glowy tracking trails, we want to have to learn the Monster and just know where it is and where it's going.

We don't want cinematics, we want full control over the gameplay.

We don't want stealth. Or ghillie suits.

We don't want to lose the arenas, nor the segmented arena design of the map.

I don't want dynamic weather, though unless it gets stupid I guess I wouldn't mind it.

"Signalling for help" goes completely against what I like Monster Hunter for, which is going to my friend's house with my system and hunting monsters together, all the time. This isn't Bloodborne or Dark Souls, and as a person who is a HUGE fan of those two games, this is not the series for those mechanics.

I don't like the graphics, personally -- I like the vibrant colors of MH. They can improve the graphics and lighting without resorting to bland realism. Also, strong lighting will lead to more visual noise making it harder to read the monsters -- something I'm not looking forward to.

Who's we? I'm a huge MH fan and you don't speak for me. I wish you people would stop this shit, it's embarrassing. I get it, you hate what you saw, now stop trying to project your biases and salt onto others as if it's a universal sentiment.
Okay.... now make *the entire game* those fights, and you've got a vastly different proposition that isn't what MH fans want.

We don't want glowy tracking trails, we want to have to learn the Monster and just know where it is and where it's going.

We don't want cinematics, we want full control over the gameplay.

We don't want stealth. Or ghillie suits.

We don't want to lose the arenas, nor the segmented arena design of the map.

I don't want dynamic weather, though unless it gets stupid I guess I wouldn't mind it.

"Signalling for help" goes completely against what I like Monster Hunter for, which is going to my friend's house with my system and hunting monsters together, all the time. This isn't Bloodborne or Dark Souls, and as a person who is a HUGE fan of those two games, this is not the series for those mechanics.

I don't like the graphics, personally -- I like the vibrant colors of MH. They can improve the graphics and lighting without resorting to bland realism. Also, strong lighting will lead to more visual noise making it harder to read the monsters -- something I'm not looking forward to.

EDIT: All this being said, I don't really care one way or the other about this game. It's a spin off, and may help grow the fanbase, but we'll still have XX, and given JP loves local multi, the mainline isn't leaving.



Well yeah, but either way I don't think it serves Capcom well to keep the games as they are now, especially with the current stagnation of sales in Japan. The only thing left to do is try and expand which is sensible business. The two can co-exist, but you'll all soon realise that actually, this game isn't that much of a departure from the other games in terms of it's core structure and systems anyway.

That it's not much of a departure makes the ire for this all the more odd. I agree the series has hit kind of a plateau though, but the experimentation is already sort of happening with the cross games (not too fond of those myself). Looking forward to finding out more on the 20th though.
Honestly, I can understad some hardcore fans from the games to resist to change, ok, but the zoning? Its a memory limitation from the prehistoric era more or less implemented in terms of gameplay.
I really like everything we've seen so far, but I'm weary of the combat. MH combat is my absolute favorite and I would be sad to see it changed. I really liked how so far it seems to reign in the anime flashy moves MH was creeping toward to, especially Generations. It seems to go back to the MH1 roots setting.


Checking various blogs/sites and tweets without knowing japanese, judging by the number likes/reposts and visits, Japan seems to really like the game.
Yeah most Japanese tweets I've come across today praised the graphic and immersion. Some even pointed out Japaneses are actually more excited about this news than the western, which seems to be true judging from the negativity in this thread.
I don't believe this game has 'detective mode'. I think they showed us the means of tracking a target, just like in the current MH, only instead of having a DOT on your minimap, you now have to track a trail.
I wasn't talking about Monster Hunter specifically, just addressing his mislabeling of an accessibility tool as bad game design.
Who's we? I'm a huge MH fan and you don't speak for me. I wish you people would stop this shit, it's embarrassing. I get it, you hate what you saw, now stop trying to project your biases and salt onto others as if it's a universal sentiment.

"We" refers to the people who aren't excited for this.

Honestly, I can understad some hardcore fans from the games to resist to change, ok, but the zoning? Its a memory limitation from the prehistoric era more or less implemented in terms of gameplay.

And it happens to be a big part of how the gameplay goes too. Just because something was designed around a limitation, doesn't mean it's bad. That's why we still have 2D games -- people enjoy the game design that came about as a result of the limitation of only being able to work on a 2D plane.
Who's we? I'm a huge MH fan and you don't speak for me. I wish you people would stop this shit, it's embarrassing. I get it, you hate what you saw, now stop trying to project your biases and salt onto others as if it's a universal sentiment.

Yep I'm with you. Huge MH fan and agree people should stop crying "we don't want this". To me MH was up for a revamp, the formula was getting old and the game was looking ancient. I'm happy they are at least trying something new so let's wait and see.


Detective vision is actually good game design. I mean, sure if you're trying to make a game as unaccessible as possible so you can earn some kind of "so hardcore" medal then sure. But "detective modes" are becoming more and more necessary now that games are becoming so cluttered with visual detail. No better way to argue for it that the Collect-A-Frog missions in FFXV.
Also, monster hunter already has machine guns. Siege mode on heavy bow gun and rapid fire on light bow guns. Sure it controls differently, but it's not like he was zipping around whilst firing.
No, detective vision is not good game design and in many instances is god awful. It's a bandaid.
But we have no idea how it will even work in this game and if it even is 'detective vision'.
Yeah most Japanese tweets I've come across today praised the graphic and immersion. Some even pointed out Japaneses are actually more excited about this news than western, which seems to be true judging from the negativity in this thread.
Never assume NeoGAF is representative for anything, lol.
excited to see more on the 20th, i hope some of the hate is extinguished when we see more. either way it looks better than other non mh hunting titles and its not mainline in its own series so i dont see the harm. the color and style is gone but well probably get that back in future iterations when they are used to building at such scales.


Same here,i've played the first game for ps2 though.
I guess MH veterans can see something that we can't.

More like the opposite. MH is a completely stagnant series, so fans of multiple super-samey iterations become allergic to anything that actually progresses the series. I would have said "change is scary", but I don't even see fundamental change in the trailer. It's Monster Hunter, but not restricted by bad tech anymore. I played tons of MH and boy, that series was getting staaaaale and this trailer looks exactly what was needed.


Till I'm convinced otherwise I'll think of this as what Bloodborne did with the Souls formula. Simplify some things, introduce some new things, but overall the core stays the same.
No, a faster firing Bowgun

Bad game design? You don't even know what activates "detective vision" - It could easily be on item use, such as Psychoserum/paintball or based on skills on gear... Like psychic before. Just a flashier version than a blob on the minimap. If it is automatic, then sure takes away a little but hardly bad.

Open world is a change that could be amazing or terrible depending on implementation

Fair point, and the only one that is concerning as taking away control is not fun. It remains to be seen if this is result of environmental effects which actually could increase interactivity if done right.

You seem to just want to hate this game without even knowing anything. I've thousands of hours of MH experience and this looks like an evolution of the formula, which hasn't changed since... Freedom. Whilst it is still successful no doubt, there is nothing wrong with trying something new which doesn't stray too far from the original design.


The Actiony trailer reminds me of Uncharted. I dont think Im supposed to be getting uncharted vibes from my hunting game
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