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Movies you've seen more than once...

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in the theater. Just curious, post the # of times you've seen it also. here's mine:

x-men: 3 times
lotr two towers: 2 times
spider-man 2:2
titanic:2 (uh, one was for a school field trip.)


well not really...yet
Most for me is probably Jurassic Park. Saw it at least ten times in theatres.


I saw Jurrasic Park 9 times in theaters, it was awesome. I saw the original Matrix about 6 times.

Thats my two big ones, Ive seen ALOT of movies 2 or 3 times though. Its pretty much a monthly thing for me because I admittedly have no life and all I do it go see movies. Haha.


Off the top of my head:

Titanic: 3 times (2 not by choice)
The Fifth Element: 3
Blade: 2
Jurassic Park: 2
The Phantom Menace: 2


I couldnt even list it.. it'd be way too long. So far this year though:

The Passion of the Christ - 2x
Kill Bill Vol. 2 - 2x
Shrek 2 - 3x
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 2x
Dodgeball - 4x
Napoleon Dynamite - 2x
Spider-Man 2 - 2x


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 2
Terminator 2 - 3
Jurassic Park - 3
Pulp Fiction - 2
Forrest Gump - 2
Apollo 13 - 2
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - 2
Fellowship of the Ring - 4
The Two Towers - 2
Return of the King - 4
Kill Bill vol. 1 - 2
Kill Bill vol. 2 - 2

There are others, but that's all I can remember at the moment.


I've seen...

I Spy - more times than I can remember
Shanghai noon/knights - 2 times a piece
Lord of the Ring: ROTK - 3
Star Trek First Contact - 2 Star Trek Nemesis - 2
Star Wars Episode 1 - 3
Snatch - 2

I've seen a certain porn film over and over again too.


I saw Fellowship of the Ring probably 4 times in the theatre. Other than that, there's a bunch I've seen twice.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
As a general rule of thumb, if I really like a movie I always see it at least twice. Some notable viewings:

Kill Bill Vol 1 - 2 times
Kill Bill Vol 2 - 2 times
Last Samurai - 2 times
Spider-Man 2 - 2 times
Eternal Sunshine - 3 times
LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring: 5 times
LOTR: Two Towers: 5 times
LOTR: Return of the King: 7 times



hmmm lets see if I can remember:

Spider-man 2: 2x
Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban: 2x
Return of the King: 2x
Titanic: 2x
The Goonies: 10x ( I was a kid, and movie were like $2 a show back then for matinees)

I cant remember any others.


Titanic: 3 times
Man in the Iron Mask: 2 times
Return of the King: 3 times

Probably some others but I cannot for the life of me remember


Matrix: 4 times
Matrix Reloaded: 5 times
Private Ryan: 3 times

I don't think I've seen any other movies in the theater more than twice..


Scary Euro Man
Only one I can remember seeing more than once is Dogma (twice, I believe) though I'm sure there are a couple of others.


Oh, I can tell you about a movie I didn't like the first time yet somehow ended up seeing in the theatre *3* times in like a week and a half. I was in HS, and with my first real gf I somehow ended up seeing this movie with her, then with her and some mutual friends, and then with her and her sister at the local theatre for some dumb reason.

Hah it's funny now because neither of us liked the movie at all.

Also, I saw 'Death Becomes Her' twice in 3 days while going on a first date with some girl and then going out with another couple. Hated that damn movie.
There are so many movies I've seen multiple times, but I'd say the one I've seen the most is Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Kahn. Probably the most over-played movie ever.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Casper 2x
TTT 3x
Dawn of the Dead 2x
Dodgerball 2x
Starwars TPM 2x

Prolly a few more but those are the ones I can remember.
Surprisingly, compared to most here, I've only seen 2 movies multiple times at a theater:

Beauty and the Beast 2x (1 of which was a class trip)
Batman Returns 2x

I don't go to theaters to see movies very often. I like(d) seeing them on DVD, VHS (before DVD obviously) and TV. I might have seen 20 movies in theaters in my life (I'm 23 yoa).


Well, you have movies like the original Star Wars Trilogy, Lord of the Rings, and Indiana Jones series which I've seen more than a couple times each.

Terminator 2, three times.


I just remembered.

I saw both Total Recall and Die Hard 2 in the theater twice in a row.

I just turned right around and bought another ticket.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Way too many. I did this a lot when I was younger, I've almost completely cut down except for films that are truly special and benefit from the big screen experience. Ticket prices are too damned high, I'll just wait 4-5 months and buy the DVD.

The Lion King x2
The Lost World: Jurassic Park 2 x2
Independence Day x2
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace x5
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones x3
LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring x2
The Matrix Reloaded x2
Heartbreakers x2 (solely for dating purposes)
The Mexican x2 (ditto...)
Kill Bill Vol 1 x2
Shrek x2
Star Wars: A New Hope: Special Edition x2
Mission: Impossible 2 x2
X-Men x2
AI: Artificial Intelligence x2
Old School x2
Men in Black x2

Something like that. Far too many if you ask me.
SW: Phantom Menace: 8x(4x in one day)
ST: Nemesis: 3x(all opening day)
ST: First Contact: 2x
LotR: Fellowship of the Ring: 2x

that's all I can think of off the top of my head.


Spice World: 2 (unfortunetly, walked out 2nd time thanks to friend not liking it)...

Star Wars:

The Phantom Menace: 3 I remember, maybe 4
Attack of the Clones: 3 for sure... (maybe 4?)


Shrek: 3 (4 if you count cheap student ticket at college theatre, not movie theatre BTW, but it had hit dollar theatres by that time)
Tomb Raider: 2

Elf: Twice for sure... (once in 03, once in 04)...

2004 summer:

The Day After Tomorrow: 2
Shrek 2: 2

edit: Matrix reloaded I saw twice, once in regular theatres, once months later also paying a dollar at college showing, it wasn't playing in theatres anymore...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Snatch I have seen a bunch of times...Pulp Fiction also.

Star Wars 4,5,6 maybe between the 3 I have seen them over 100 times... loved them when I was a kid.

ummm there are more... but those are the biggest offenders on my list
Blackace said:
Star Wars 4,5,6 maybe between the 3 I have seen them over 100 times... loved them when I was a kid.
You've either spent thousands of dollars watching Star Wars in movie theatres or your reading comprehension is terrible! Hooray!

As for me, only one I can think of off the top of my head is Matrix Reloaded. I pretty much never see movies in theatre more than once.
I've seen a few movies twice in theaters. Only one I can put claim to in this thread is

The Lion King: 32 times.

Half of those were for free, the other half were half price :)


being watched
Your not a fan of ALIENS until you've seen it at least 40 times.

Bladerunner about 10. Alien 12..15. The Thing 15 times.

The greats you can watch again and again. :D

God bless VHS/DVD mind you.

Most I saw a movie in cinema was Terminator 2 which was 4 times.


Kill Bill Volume 1: 4 times
Kill Bill Volume 2: 4 times

the only movie I've ever seen more than once in theaters.


insert blank space here
Spiderman 1: 2
Spiderman 2: 3
Titanic: 4
Jurassic Park: 2
Matrix Revolutions: 2

O yeah and Lion King... probably around 10 times... one of the best movies ever :p lol


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Mike Works said:
You've either spent thousands of dollars watching Star Wars in movie theatres or your reading comprehension is terrible! Hooray!

As for me, only one I can think of off the top of my head is Matrix Reloaded. I pretty much never see movies in theatre more than once.

Must be the latter... I just read the thread title and went with it... oh well still have seen Star Wars a lot times!


Star Wars Episode I - 5 times
Star Wars Episode II - 5 times
Star Wars Episode IV-VI SE - 2 times each
Spider-Man - 2 times
Spider-Man 2 - 3 times
X-Men 2 - 2 times
Matrix Reloaded - 2 times
Matrix - 2 times
Saving Private Ryan - 2 times
Gladiator - 3 times
Shrek - 2 times
Batman - 2 times

That's all I can remember. I've seen many many others countless times on DVD. Hmm... I think It's time to start a new thread...


Pulp Fiction--3x
LOTR 1--2x
LOTR 2--2x
AI: Artificial Intelligence--2x
The Fifth Element--2x


Kung pow 10+x
Dude! Where's my car 3x
Jay and Silent Bob strike back 10+x
South Park 20+x
Gen X Cops 10+x
Fist of Legend 8x
Iron Monkey 4x
Fast and the Furious 7x
2 fast 2 Furious 4x
Time and Tide 6x
Conan the Destroyer 10+x
Red Sonja 10+x
Cowboy Bebop 3x
Robocop 7x



I watch that movie every time it's on...and that's at least three times a year, so I've probably seen it more than 15 times.

Who frames roger rabbit

As a kid I adored this movie, I would watch it two times a day in the weekends and at least three times from monday to friday. This went on for a year or so...man...it's just crazy if you think about it.

some other movies I watch a lot:

gladiator, face-off, jurassic park, pulp fiction, reservoir dogs, from dusk till dawn, akira, american beauty, and the list goes on...


Hang out with Steve.
I've seen so many movies twice I couldn't list them if I tried.

Movies I've seen the most times, though:

Star Wars: A New Hope: 14x in 1977, 12x in first re-release, 2x in Special Edition release
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: 8x in 1980, 2 or 3x in Special Edition
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: 6x in 1983, 2x Special Edition
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace: 13x (yeah, I know, I know)
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: 3x
Gladiator: 4x

Um, that's all I can recall right now.

Also remember this is IN THEATERS. Add video tape viewing and the list grows much longer.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Kill Bill (Vol. 1)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Matrix (I think; one of these I had the theatre to myself)

All of the above I've seen twice, though I'm probably missing some. I don't go to the theatres very often and I see a movie twice much less (usually once by myself or with friends and once with my family).


Star Wars movies:
Episode 4: 3 (includes both versions)
Episode 5: 3 (inculdes both versions)
Episode 6: 2 (yadda yadda yadda)
Episode 1: 2 (first time I was sitting front row and couldn't see shit)

Titanic: 2
Trainspotting: 2
Shrek 2: 2
Forrest Gump: 2

I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I know for certain.

EDIT: BTW, I'm sure one of my friends has most beat on the original Star Wars trilogy. For a while he was going every day during the rerelease. That's why I've seen Star Wars and Empire more than twice (in the theatre). Saw them each once and then went for a three-movie marathon day with him. It was insane.



Wow. I won't say how many times, because I can't necessarily remember.

Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill 1
Jay And silent Bob Strike back
Star wars-all of them
American Beauty
Army of Darkness
Harry potter 3
Jurassic park

In fact i'll stop here, way too many.


The only movie I've seen more than once in a theater is The Phantom Menace. If I like a movie and want to see it again, it's a better value to just buy it when it comes out on DVD, than spenidng the money to see it in a theater again.


when i was a kid i must of watched ninja turtles 12 times and the first batman 6. its all about the ninja turtles!!


Braveheart: 3 times
Bulworth: 3 times
Fear and loathing in las vegas: 2 times
Vanilla Sky: 2 times
American History X: 2 times
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