With Netflix finally adding the Rambo movies, i wanted to see II and III. I've seen First Blood before, and I watched it again yesterday. It's an action movie, but it's also about how poorly we treated our Vietnam vets. John Rambo is a decorated Green Beret who got the Medal of Honor, then came back to a country that treated him like dirt. On top of that, he has PTSD (something that really only seems to affect him in the first movie), and all the members of his old unit (save Col. Trautman) are dead. When the police of Hope, Washington harass and abuse him, he snaps, runs off, and only the Colonel can stop this killing machine. This is a good movie and certainly worth watching. The sequels evidently have tossed out that message in favor of more action, which is why my dad only likes First Blood. However, I wanted to see the sequels for myself, which I did today.
Rambo: First Blood Part II. So Rambo is bailed out of prison and sent back to 'Nam to find POWs. I would ask why you're sending such a bent-out-of-shape guy like Rambo back to the hellhole he came from, but again, the PTSD doesn't matter here, but what does matter is that he's going back for POWs to show that our MIA soldiers aren't forgotten. This is an action movie, and the action is great, Rambo killing several people on a boat in seconds. What I don't get is how after being tortured for who knows how long, he's able to get the energy and strength to escape his captors, rescue everyone, and turn the village upside-down. Then there's the last line of "We want a country that loves us as much as we love it." which goes back to the first movie, but here it feels tacked on. Still, a good movie overall[/b]
Rambo III. I'm going to ignore the retrospectively awkward "Dedicated to the Mujahadeen fighters/gallant fighters of Afghanistan". After all, this is 1986, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So we're becoming more topical, more explosive, and more over-the-top action-y. However, I feel this movie shouldn't have existed. Not only is John Rambo out of the Army, and did his job to rescue the POWs, but he's not even living in the United States anymore. Why are they coming to him to ask about the Afghanistan mission? Is there absolutely no one else they can turn to? It's like in the Star Trek movies, they have to justify sending the Enterprise on these missions because "they're the only ship in the quadrant". It's not even really his war. He's just trying to make a good life for himself. The only reason he's in this is because Trautman got captured. So we got another rescue mission, another "So you want to test my strength? Good." line, and more exploding-tip arrows, because a former Green Beret regularly does archery in warfare. It's cheesier than Part II, but overall, I say skip it.
In other news, I've become addicted to Letterboxd, and I currently use it alongside Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB. Add me if you haven't, I've seen nearly 1,000 movies and theatrical shorts (including Looney Tunes and Disney cartoons).
So how's Rambo IV?