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MSNBC Host: Sarah Palin would be "outstanding candidate" to have her mouth shat in

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I didn't see the Palin clip, and I don't like her very much at all, but the analogy of debt and being enslaved is common and pre-dates slavery in the US (pre-dates this country's existence entirely).

Now, if she said explicitly that she was comparing debt to the actual slave experience of african americans, then that's dumb. But if not, people shouldn't be so quick to punce just because she said slavery.

Shouldn't she be comparing it to indentured servitude instead of slavery, if anything?

And she trying to compare slavery to a national debt, which to me isn't really comparable, even is she is trying wrongly to bunch up personal and national debt as the same thing as well.

She's not making sense.
Someone says a person should take a shit in someone elses mouth and NeoGAF applauds. I'm am definitely not a fan of Palin. But you show once again that your supposed "tolerance" is a joke.

There shouldn't be tolerance for ignorant, uninformed opinions. Not for the sake of "balance". If you keep meeting people in the middle while they keep moving right, you're going to end up pretty far off center.

It would have been more professional if he'd left it at "her opinion is laughable because real slavery was like this", but I'm not going to pretend that the barb at the end completely erases the point he was making.


I know this clown is so god damn annoying. Each post he ends with that stupid GIF. I hate gimmick posters especially unfunny ones.

Niece, I'd rather be a gimmick poster than a victim blamer.



Someone says a person should take a shit in someone elses mouth and NeoGAF applauds. I'm am definitely not a fan of Palin. But you show once again that your supposed "tolerance" is a joke.

Palin is an awful person, and not just because she's republican. People like her don't deserve tolerance.


The double standard on this forum is hilarious.

I guarantee that if a Republican said this about a Democrat, you guys would go bat-shit crazy.
I can guarantee you that if this was said about Anthony Weiner, nobody here would care. Acceptable targets are acceptable targets.


The double standard on this forum is hilarious.

I guarantee that if a Republican said this about a Democrat, you guys would go bat-shit crazy.

hold on to that double standard. If it increases in value, maybe you can use it to get a discount on a PS4.

Republicans have said tons of crazy shit, and I mean the politicians, not even to mention the pundits who get paid to say crazy shit for ratings. And depending on who says it determines who is bound to give a shit. And without the usual partisan arguments and recitals of past offenses, I have trouble believing even that would make it past page 4, (50ppp master race.)


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The double standard on this forum is hilarious.

I guarantee that if a Republican said this about a Democrat, you guys would go bat-shit crazy.
When that actually happens, and said hypothetical Democrat is anywhere near as vile as Sarah Palin is, let me know.
The double standard on this forum is hilarious.

I guarantee that if a Republican said this about a Democrat, you guys would go bat-shit crazy.

We see what we want to see. There are plenty of people on the Dems side who deserve disrespectful jokes, there's practically a sub-genre of humour dedicated to Clinton's philandering or Ted Kennedy's alcoholism.

Edit: and of course Carlos Danger, how could I forget him?


Rodent Whores
The state of our political discourse is pathetic. Even a British accent doesn't help make it sound any more sophisticated.

fake edit: lol he apologized. Just own it, buddy.

“Last Friday, on this broadcast,” bashir said, “I made some comments which were deeply offensive and directed at Governor Sarah Palin. I wanted to take this opportunity to say sorry to Mrs. Palin, and to also offer an unreserved apology to her friends and family, her supporters, our viewers, and anyone who may have heard what I said. My words were wholly unacceptable. They were neither accurate, nor fair. They were unworthy of anyone who would claim to have an interest in politics, and they have brought shame upon my friends and colleagues at this network, none of whom were responsible for the things that I said.”

“In the battle of ideas, America leads the world in whole-hearted discussions and disagreements,” he continued, “and these arguments can be heard on a daily basis. But what I did on Friday had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with that great tradition, and I am deeply sorry. Upon reflection, I so wish that I had been more thoughtful, more considerate, more compassionate. but I was not. And what I said is now a matter of public record.”

“But if I could add something to the public record,” Bashir added, “it would be this: That I deeply regret what I said, and that I have learned a sober lesson in these last few days. That the politics of vitriol and destruction is a miserable place to be, and a miserable person to become. And I promise that I will take the opportunity to learn from this experience. My hope is that it will renew in me a spirit of humility and humanity, that looks for the good and that builds upon the great things that this country has to offer to all of us, regardless of our political persuasion. This will be my guiding light and compass in the days ahead. But once again, I am truly sorry for what I said on Friday.”
I don't see Palin defense, I see statements that they wish dems would not lower themselves to shitty discourse in order to dismiss her.

Wanting the discourse to be better is not in defense of shitty republicans.
First you should watch the clip. She clearly is talking about slavery in the US.
Second, a country with national debt is IN NO WAY similar to indentured servitude of pretty much every time period.

The analogy is still terrible and doesnt make any sense.
Haha somehow it flew over my head that she was talking about the national debt... this is just dumb then. Personal debt =/= national debt.

I don't see Palin defense, I see statements that they wish dems would not lower themselves to shitty discourse in order to dismiss her.

Wanting the discourse to be better is not in defense of shitty republicans.

While I agree that elevating the discourse is a noble goal, I think boiling Bashir's commentary down to "I wanna take a dump in Palin's mouth" makes it seem worse than it actually was. His point was that maybe some people need to be reminded of how horrendous slavery can be before they use it as a catch all for hyperbole. It's like saying that someone should see what being locked up, beaten and starved half to death in a concentration camp is like before saying that Obamacare is as bad as Nazism.
I don't see Palin defense, I see statements that they wish dems would not lower themselves to shitty discourse in order to dismiss her.

Wanting the discourse to be better is not in defense of shitty republicans.


She's irrelevant to actual policy. She just making paper doing the speaking circuit and selling books. Ain't y'all seen that episode of boondocks with ann coultier? Same shit. She just about money.
If punditry is at least sticking to the facts, then I am ok with it. Better than the current media landscape where every view point is equally valid, no matter how factually incorrect.

The problem is punditry is extremely selective in which facts they choose to discuss. Add a ton of hyperbole to their message and it's just a mess.

Yes, Sarah Palin said something dumb. News @ 11. My question is why give a fuck about what Palin says?

boiled goose

good with gravy
The problem is punditry is extremely selective in which facts they choose to discuss. Add a ton of hyperbole to their message and it's just a mess.

Yes, Sarah Palin said something dumb. News @ 11. My question is why give a fuck about what Palin says?

About half the country was ok with her being the VP of the most powerful nation in the history of this planet.

Not saying we should listen, but paying attention is informative.


Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, and Michele Bachmann all need to like to receive a large dose of chocolate fudge pudding
in their mouth.
The way they fear monger to the masses, and pretend to be in favor of women's rights, while at the same time doing everything in their power to oppress and do the opposite is crazy.
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