I was more impressed by the Gamecube, Xbox and Dreamcast before it. But GC and Xbox had an extra 18 months of new tech to put in their systems to make them more powerful. By the end of the gen, the PS2 just couldnt keep up with the xbox. No doom 3, half life 2 ports, and RE4 looked rough compared to the sublime GC original.
Those early gen games like Tekken Tag, Dead or Alive 2, SSX, MGS2, DmC, and Madden were just awe-inspiring. The rest of the gen felt like it was on life support. Simply wasnt able to keep up with larger more ambitious games. SOTC was running at like 15 fps. San Andreas looked like dog shit. MGS3 was a big downgrade from MGS2 and groznigrad ran at 15 fps too. I ended that gen being thoroughly disappointed by the performance especially since my friend was playing some games at like 720p on his xbox.