This OP is everything I hate about ignorant tourists' complaints about food rolled into one.
I've met so many people who have been to Europe and have moaned about how Europeans don't eat normally for breakfast/lunch/dinner, and how it's so unhealthy. Hotel/hostel/restaurant/cafe offerings do not resemble what you will find in a typical daily European diet by any means.
For breakfast, most Europeans eat roughly the same as what you eat back in America, except with less sugar/syrup/bacon. Cereal, oats, bread/toast/pastry, and the occasional fry-up, for instance.
If you want to eat like a "normal" European for meals outside of breakfast, go to a grocery store (you might have to drive a bit to reach it... just like you have to back in America) to buy your own ingredients to cook with, then prepare one of the many thousands of European dishes back in your kitchen.
A little off topic perhaps, but I wonder if hotel food breakfasts are typically much larger and carb-stuffed than usual to give you energy for your day of sight-seeing?