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My Confession: I'm scurred of the PSP!



First let me state that I'm an Ex-Nintendo fan. I traded in my Gamecube earlier this year for an Xbox and couldn't be more happier with it. The Gamecube just didn't have any games I was really interested in. Especially after the huge disapointments that Sunshine and Wind Waker were. I still own an SP though, and grew up on Nintendo systems. I've never owned a PS1 or PS2(because of blind fan boyism I'll admit it). And I seriously think if Nintendo doesn't get it's act together, that not only it's console business will be dominated by Sony but so will the portable market! I would hate to see Nintendo to go the way of Sega, but really they only have themselves to blame for being so arrogant and stubborn. Both the PSP and the DS have a lot going for them. My main problem with the PSP is the battery life... A fatal mistake the Game Gear had. But there is one key difference that people overlook..... The PSP is RECHARGABLE, and the Game Gear you had to BUY the batteries for it. That's a huge difference, and I don't think the casuals will really care as long as the graphics are amazing, and lets face it, the PSP just has this "cool" factor about it even if it's not turned on! With the PSP coming out later, they'll surely be able to cut costs on it somewhat. How do you think the DS stacks up to the PSP? Do you think the PSP will dominate like the Playstions have? Even though I'm an ex-ninty fanboy, I'm still worried that Sony will eventually have a monopoly on the entire videogame market(althouth they are not a video game company) and that doesn't sit well. Hopefully the DS was the right move and they market it correctly.... We'll see.... [/rant]


Ante Up
I'm still worried that Sony will eventually have a monopoly on the entire videogame market(althouth they are not a video game company)

I think Sony has become a video game company somewhat. At least that's what their financial statements suggest.


Scary Euro Man
I don't want anyone to have a monopoly on handhelds or TV-based consoles. Sony providing some competition in the handheld market and losing some ground elsewhere is the best result possible, in my opinion.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
To be honest the competition is a great thing!

yes judging by my user name I am a big Nintendo fan but I do believe that

1. Nintendo have Failed to Produce quality new franchises (pikmin the only new franchise this gen)

2. Nintendo has rehashed too many old games rather then devote their time and money to make some new games!

3. The gap between Nintendo and other developers has disappeared, with many other developers producing games equal to or superior to Nintendo’s titles.

4. The way they treat PAL territories is disgraceful

Yes I think I will buy a DS and maybe the next gen Cube and Xbox, but I would only buy a new Nintendo console if Nintendo worked on the points I raised!


Still Tagged Accordingly
Chittagong said:
wow, great insight in this thread. Nintendo should take notice, they probably haven't thought about that



Scrow said:

lol! Quite the comedians we are. :D It's all good though, I just felt like admiting what most fanboys won't. And that's that Nintendo Fans are scared of the PSP, no if ands or buts about it.
I guess I can chime in with my confession. Nintendo lost me to the Genisis decades ago. I bought the SP because it is literally the only hand held out there, and for time killers you really can't go wrong with it. But handhelds aside I think personally that Nintendo is up against the ropes as this round of consoles comes to a close.

The DS is classic nintendo.
"Hey guys! let's do something different!"
"Because we're Nintendo damnit!"

I can appreciate the features that the DS offers. Wireless is what we all hoped for and they're getting that right. But then there are other things that I don't quite get. I don't think I ever said to myself. "Man pressing the start button to access my map and menu.. what a hassle!". If the DS were the only hand held out there, they'd be set. But that PSP looming off in the distance, that could be the thing that slays Nintendo's domination of handhelds. For now I'm sticking with my SP, and I'll let the price wars between DS and PSP do thier thing.

I never got the Cube, my room mate in college had one, and I played it. And I won't deny I had fun with Double Dash and Smash Bros. Melee. But they harldy sold me on the system. Some people swear by their Cube controller, for me, I just can't like it for something other than a game made for it, like Smash Bros.

Nintendo has always done things differently, that's just how it seems to me. DVDs? nahh... we've got these half sized DVDs we think are the next big thing.. DVD player? everyone owns one of those already, so why bother? I also have to admit that the Cube itself reminds me of a lunch box for some reason.

I just worry about them sometime. Nintendo has always been there, and I'd hate to see them go away because they refused to bail out of a sinking ship situation. Not that the DS is neccesarily a sinking ship, but I get the impression that in general that's Nintendo's attitude.
Have they announced the official price for the PSP yet?

If it's over 200 bucks, might as well call it N-Gage part 2. Okay, I won't go that far, but the casual parents aren't gonna buy their kid one of these. It's these parents who make up the majority of the GBASP userbase. If anything, the PSP will dig it's own niche with the hardcore gaming crowd...which will be good enough for me, though I'm not sure exactly what Sony expects out of it. If they're hoping to topple the Nintendo empire, they're in for a rude awakening.


If the PSP is under 200 bucks, I think Nintendo should shift focus from the DS onto GBA2. Unless they drop price of the DS rapidly, it will gain no interest from the mainstream gamer. The developers listen to the gamers.

In 2005 I predict the GBA/SP to be doing well and the PSP well over the DS. I wonder what Nintendo was thinking when they opted for the DS...


I hope Nintendo doesn't just give up when the heat gets to them this time. In the past, Nintendo has had a tendency to go into fetal position whenever the market gets too hard for them. If they do that once PSP has established a significant presence in the market, they'll be no more relevant in the handheld market than they are in the console market.

But just knowing Nintendo's past, I have a feeling that if PSP has become a huge force by late next year, Nintendo will just go into fetal position, cover its ears, talk about how shitty PSP is because it doesn't offer enough new gimmicks, and then talk about quality-over-quantity because third-parties have abandoned the DS. For Nintendo's sake, I hope PSP never gets over 40% of the market, or Nintendo will just give up.


Vagabond said:
If the PSP is under 200 bucks, I think Nintendo should shift focus from the DS onto GBA2. Unless they drop price of the DS rapidly, it will gain no interest from the mainstream gamer. The developers listen to the gamers.

In 2005 I predict the GBA/SP to be doing well and the PSP well over the DS. I wonder what Nintendo was thinking when they opted for the DS...

Probably the same thing they were thinking when they created the GBA. $$$ and continued dominance in the handheld arena. Judging by the general reaction to the NDS amongst gamers, press, and developers alike, they were thinking the right thing.
Who cares...as long as Nintendo isn't driven out of business and is allowed to continue to make games the way they want to, then I'm happy.


I'm only worried that this might lead to handhelds being updated every 5 years like systems. I like how the original GB lasted for so long. I was hoping the same would happen with the GBA, but alas no.
its time for GAF lockdown on the junior members I reckon. What is with these threads? [herald mode]I await the entry of our own, our one and only HANDHELD EMPEROR..[/herald mode]

WTF is scurred


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