Shhh... Not everyone's realized it yet...Monk said:Well done NLB2. :lol :lol
Dumbest shit I've EVER read.Gek54 said:Is there a nation of people besides canada who have an overal appreciation of french people?
Wait, THAT'S the dumbest shit I've ever read.Gek54 said:Sorry, change Canada to Quebec.
Socreges said:During break for my Ideology class today I was talking with someone about how ridiculous and out of control the US bashing was. We're both critical of the government, the people, the history, etc.... but reasonably so and when it's appropriate. But there are a few people that are anti-capitalist or anti-Iraq war or just anti-US in general that seem to lack any capacity to temper their opinions. It's gotten to the point where I find myself defending Bush or Americans. Look what they've done to me!
Gek54 said:Is there a nation of people besides canada who have an overal appreciation of french people?
Drinky Crow said:I don't hate Americans; I just hate folks that are really IN TO BEING Americans.
NLB2 said:The reasons? Oh, you mean about how the United States is a bully? How the United States started an illegal, immoral war?
99% of foreigner's reasons for disliking the United States are completely fabricated, that is, the foreigner creates them as a means to manifest his dislike for the United States and attempt to take away power from the United States (this dislike, as I have already explained, is created by the foreigner's geopolitical penis envy of the United States) in the only way left to him - through an apeal to morality. "The war in Iraq was wrong!" they cry. "There weren't any weapons of mass destruction! There were no ties to al Qaeda!" As if those were the reasons the United States invaded and now occupies Iraq! We all know the reason for the war, and we all have known the reason for the war since before it even began - The United States wants oil because oil increases the United States' power. There was nothing these foreigners could do politically or militarily to prevent the United States from invading one of the most oil rich nations in the world (on the other hand, if another nation decides to invade an oil rich nation the get ktfo by the United States millitary, see Persian Gulf War), so they, as weaklings, attack the United States the only way left to them - through morality! Throughout history morallity has been a tool for the weak to attack the powerful, and when a foreigner suffering from geopolitcal penis envy attacks the United States on a moral ground they are merely showing us Americans how weak they truly are.
All of the comments like this confuse me. I'm not sure if you're supporting what I wrote or calling it a brilliant piece of trolling. It certianly isn't a brilliant piece of trolling. If someone tires to argue against it, it automatically makes them a weakling suffering from penis envy.AeroGod said:Brilliant :lol :lol
sonarrat said:Probably not, but New Orleans, Louisiana wouldn't be a bad compromise.
Edit: Hold up... Canadians like the French? In what dimension did this happen?
NLB2 said:All of the comments like this confuse me. I'm not sure if you're supporting what I wrote or calling it a brilliant piece of trolling. It certianly isn't a brilliant piece of trolling. If someone tires to argue against it, it automatically makes them a weakling suffering from penis envy.
But do you hate Americans?Raoul Duke said:To be fair, I hate America and I'm American.
Hmmm... I've never seen the Daily Show...Its just funny. I dont know wtf to make of it really. Just the way it sounds though makes it feel like something you'd see reported by some crazy ass on a Daily Show segment or something.
Raoul Duke said:To be fair, I hate America and I'm American.
No, I hate the people too. I didn't previously, but I have slowly come to the realization that the majority of the people in this country are good for nothing lazy fucks who don't give a shit about anything other than their immediate surroundings and predicament. Slack jawed yokels incapable of abstract thought or use of logic, they take up valuable oxygen, road space and theatre seats that I could be using.quadriplegicjon said:i hate the current government.. not the country nor the people. america has truly provided a wealth of opportunities for many. i definitely appreciate whats its done for my family.
NLB2 said:99% of foreigner's reasons for disliking the United States are completely fabricated, that is, the foreigner creates them as a means to manifest his dislike for the United States and attempt to take away power from the United States (this dislike, as I have already explained, is created by the foreigner's geopolitical penis envy of the United States) in the only way left to him - through an apeal to morality.
Raoul Duke said:No, I hate the people too. I didn't previously, but I have slowly come to the realization that the majority of the people in this country are good for nothing lazy fucks who don't give a shit about anything other than their immediate surroundings and predicament. Slack jawed yokels incapable of abstract thought or use of logic, they take up valuable oxygen, road space and theatre seats that I could be using.
No one wants to get off their lazy asses long enough to tell the Government that it's fucked beyond all belief. Thomas Jefferson would weep, but Suzie Q. Homemaker can't be bothered with Revolution- the episode of Friends where Ross plays rugby is on! Benjamin Franklin would roll over in his grave, but Buford the Budweiser swilling redneck wife/sister abuser could care less- he's too busy watching NASCAR and screaming, "TURN LEFT, JUNIOR, TURN LEFT! HOT DAMN BOBBY RAY, DID YOU SEE JUNIOR TURN LEFT!!!"
America is a nation of no good fat and lazy ingrates. We consume more resources in a week than most other people do in a month, and take it for granted. We plug ourselves in to our distracto boxes with 300 channels of worthless shit or sit in front of a fucking computer screen all day and read what people in power want us to know, see what they want us to see and hear what they want us to hear. ARE WE NOT ENTERTAINED? We are Rome, all over again. We have lost our way from making the proud kneel to becoming the proud. And we will pay.
Drozmight said:You'd probably die.
A friend of mine's dad died because he couldn't afford the medication he needed to live. Pretty damn lame... seriously screwed up if you ask me.
Do The Mario said:Wow thats terrible.
Not to convert everything in public hospital beds (which Australian politicians do) but wouldnt 300 billion dollars be enough to set up the base of a public healthcare system?
I would assume more Americans have died because of lack of medical care then terrorism?
commish said:I don't agree with a lot of things that happen in this country, but I'm am glad we don't have a public healthcare system. Sure, it sounds good in theory, but it's a road I hope America *never* takes.
Not to convert everything in public hospital beds (which Australian politicians do) but wouldnt 300 billion dollars be enough to set up the base of a public healthcare system?
But finishing Mercenaries would be good training for the revolution! Your roomies have the right idea!Drozmight said:If anyone else is up for revolution... I'm down. I try and talk my roomates into it every once in a while, but they just look at me like I'm nuts. "Are you crazy?! I've not beaten Mercenaries yet!"
I don't know how far we would get... but maybe our failed revolution will wake everyone up.
Azih said:Bah Loki you keep on hating on socialised healthcare but you never really articulate the reason why.
Loki said:No, I've articulated my reasoning numerous times, including above. Whether you've chosen to read what I've said is a different matter.![]()
Well don't you see that universal health care makes this sort of problem for obsolete for two reasons.Talk to any ER physician in the country and they will tell you literally dozens of stories about people who came into the emergency room for "free" care
Canadian system takes care of this too. They paid tax on the Navigator, they pay taxes for their cellphone service and they paid taxes on cigarettes. Money that goes to healthcare (and in the case of cigarettes, all of it does). If you're richer then you have contributed your fair share to the program through income tax and if you like the luxuries then every luxury purchase increases your contribution.while their Navigator sits outside with chrome rims, or they chat on their $130/mo cell phone or feed their $100+/week cigarette habit.
:shrug: so don't guarantee it. Of course you guys can AFFORD it and afford it easily, but it's well within your right to deny it. We do.while care will still be guaranteed for illegal aliens
Never glossed over the problems actually, there is no perfect system after all. Every system has it's pros and cons.But it is foolish for proponents of socialized medicine to sidestep or gloss over the very real problems with such systems
Do The Mario said:Wow thats terrible.
Not to convert everything in public hospital beds (which Australian politicians do) but wouldnt 300 billion dollars be enough to set up the base of a public healthcare system?
I would assume more Americans have died because of lack of medical care then terrorism?
NLB2 said:The reasons? Oh, you mean about how the United States is a bully? How the United States started an illegal, immoral war?
99% of foreigner's reasons for disliking the United States are completely fabricated, that is, the foreigner creates them as a means to manifest his dislike for the United States and attempt to take away power from the United States (this dislike, as I have already explained, is created by the foreigner's geopolitical penis envy of the United States) in the only way left to him - through an apeal to morality. "The war in Iraq was wrong!" they cry. "There weren't any weapons of mass destruction! There were no ties to al Qaeda!" As if those were the reasons the United States invaded and now occupies Iraq! We all know the reason for the war, and we all have known the reason for the war since before it even began - The United States wants oil because oil increases the United States' power. There was nothing these foreigners could do politically or militarily to prevent the United States from invading one of the most oil rich nations in the world (on the other hand, if another nation decides to invade an oil rich nation the get ktfo by the United States millitary, see Persian Gulf War), so they, as weaklings, attack the United States the only way left to them - through morality! Throughout history morallity has been a tool for the weak to attack the powerful, and when a foreigner suffering from geopolitcal penis envy attacks the United States on a moral ground they are merely showing us Americans how weak they truly are.
Raoul Duke said:No, I hate the people too. I didn't previously, but I have slowly come to the realization that the majority of the people in this country are good for nothing lazy fucks who don't give a shit about anything other than their immediate surroundings and predicament. Slack jawed yokels incapable of abstract thought or use of logic, they take up valuable oxygen, road space and theatre seats that I could be using.
you mean about how the United States is a bully? How the United States started an illegal, immoral war?
Problem is that every country is affected by the United States in a pretty profound way. It's one of the things that comes from being the only super power around.Pellham said:Unless you live in a country that was affected by the United States, I cannot possibly fathom why you would care.
RevenantKioku said:I'm not sure if I exactly get this. What exactly is wrong with taking care of those within your immediate surroundings?
And what exactly do we do to help fix the country? Vote? Protest?
YOU HAVE GEOPOLITICAL PENIS ENVY. YOU ARE WEAK AND POWERLESS.psycho_snake said:I have nothing agains Americans, just the government. What they have done to Iraq and the iraqi people is just appauling.
Perhaps your reading comprehension isn't quite up to snuff. If a serial murderer kills a couple hundred people, he will be arrested, sent to jail, and executed. A serial murderer is not above the law. The United States is.Che said:Let me get this straight. You know that the war started for the oil, you still support USA's actions and you think that the only reason behind the world's hate towards USA is envy? So if a serial murder kills a couple of hundrend people, the only reason for you to hate him is because of envy that you're not powerful enough to do the same? Tell me you're kidding, please.
nathkenn said:who exactly is going to be doing this invading that we're protecting everyone from?
Ahem... I AM clever and witty. And I was drunk when I typed that. What's your excuse?commish said:Wow, this is original :| If you are going to attempt to be clever or witty, at least be somewhat original instead of spending the time to type out 10 hackneyed ideas.
OMFG America today is Rome1!!11 We 4 teh doomd!!! Phat 'n Lazie!
Tabris said:The Cold War is over people. Russia isn't going to invade Canada to get to the US.
*high fives darscot*darscot said:I always find it amazing how the view from inside of the US is so different from the view outside. The power of the US media is stagering. The concept of the people that are subjected to US media is night and day to those that aren't. The day all those American guns get pointed at that box in the living room will be a good day.