So found this on CR
Thats pretty damn fast
Do they mean production or preproduction? That would be an insanely long period for actual production.
So found this on CR
Thats pretty damn fast
Where can I watch this from the UK?
Do they mean production or preproduction? That would be an insanely long period for actual production.
Funimationnow UK is streaming it.
Do they mean production or preproduction? That would be an insanely long period for actual production.
I completely forgot that his mom gave him the jumpsuit.
Best Mum.
Best Mum.
Also im sad they changed Aizawas "Logical Ruse" to "Rational Deception"
It'll be clearer once we get class interaction, but everybody in 1-A recognizes Bakugou is a shithead. They just ignore him and be friends with Deku instead.My only complaint is how every character gives Bakugou's asshole behavior a pass. Even the adults just let his open bullying and antisocial attitude go completely unpunished. Does UA not have a test to weed out potential super villains?
It's "Rational Deception" in Viz's translation too.Best Mum.
Also im sad they changed Aizawas "Logical Ruse" to "Rational Deception"
It's "Rational Deception" in Viz's translation too.
I feel it's shonen done very well. And it has a very good dynamic with heroes and villains having influence on this society.Deku and the series is beginning to hit its stride, yeah its shonen cheese and Shard pointed out but its imo very well done shonen cheese and sometimes thats okay. Is it okay for the level of hype the series got from manga fans is up for personal opinion obviously.
Why is this anime so hyyyyype?
I am also pretty sure one of the guys, the one with the tail iirc, is dressed as Luke Skywalker lol
And we're getting cute girls in costumes, hurray!
Also Deku's Mom is best mom.
There are Star Wars references in a few different places in the manga/anime
She's straight up invisible all the time.I wonder what invisible girl's deal is. Is she just invisible or does is that just part of her ability like Invisible Woman from F4.