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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


I love how everyone pretty much ignored this post while I am all.

Why? What's wrong with it?


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Welp I'm bored and can't sleep, so might as well post some dumb theories because speculation is fun.

Mostly to secret identities and such. I think the most common one is to the true identity of the burned up dude on the villain's side, Dabi.
So I think it's pretty common theory that Dabi is a son of Endeavour, one of probably many children he abandoned because they simply weren't good enough. There is certainly a bit of resemblance and the powers seem to match up. It might also be a huge motivator as to why he is a villain. We haven't really had many villains in the series yet with motivations outside of "I wanna be a jerk" but, in theory, Stain's big contribution to the world is the idea of Villians who are fed up and resent society, thus Dabi, an unknown player, suddenly shows up. I'm guessing once in his youth he confronted Endeavour and pissed Endeavour off enough that he cause the majority of the burns on Dabi's body. Would be more than proper motivation as to why he might resent society, or at least the kind of society that would put an already known jerk at the second highest rated hero of Japan.
This also leads into my a little more stretchy theory.

This one concerns my fav fav Toga, the blood draining girl.
So I think the above theory is pretty well believed. It makes a lot of sense. On a separate train of thought, I thought that Toga's quirk is pretty dark, and that there are a several characters already who have rather villianish quirks. The big one being Hitoshi Shinsou, the guy who can control people's minds Deku fought first in the sports festival. He's kind of the first hint that there might be a stigma towards certain kind of quirks, a stigma I'm sure applies heavily to Toga since she needs someone's blood for it to work. Wouldn't surprise me about Stain either. Speaking of which? Don't they have rather similar blood-related stuff, huh? Wait a second.. could they... HAHA NOPE CALLING SEKIJROU KAN IS TOGA'S DAD! Who? Blood King, class 1-B teacher. If you don't know, he's got a quirk that lets him manipulate blood. He's also got fangs(which Toga has) and if I could find a color thing I'd bet he'd have blonde hair too. I'm thinking he slept with Toga's mom and left. I also suspect that might be a prevailing problem in society, of heroes using their fame for easy lays and then ditching the kids, but not really much to run with at the moment. To go along with this, lets bring in Shiraku, who's parent's are suspected to have been murdered in front of him and no hero came to save him. Now we have three kids, the three kids of the villian's alliance and they all have backstories where heroes failed them or their expectations in some way.

Also, after a lot of soul-searching, my new fav ship.
Bakugo and Uraka.
Don't say no. Just think about it for a bit. Think about it for a day and try to tell me it wouldn't be perfect.


Also, after a lot of soul-searching, my new fav ship.
Bakugo and Uraka.
Don't say no. Just think about it for a bit. Think about it for a day and try to tell me it wouldn't be perfect.
It wouldn't be perfect. Bakugou doesn't have the emotional range necessary for a relationship.


Can Ochako please confess to Deku already and stop all the dumb ship theories?

literally none of it makes any sense except for like, a handful, and even then Deku/Ochako's the only one guaranteed to happen


Can Ochako please confess to Deku already and stop all the dumb ship theories?

literally none of it makes any sense except for like, a handful, and even then Deku/Ochako's the only one guaranteed to happen

Todoroki/Yaoyorozu is clearly a thing.


Yeah, Todoroki/Yaoyorozu is the other one that seems likely.

If you count background interactions, maybe Ojiro/Hagakure, since they're together all the time. Maaaybe Jirou/Kouda too, but that's reading too much into it.


Yeah, Todoroki/Yaoyorozu is the other one that seems likely.

If you count background interactions, maybe Ojiro/Hagakure, since they're together all the time. Maaaybe Jirou/Kouda too, but that's reading too much into it.

A relationship with Hagakure would be... interesting.

Jirou is clearly interested in Kaminari, which is only going to make his betrayal more poignant.


I wanna know the qualities of Dabi's quirk. We know it's fire based it comes out dark and it also appears to have liquidity like napalm. Do his patches of scars have to do anything with it?

Kaminari passed and teased Bakugou and thats all that matters. Fantastic end to this miniarc. Kind of hoping we get at least a volumes worth of content of Bakugou and Todoroki at this training thing (and please dont be interrupted by someone infiltration as fake Midoriya). Really what an odd thing to have in the plot, why not adopt some random other character to make it more dramatic instead of the main character.


Guys, not all belligerent tension is sexual in nature. Some people just don't like each other very much. It's not all code for bangin'.

you do know it's DtL right?

Just let him do his stuff, its easier not to be bothered by it instead of trying to teach him the meaning behind some basic human interaction lol

And since we are already talking about Kaminari:

The odds are still good that the Traitor Kaminari Theory is real right? That thing is still my favorite piece of fan theory i've seen during this year


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Lol first thing I google about Jirou was "IS SHE A CANNON LGBQT CHARACTER?!" needless to say, the popular pair is with Momo and I can live with that. Truth be told, I think MomoXShouto is the most boring pairing I can possibly imagine.

Guys, not all belligerent tension is sexual in nature. Some people just don't like each other very much. It's not all code for bangin'.

Listen, if tension was the deal breaker here then Bakugou would be getting paired with no one. That guy has so much tension it literally explodes from his palms.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
It's a total power couple. So much wealth and overachievement.

But their personalities are just so mellow against each other. When I look for a ship, I don't look for so much tension, but antagonism, a little bit of hostility, personalities that'll get flustered and storm away because they don't know how to deal with flirting yet because that's what highschool boys do when you tell them you like them. That's why I think Bakugou is the secret romantic powerhouse, he'd get flustered, storm off, and come back the next day with a decision. Or better yet, he makes a move and is so awkward about it with every fiber of his being one might think he'd die. Everytime I think about Shouto in any kind of romantic situation, he reminds me too much of a bad harem protagonist where he won't pick up on flirting unless you beat it over his head like a brick.

And Bakugou is not getting paired with anyone, like I said he lacks the emotional range for a relationship.

All right so MinetaXSero? I know I know I know.
But think about it


Oh we on pairings now?

Well DekuxOchako is a sure thing, as well as MomoxTodoroki and OjiroxHagakure.
I wonder what about other girls like Tsuyu, Ashido or Jirou.
Same for the boys, i think some like Kaminari and Bakugo will get chances. Maybe they can get paired to girls from other classes/schools.
What about Mineta tho? lol

Also, KirishimaxTetsuTetsu is the best and manliest pairing.
you do know it's DtL right?

Just let him do his stuff, its easier not to be bothered by it instead of trying to teach him the meaning behind some basic human interaction lol

And since we are already talking about Kaminari:

The odds are still good that the Traitor Kaminari Theory is real right? That thing is still my favorite piece of fan theory i've seen during this year

It's not just him tho!

It's a total power couple. So much wealth and overachievement.

And Bakugou is not getting paired with anyone, like I said he lacks the emotional range for a relationship.

Agreed, as he is I don't see him fitting with anybody at all, romantically. Closest would be Kirishima, and that's mostly because he's the only person (other than Kaminari) that he doesn't act like a total douchebag to 100% of the time. So it's sort of like an exclusionary process, rather than actual chemistry.

Dude is due for some more on-screen character development. They've addressed the arrogance, to an extent, now they need to tackle the anger issues.
Lol first thing I google about Jirou was "IS SHE A CANNON LGBQT CHARACTER?!" needless to say, the popular pair is with Momo and I can live with that. Truth be told, I think MomoXShouto is the most boring pairing I can possibly imagine.

Listen, if tension was the deal breaker here then Bakugou would be getting paired with no one. That guy has so much tension it literally explodes from his palms.

Agree, Momo and Todoroki is too boring, but they kind of fit together.

I'd love a LGBT couple but considering this is a japanese popular shonen it's impossible :(


I'd be all for Jirou/Momo and Kirishima/Bakugou (#dtl), but there's infinitesimal chances of it actually happening.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Bah, what's the point of talking about ships if you're first reaction is "yeah but it probs won't be cannon" Who cares? This isn't an exercise in statistics but of imagination.
It's a total power couple. So much wealth and overachievement.

And Bakugou is not getting paired with anyone, like I said he lacks the emotional range for a relationship.

If Bakugou gets someone, it'll be a Sasuke/Sakura pairing, where it feels like a complete gimme.
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