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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm actually hoping for some new villains entirely. Not saying dumb Handjob and the rest of the Villains Alliance but Stain was refreshing because he kind of came out of nowhere and did his own thing. All for One was interesting and the biggest obvious threat but would be interested to see someone else with some slightly different motivations than fucking with All Might on a grand scale.


too short

this chapter felt too short gdi

Was pretty great though, didn't expect Bakugo to feel that he caused all might's retire


Nah, the silhouette doesn't look like All Might.

I think it's supposed to be Iida, since he knows what's up between Deku and Bakugou, would have sympathy for Bakugou's position, and it'd continue the "class big bro" role from the rescue and that time he helped Aoyama.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Nah, the silhouette doesn't look like All Might.

I think it's supposed to be Iida, since he knows what's up between Deku and Bakugou, would have sympathy for Bakugou's position, and it'd continue the "class big bro" role from the rescue and that time he helped Aoyama.

Hmmm. Yeah the sillouhete may complicate things.

Iida is fast asleep with a sleep bubble though lol


It likely can't be



in particular, the silhouette's hands don't look anything like All Might's, and you know Horikoshi and hands

e: Iida could've woken up and seen them go out, though


Accepting feelings through fighting is shounen as fuck, but I still really like that there was a bit of a twist in that Bakugou blames himself for All Might losing his power.


I really like that Deku is just totally up for fighting now too. I like Deku but i'd have been pretty annoyed with him if he just kept trying to not fight until it got stopped or something tbh
It's bakugou, he shouts, curses and fights. It's normal she wants to deal with his grief by fighting, it's his way.

mmm but the silhouette couldn't be buff all might?


The arm isn't thick enough for buff All Might, but the hands aren't big enough for skinny All Might. All Might's hands are disproportionately big when he's skinny.

It looks more like Iida or Kirishima, or someone with a similar body shape


Rapid Response Threadmaker
in particular, the silhouette's hands don't look anything like All Might's, and you know Horikoshi and hands

e: Iida could've woken up and seen them go out, though

True, but whoever it would be would likely need to do know that they need to have more time, either by being there to see the fight or being a decent guesser that would be enough to stop a teacher from having their students fighting. If Iida had followed them he should have been picked up by the scanner.

The silhouette being a mask and not 1:1 for the character revealed happens a lot, but purposely not revealing the character because it is a surprise also happens. I'm not sure All Might would want to leave, but then again he knows this needs to happen so might have run to stop Aizawa from breaking it up.

Whoever it is has a long sleeve shirt on.

Watch it be Uraraka lol.


Yeah, but the way it's a silhouette feels like Horikoshi's misleading us and making us think it's All Might when it isn't


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Okay so I've pored over the last couple of chapters more than I possibly should have for such a tiny potential reveal.

All Might likely has the uniform that he wore to meet A40. It's flowy in his current form, He would have either gloves or bandages on his hands. If he transformed the arm and hand would be bigger than shown plus can he even still transform? The shirt on this person is very clean cut in it's long sleeve.

Taking into account who is shown asleep and making an assumption that what they are wearing in the dorms after the license exam is what they are all wearing to go to sleep. Here's the list:

All Might - The obvious choice but the clothes and physique don't match.
Iida - Asleep
Todoroki - Asleep
Yaoyorozu - Asleep
Kirishima - Asleep
Monkey Boy - Wearing Short Sleeve Shirt
Chuunibird - Wearing Short Sleeve Shirt Dark
Ashido - Wearing a no sleeve tank top.
Kaminari - Looks like he is wearing a white short sleeve
Invisible Girl - Short Sleeve shirt. Also her hand wouldn't be visible unless she was wearing gloves lol
Froppy - Wearing Short Sleeve Shirt
Rock Animal - Wearing Short Sleeve Shirt

Who is not shown since back at the dorm after the license exam?

Mineta - Doesn't have the physique for the person in the silhouette.
Tentacle Arm - Not likely. Would have seen one of the other limbs in the shot too

Uraraka - The girl who is considered the main female character and love interest to the MC hasn't been seen since they got back to the dorm. Not even shown with the other characters relaxing in the dorm. So we can't verify what clothes type she is wearing. Nor is she shown as someone sleeping.

It's Uraraka.
It shows an outstretched hand.

Shigaraki has hands.

In fact, Shigaraki has more hands than the rest of the cast.

Therefore the likelihood that it's Shigaraki is higher than anybody else with only 2 hands.

Quid pro quo, it's Shigaraki.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I can't wait till Toga inevitably captures Uraraka, steals her form and starts getting all creepy hot and heavy with Deku.


I think the better question to go about figuring who the figure is, is trying to work out who would be able to convince Aizawa to let them fight it out. I'm not sure any student would be able to do it.

So before, I mentioned how I wasn't happy because Bakugou was all pissed and fighting Midoriya again because that was so....typical, both of Bakugou and Shonen in general. But this chapter reveals it's not that he's pissed, it's that he's grieving. He doesn't mere insecurity, but also guilt and shame, thinking he's to blame for his hero's downfall.

I like this WAY more.


I really like how Horikoshi made the shounen rival fight make sense and seem reasonable.

it's a broken record at this point, but so glad the series was successful, he deserves it


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Shounen Law states that Bakugou becomes Bakubro after this.

Will this happen? This is Horikoshi. Just cooled tensions, but not really friends? But that seems like what the situation has been like for awhile here. Completely cooled tensions or friends/reliable comrades?

Take your bets.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Shounen Law states that Bakugou becomes Bakubro after this.

Will this happen? This is Horikoshi. Just cooled tensions, but not really friends? But that seems like what the situation has been like for awhile here. Completely cooled tensions or friends/reliable comrades?

Take your bets.

They're going to perform the fusion dance and become Dekugou.


Can't imagine him becoming a total bro.

kinda expecting him to end up like a mixture of Vegeta and Hiruma by the end


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Can't imagine him becoming a total bro.

kinda expecting him to end up like a mixture of Vegeta and Hiruma by the end

I don't know, the series doesn't really have a Yamcha yet. Somebody has to keep taking those eternal L's after seeming initial success.


No series really needs a Yamcha tho.

I don't know what to expect from this other than that he'd be straight up more willing to work with his classmates. So maybe not Bakubro, but maybe he might atleast no longer respond to basic questions and requests with a series of incoherent curses and snarls.


He'll get over the issues that made him fail the exam and be less pissed off about Deku, but can't imagine them suddenly becoming friends.

Maybe it'll prompt him to be a better friend with Kirishima? And pay more attention to the class in general.


Bakugou being consumed by guilt and shame is a nice development that I didn't see coming. I keep forgetting that he is, fundamentally, driven by insecurity more than anything else. If he could ever learn to be happy with himself he'd probably be much less of a dick.


Bakugou feeling guilty is such a great plot point for the series because it's something that none of us considered but actually makes so much sense. We've never seen Bakugou really care about someone else, let alone his affect on them. Even his anger seems selfish. However, it then stands to reason that someone who is self-consumed to also blame themselves for a horrible accident. It's just good writing here and it makes Bakugou a more textured character.

It's also great that Bakugou just straight up said it during this fight, rather than having the fight, making us all think he's just edgelord supreme, and then only later revealing that he feels guilty. Get it out now, make this a growing point for both characters.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Powers displayed on other people in this manga are so weird.

Bakugou's ability is to literally cause explosions. We know that he can destroy stuff with big explosions, that they are powerful enough to propel him through the air, and that the move he used in the first training would have likely killed Deku on a direct hit, but how are the "smaller" ones even usable safely on anybody but buffed or armored quirk users?

How do you use Endeavor or Todoroki's fire power without killing people?

All Might apparently had a degree of control on output of his power and so should Deku now, but even right now Deku would instant kill a normal person with one attack. And how is he supposed to know how much energy to use on a kick? Gang Orca took a hit at the end of the license exam. Did his quirk give him some bullshit body resistance buff? What output did Deku use? He knew he was a good guy being used in training as a villain, so how much power did he use?

Then there is Ashido.....


Gang Orca took a hit at the end of the license exam. Did his quirk give him some bullshit body resistance buff?
It actually did, because that was his entire deal back in Oumagadoki Zoo. Sakamata's orca blubber made him immune to most attacks, but his head was his weak point. (Weakness not shared by Gang Orca.)

But yeah, you're supposed to assume unnatural resilience from everybody in the setting. It's impossible to write a battle story otherwise.


Required secondary powers.

Yeah, that's one problem that you just kind of have to accept with a lot of series. The human body is generally pretty frail and even small amounts of force can permanently damage it.

I actually think most powers here aren't too badly portrayed, because a lot of them aren't damage based. And even ones that are don't necessarily use it that way, like Todoroki mostly tries to incapacitate with his ice. And Midoriya's gets hit with Newton's third law in how damage he gets for using his super strength, even if it's not a complete version of it. It's just that Bakugou's blatantly are that stupidly damaging and destructive, it sticks out. Keep in mind that his sweat is nitroglycerin, which he can somehow ignite at will without needing some kind of flame, while also being immune to his own explosions. It takes a lot of caveats for his powers to work while remaining in check.


Required secondary powers.

Yeah, that's one problem that you just kind of have to accept with a lot of series. The human body is generally pretty frail and even small amounts of force can permanently damage it.

I actually think most powers here aren't too badly portrayed, because a lot of them aren't damage based. And even ones that are don't necessarily use it that way, like Todoroki mostly tries to incapacitate with his ice. And Midoriya's gets hit with Newton's third law in how damage he gets for using his super strength. It's just that Bakugou's blatantly are that stupidly damaging and destructive, it sticks out. Keep in mind that his sweat is nitroglycerin, which he can somehow ignite at will, while also being immune to his own explosions. It takes a lot of caveats for his powers to work while remaining in check.

It was also pointed out he can't put too much force in his explosions because of the blowback at his arms.




Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Required secondary powers.

Yeah, that's one problem that you just kind of have to accept with a lot of series. The human body is generally pretty frail and even small amounts of force can permanently damage it.

I actually think most powers here aren't too badly portrayed, because a lot of them aren't damage based. And even ones that are don't necessarily use it that way, like Todoroki mostly tries to incapacitate with his ice. And Midoriya's gets hit with Newton's third law in how damage he gets for using his super strength, even if it's not a complete version of it. It's just that Bakugou's blatantly are that stupidly damaging and destructive, it sticks out. Keep in mind that his sweat is nitroglycerin, which he can somehow ignite at will without needing some kind of flame, while also being immune to his own explosions. It takes a lot of caveats for his powers to work while remaining in check.

Its a story based on Super Hero's in manga form. Logic about the powers is not something that should really go beyond cool combinations and counters between the different abilities. For example Tsuyu's tongue is stronger than most people's entire bodies as she's holding Deku up over her head for quite some time.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Required secondary powers.

Yeah, that's one problem that you just kind of have to accept with a lot of series. The human body is generally pretty frail and even small amounts of force can permanently damage it.

I actually think most powers here aren't too badly portrayed, because a lot of them aren't damage based. And even ones that are don't necessarily use it that way, like Todoroki mostly tries to incapacitate with his ice. And Midoriya's gets hit with Newton's third law in how damage he gets for using his super strength, even if it's not a complete version of it. It's just that Bakugou's blatantly are that stupidly damaging and destructive, it sticks out. Keep in mind that his sweat is nitroglycerin, which he can somehow ignite at will without needing some kind of flame, while also being immune to his own explosions. It takes a lot of caveats for his powers to work while remaining in check.

I always assumed Bakugou had a natural resistance to his explosions.

How does Endeavor become no. 2, and now 1, whose power is fire? Any damage he'd do would burn. There has to be a complete burn ward for all of the criminals he approached, with no natural resistance, that didn't automatically give up.

Other comics tried to explain some powers away, Cyclops eye beams were revealed to be Concussive Blasts sourced from another dimension. They actually don't work like a normal laser beam would work and allow for a person to be knocked back and at the same time if outputted at a higher rate blow completely through a sentinels front to the back.

Would be funny if they showed Endeavor using his power on a person and them just saying "Ow that hurts" but if someone was to touch a fire he lit on say a campfire they would be burned instantly at the littlest touch.


Its a story based on Super Hero's in manga form. Logic about the powers is not something that should really go beyond cool combinations and counters between the different abilities. For example Tsuyu's tongue is stronger than most people's entire bodies as she's holding Deku up over her head for quite some time.
Well, that's different. That's her superpower. I can accept her strong is stronger than a typical tongue would be.

But that's different from framing the power in realistic terms like explaining a nitroglycerin substance emerges from someone and then doesn't behave like nitroglycerin ought to.

Personally, I think fantastical things should be placed as close to reality as possible. Now, that isn't to say that allowances shouldn't be made, or that I can't let things slide. But it takes me out of the experience a little when you something mundane doesn't act like it should. Either keep it as close to realistic, or allow me the space to assume that it doesn't work by conventional rules.


From how the chapter about Twice described Endeavor, he sounds pretty unpopular as a general hero. His fanbase is described as "men between 20 and 40", which in context sounds like a euphemism for "bitter assholes". And he's described as "having resolved the most incidents", which also sounds like an euphemism for "he's beaten up a lot of criminals".

edit: honestly I think the nitroglycerin thing was to set up the joke with Bakugou's mom having "glycerin" as a power


Rapid Response Threadmaker
edit: honestly I think the nitroglycerin thing was to set up the joke with Bakugou's mom having "glycerin" as a power

I figured it was the other way around and his dad and mom's powers were made to reflect their combination in making Bakugou's power and as a joke about his mom being hot because of the quirk.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Well, that's different. That's her superpower. I can accept her strong is stronger than a typical tongue would be.

But that's different from framing the power in realistic terms like explaining a nitroglycerin substance emerges from someone and then doesn't behave like nitroglycerin ought to.

Personally, I think fantastical things should be placed as close to reality as possible. Now, that isn't to say that allowances shouldn't be made, or that I can't let things slide. But it takes me out of the experience a little when you something mundane doesn't act like it should. Either keep it as close to realistic, or allow me the space to assume that it doesn't work by conventional rules.

That was kind of my point. Her super power is mostly a tongue that is long and strong with some other Frog related abilities. However most frogs aren't lifting other frogs over their bodies with just their tongue and holding them there for an extended period of time while doing other activities. Maybe if she was ant powered and lifted him up with her mandibles or something but lets be honest, their powers are basically pretty "fuzzy" and tend to grow or shrink in use and power as needed by the story. Nothing wrong with it either, doesn't really bother me as that's hardly the least suspect power.
Oh god no, if we get to comic-like power descriptions it will become a pile of nonsensical bullshit, with dimensions, space, time, gems, etc.

Please no Horikoshi. The way it is it's quite clean.
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