lol yandere girls really are popular..
Are they playing Splatoon?
Yeah, the artist said they were playing Splatoon.Are they playing Splatoon?
I'm doing a Naruto reread 'cause some of my friends can't shut up about Boruto and I want to be able to tell them how wrong they are about stuff, and it's really made me appreciate MHA a lot more. I see more strongly the structural similarities between the two series, but MHA does it all with hugely more thought; just a wildly superior execution, in a ton of ways.
Female representation is the big one for me at the point I'm at. Sakura's buttmonkey status is well established, but it's a huge problem for the rest of the female cast as well. They're just weaker (and generally not as well written) as their male counterparts, with very few exceptions. Like, to the point that it's starting to grate. Ino's the only one of the focus-Genin whose special justu apparently doesn't get ANY stronger post-timeskip.
Just skip to Boruto, no need to waste your time with the last part of the series. They pretty much explain what happened.
I'm already past the halfway point, I might as well finish this thing.
I'm already past the halfway point, I might as well finish this thing.
It's your time and sanity.
Read One Piece or JOJO, its for your own good!
Or Gintama.
How can I properly vent my salt about the ending if I'm pretty sure I never actually got to the ending?
I'm mostly caught up on One Piece. JoJo's on The List. Gintama... idk. I bounced off it the last time I tried it, but I didn't get very far in, and apparently there's a thing about it changing somewhat later on...?
Bakugou still won here, Im please. Wish Kaminari made it to top 10.
Okay, who here voted for Toga? Ya'll know yourselves.
Deku was robbed. Mangaka needs to cripple Bakugou for a few months.
Love is love.
Bakugou #1? Plz no. I don't need a Sasuke-like takeover of My Hero Academia.
Tsuyu and Ochako ranks are a crime.
pls guys, Bakugou isn't going to take over the series because of a poll.
Like...think about it. Tsuyu got fourth place and second place in the first Japan and US polls. But Tsuyu still became a background character for the last several arcs. The most she got out of it was that extra chapter about her in middle school. If Horikoshi's editor cared that much about polls, would he let that happen?
Even if Horikoshi wasn't a planner, this chapter would've taken weeks of discussion and planning ahead, and it's consistent with Deku and Bakugou's arcs. If Horikoshi's editor really was the type to make sudden changes, wouldn't we have noticed it before? But I've never gotten that impression from the series, so it didn't happen.
And at the risk of giving OniBarubary another aneurysm by talking about Naruto again, the real reason Sasuke became so prominent in Naruto was because Kishimoto "liked drawing Sasuke". Yeah.
I'm doing a Naruto reread 'cause some of my friends can't shut up about Boruto and I want to be able to tell them how wrong they are about stuff, and it's really made me appreciate MHA a lot more. I see more strongly the structural similarities between the two series, but MHA does it all with hugely more thought; just a wildly superior execution, in a ton of ways.
Female representation is the big one for me at the point I'm at. Sakura's buttmonkey status is well established, but it's a huge problem for the rest of the female cast as well. They're just weaker (and generally not as well written) as their male counterparts, with very few exceptions. Like, to the point that it's starting to grate. Ino's the only one of the focus-Genin whose special justu apparently doesn't get ANY stronger post-timeskip.
I have too much fanart saved.
Yeah, but it was a lot of things that made Sasuke: Shippuden happen, is what I mean.Sure but Sasuke was also an incredibly popular character. Sales of the Immortal Arc was down and as so Kishi changed to Sasuke's journey which led to an immediate increase.
Did that get you to change your avatar? Nice.Ochako is always the best.
Lies. Ino does get much stronger. The biggest female improvement is of course Sakura but in general K11 take a bit of a backseat later on.
I have too much fanart saved.
Yeah, but it was a lot of things that made Sasuke: Shippuden happen, is what I mean.
Did that get you to change your avatar? Nice.
I just realized. Momo has a little bit of fat on her.
I mean, she still has an ideal figure and all that, but look. It's actually there.
Man, I love a lot of things about this series, but the thing I keep coming back to is how real it consistently feels while still being super progressive. And while most people will not catch this, I appreciate that the most conventionally attractive girl of the main cast is one that is still depicted realistically.
Edit: actually, I should link the place where this was pointed out to me. Here.
It even has canonical support, since her quirk comes from her fat.
"Biggest female improvement is Sakura" is uh not saying much as of chapter 518. Like, that's actually a damning indictment of the rest of the female cast.
Also, Bakugou is better written than Sasuke on basically every level, so I would be sort of okay with him getting more focus; one of the best parts of MHA is the way the cast rotates in and out of focus, though, so I definitely don't want him to become a second protagonist.
Although he and Todoroki have as many shonen protag tropes as Deku, if not more. lol.
Sasuke: Shippuden kicked off way back. I would say at least as far back as the Chunin Exam, where he got his own special rage-based upgrade to compete with Naruto (Curse Seal).
You've got some way to go still.
I would hugely disagree. At this point Byakugou doesn't even have the development of part 1 Sasuke.
See, having a rival become a second protagonist is actually a great thing. Not only do you attract a greater audience from those wanting a different perspective, it allows the exploration of many plot lines simultaneously and the dynamic becomes far more volatile than the usual I need to surpass my rival.
Thats one of the best things about Sasuke: his character arc not only goes throughout the manga like Naruto's but his ambitions and path is independent, creating a character that does not feel like a simple stepping stone for the MC that so many shounen rivals have become. Also respect for Kishi in maintaining their power levels as equal.
This mangaka has taken big inspiration from Naruto so I am now curious to see how he handles the relationship.
Part 1 Sasuke was an overpowered edgelord whose character motivations come and go as the plot requires. Part 2 is the same but he's also insane, and seems to be going through as series of increasingly ridiculous asspull powerups.
Part 1 Sasuke was an overpowered edgelord whose character motivations come and go as the plot requires. Part 2 is the same but he's also insane, and seems to be going through as series of increasingly ridiculous asspull powerups. Bakugou has a consistent motive, method, and powers that allow for interesting and dynamic fights.
Having a rival become a second protag can be a good thing, certainly; like Veelk says, tropes are tools. Anything can work in the right story. I think that elevating Bakugou in that way wouldn't be a good fit for MHA, though. Like I said, one of the strengths is the large cast, and the way most everybody gets a chance in the limelight. Splitting primary focus between two parties makes that harder to manage, since you've got a lot fewer panels to spare. Bakugou vs. Deku is already a great deal more interesting than Naruto vs. Sasuke, since the former seems to feel very little but contempt for the latter (barring the occasional spurt of goodwill that really seems to come out of nowhere; he's really very inconsistently written), and the former wants nothing more than to "save" the latter despite all of Sasuke's predicaments being the result of a series of incredibly boneheaded moves for power and being a general sucker. So I don't think you gain anything there. Sasuke's second protag status also resulted in the Uchiha Plot Tumor and all that implies, so that's another good reason to stay away from that model.
I'd also point out that we got a Bakugou storyline of sorts, in the kidnapping arc; he wasn't the primary focus, but we did get some great scenes with him as the perspective. I feel like that was a much better way of handling things.
As always, there is never any such thing as an inherently wrong concept. A secondary character becoming a protagonist is a fine thing on it's own. And given the quality that Horikoshi has handled every other trope thus far, if Bakugou were to receive his own storyline, I have confidence that it would be handled well.
Sasuke was bad because everything in Naruto is shit. He starts off being grossly overpowered relative to Naruto because apparently Naruto did jack shit with his time with Jiraiya to actually get stronger, forcing him to get several training arcs post time skip just to catch up to Sasuke, whose inexplicably getting more powers as the series goes on and somehow slaughtered Orochimaru in their fight without a sweat. He forms his own poor man's team 7 out of a bunch of rejects, before going literally insane and taking actions that are not only reprehensible but also nonsensical.
Sasuke's storyline isn't bad because it became it's own thing, it's bad because Kishimoto is a shitty writer. He overpowered and took the characterization of Sasuke off the fucking rails. There's a much greater chance that given the same task, Horikoshi would do it much better with Bakugou. That said, I doubt that's going to happen.
1) Sasuke was shown numerous times to be a far quicker learner than Naruto and Sakura even speculates Sasuke was using drugs (Oro actually makes Sasuke's body immune to poison this way).
2) Oro was at his weakest state.
3) Insanity is what one would expect when you've lived your life as the consequence of trauma only to discover everything was a lie.
3) Insanity is what one would expect when you've lived your life as the consequence of trauma only to discover everything was a lie.
To prove my consistency.
Hey does my name say Flowersisconsistent?