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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


bonus yui included


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Make up your goddamn mind, Flowers.

Remember in the Bakugou got kidnapped arc when they all wore dumb costumes? That's me every time I go to the store. Or whenever I go out. Or when I'm bored at home. I have been trying to convince this one cashier I am, in fact, a vampire, and I'll be damned if I don't think he's starting to crack.

I am consistent in my lack of consistency, like a mighty Ouroboros, or like one of my favorite neogaf members, Ourobolos.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Any dekus are most appreciated i need some for future avatars :X

You people who change your avatar's disgust me. You should be committed to an avatar and stick to it like a miserable marriage and occasionally you put a Christmas hat on it to spice up your miserable, loveless sex.


I'm not gonna go down the rabbit hole with you, partially because Naruto Shitpooden was a long time ago and partially because this is the MHA thread anyway, but to quickly just address these points

1 and 2 are just limp plot devices to try and justify an absurd skyrocket in power that doesn't really accomplish anything except to overemphasize how powerful Sasuke is, which doesn't take away from the problem that Sasuke is just flat out overpowered.

Overpowered? With as many Ls and given victories he had?


Nah, Capcom has to make a My Hero Academia fighter with the Marvel vs. Capcom system.

everybody has pipe dreams


Overpowered? With as many Ls and given victories he had?

That's not a really good way of looking at it. Whitebeard in One Piece is literally the strongest character in the entire show by several magnitudes, yet he lost the one battle he was shown to be in.

The point is that Sasuke is overpowered relative to his position in the series, which was supposed to be Naruto's rival. Apparently, all Naruto did in his training with Jiraiya is look at his porn, because when he got back, he needed a couple more training arcs to even get close to Sasuke's level. Meanwhile, right out of the gate, Sasuke was taking down Kage-level after Kage-level opponent between Orochimaru, Deidara, and Itachi, to the point where him crashing the Kage Summit was not only taken seriously, he made some progress in it, which is the point where the power levels reached critical mass bullshit and triggered an explosion that covered the entire narrative with metaphorical cow turds.

If 5 of literal best ninja's that the most powerful countries that the Naruto world has produced aren't capable of squishing a 15 year old kid the moment he shows up, that 15 year old is over powered for what his place in the storyline ought to be.

Again all you really need to do is look at how he was depicted in Part 1 of Naruto. He was strong, sure, had that fancy Uchiha eye and fire techniques and was clever and all that, but he never overreached himself. He was still a genin, still a kid, still had to work hard to struggle against just moderately strong opponents, and had no chance at all against the truly big names. There is a stark difference between that and "Look at me somehow beating thousands of shinobi without a sweat while still keeping them alive, lol"

Granted, in contrast to Sasuke's ridiculous rise, Naruto's was way too slow. I don't know who I'd say had a believable growth in power...maybe Shikamaru.

but seriously, is this just gonna be the Naruto thread until MHA comes back?


fleurs n'est pas britannique
but seriously, is this just gonna be the Naruto thread until MHA comes back?

I have a very fond memory of first seeing this thread, going "oh cool, I love MHA" and then I mentioned Naruto and a bunch of people jumped down my throat. I take a weird vindictive pleasure in seeing it be constantly mentioned outside of my own influence and watching this thread burn while wearing a stupid headband.


But seriously (that top part was a joke for those that can't tell), yeah maybe. Not like there is much else to talk about and if the conversation steers to Naruto why not let it? The only person it'll kill is Oni. Personally, I'd much rather talk about Bleach so I can regale everyone with dumb shit they've forgotten because that shit was duuuuuumb.


I'd be up for talking about Bleach. Well no I wouldn't but it'd be better than Naruto

HeroAca getting the NUNS treatment would be amazing, too bad HeroAca environments are not as creative as Kishimotos.

Honestly you're right Hori draws much better than kishi imo but so far he hasnt done any interesting locations. Thats mostly due to where we are in the story as well as the setting but still the most stand out locations i guess is USJ then probably the training camp and dorms. I do want to see abit creativity in locations i hope going further we get that.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Reminder that not everybody has read Jojo

1) I am of the firm belief that JoJo spoilers are so damn bizzare no one would ever be able to really understand what's spoiling them.

2) you are right though. Thank god everyone's read Bleach!

Here's three things I legit would love if MHA shameless stole from bleach.

  • Tsukishima: Fullbring arc gets a lot of undeserved shit, but I think that is straight up some of the best Bleach, atleast tonally until the end. I want a villain whose ultimate goal is to troll the shit out of Deku. Like, Deku, remember that time Tsukisiham saved Bakugou? Or how Tsukishima came in at the last second to stop Stain? Or how All Might chose your best friend Tsukishima to inherit One For All? Seriously, I love Tsukishima, guy was great.
    [*]Spanish theme: Hueco Mundo was dope to look at even if it was mostly desert. Loved the spanish theme to the world and if there is one thing MHA should do, its show us a glimpse of the outside world. What do Mexico's heroes look like? And then hire the same person to do the music for the anime. I've yet to meet anyone who hates Clavar la Espada or La Distance para un Duelo
    [*]More jobber losses: One thing I thought Bleach always did well is that heroes lost all the fucking time. Even when it looks like they won, it was somewhat a loss. The only problem Bleach had with it is that after awhile, losses didn't mean much because characters didn't die, so fights lost impact because there weren't really any stakes Lucky for Hero, it has a great extended class that I would love to see lose in dumb fights like Bleach characters did all the time. We need more Chads. We always need more Chads! My biggest complaint with the Villian Invasion is that the villains didn't win as much as they should have. For the most part, it was a sweep for the heroes until the end.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Okay, let's not talk about Bleach.

Remember that time Kenpachi beat a guy who could imagine anything into the world by scaring him to death?

Or that time Chad beat up an invisible enemy by beating it up with a telephone pole before he even had any powers?

Or that time Rukia did the Rukia?

Man Bleach is great. 10/10 masterpiece if you asked me. MHA is alright, but I don't see anyone on the hero team using their minions as bomb and then dissecting some dudes grandpa in the name of science, shits, and giggle. Just saying.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
No, he was fighting against a guy whose ultimate form, when transcended through the power of god, was a dipping bird. The guys Bankai was a melodramatic play that was so depressing it kills his enemy. Also the Captain really wanted to bang his sword, which I appreciated because his sword was hawt.


Remember when one of the arcs was titled "Deicide", and everybody assumed it was Engrish until they figured out what it actually meant?


You know, as legitimately stupid as Bleach is, it will never really...offend me. Maybe it's partially because I recognized it for what it was early on, but Bleach almost never ruined anything for me because there was little to ruin.

The closest I came to getting pissed off at bleach was Ishida not reacting to his grandfather's murderer when I thought that Ishida's fight with the scientist fuck was probably the most emotionally satisfying fight in that arc. But Ishida gets so little screentime that I legitimately forgot about it until I remembered later, after I read it.

Naruto will always be worse for me because it ruined whatever good thing it had going for it (for example, sasuke, as discussed previously). Bleach never had anything to ruin. It never had any respect to lose. So, I just can't hate on it.


Naruto was stupid. But Bleach was so stupid that it became entertaining to see what bullshit Kubo (sorry, "Kubotite") could pull out.

I will never get over the "I'm actually number zero, not ten!!" bullshit, like wow


fleurs n'est pas britannique
See Veelk, I should get where you're coming from, but I don't really. I was really into to Bleach. I was in with all the fan theories, me and friends would discuss possible Bankai's over lunch. The real Bleach crowd got conspiratorial deep, like 911 was aliens fucking deep with some predictions. The difference between Bleach and Naruto is that Naruto has a way better, more consistent world history and lore, and a lot of conspiracy stuff ended up being right because if there was one thing Kishimoto was sure about, it was his world lore. I bet Naruto's lore bible is actually really cool and big and he created the perfect setting for spinoffs. That's why the Kakashi mini arc was so much fun. But I just don't have that same kind of hatred for when Bleach went to shit, because all the crazy "Kubo is a literary genius!" I used to have got transferred into "Bleach is fucking crazy!" I still love Bleach, just my love and energy got transferred into something else that I still love. Like how one of the big bads was a giant hand. Fucking love that! It's so dumb! And as I got older, I grew to appreciate dumb stuff way more than faux-seriousness that I think dragged Bleach down. In the end, I'll always love Bleach because when I look at it, and I see my own transition from a moody teenager into a silly adult in its pages.

To bring it back to MHA, I am sure, and hope, I see some young people latch onto it like I did with Bleach, and honestly, I hope MHA ends up disappointing them in some ways as they grow up. I think there is something very valuable in looking back on something you used to love and learning to love something different in it. There is no better marker for how you've changed into an adult than that, I think.


To bring it back to MHA, I am sure, and hope, I see some young people latch onto it like I did with Bleach, and honestly, I hope MHA ends up disappointing them in some ways as they grow up. I think there is something very valuable in looking back on something you used to love and learning to love something different in it. There is no better marker for how you've changed into an adult than that, I think.

Eh, I guess...
To bring it back to MHA, I am sure, and hope, I see some young people latch onto it like I did with Bleach, and honestly, I hope MHA ends up disappointing them in some ways as they grow up.

I'm still reading the series, so, yeah, I hope that doesn't happen. I don't think I can handle another Bleach/Naruto situation. At the most, I'll accept a Reborn type ending.
I'm not gonna go down the rabbit hole with you, partially because Naruto Shitpooden was a long time ago and partially because this is the MHA thread anyway, but to quickly just address these points

1 and 2 are just limp plot devices to try and justify an absurd skyrocket in power that doesn't really accomplish anything except to overemphasize how powerful Sasuke is, which doesn't take away from the problem that Sasuke is just flat out overpowered.

3. No, it's not, but even if it were, merely being realistic doesn't mean it's compelling or meaningful. Anakin was provided pretty realistic reasons for why he'd slaughter the sand people in Episode 2, that doesn't make it good writing.

Seems to me you just don't like Sasuke being powerful when all plot signs were leading him to be the strongest:

1) Number one rookie of their generation, a prodigy
2) Uchiha, strongest clan in Narutoverse
3) Trains hard
4) Is motivated hard
5) Under a sannin who's considered on par or greater than kages and does human experimentation

The kid was able to fend of tailed Naruto as a genin, something Jounin would struggle with. That says it all. Sasuke's power increase was really there to highlight his upcoming fight with Itachi.

To prove my consistency. I actually really like Sasuke's brief spell of "haha kill everybody!" That was a fun way to end what was, in retrospect, kind of a neat fight with Danzo or whatever his name was despite various flaws leading up to it (mainly the guy just kind of appears as a villian and doesn't really establish himself well). Let it be known! I always like crazy, no matter where I find it! Everyone is welcomed to my asylum!

Dem crazy Uchihas


I'm still reading the series, so, yeah, I hope that doesn't happen.
I feel like the opposite would happen to most kids reading MHA, haha. It's a series that sells itself on relatable characters and relationships and body language and other subtle things that you don't really know until you're old enough.


Seems to me you just don't like Sasuke being powerful when all plot signs were leading him to be the strongest

The issue is that you think I'm saying "His power increase doesn't make sense" (which is the case to a small extent, but more significantly...). What I'm actually saying is "His power increase + his character arc drove the series into shit".

Even if I were to accept that Sasuke's power is believably comparable to 5 fucking kages (TaylorSwiftThumbsUp.gif), it doesn't make it a satisfying narrative.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
With a better picture of the popularity contest I now realized that the characters have their number on themselves too.

on his shoulder
on his right glove
on his boot
Aizawa ???
on his shoulder
All Might
on his sword
Jirou ???
on his sword
Tsuyu I'm not really sure. There looks to be symbols on the bottom of her dress but the right most one appears to be a V. A fuckup? There's also nine flowers on the skirt.
a X on her hat
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