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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
We probably won't know for a while, but I'm sure it'll eventually come up.

I don't think it's really utopian though, it just looks like...normal Tokyo. Plus there's that whole Symbol of Peace thing that was around until recently.

Maybe Utopian is the wrong way to put it but it seems like the biggest issues are super powered muggers and All For One seemed to be the biggest threat in the world in terms of villainy and is now in the MHA version of Super Max. You think there would be a super powered Hitler and his army of delusional mega Nazis or something.
Man, the American foreign student being a pony can't be coincidence. And I hate that.

Decent chapter and I'm hoping Bakugou keeps being a little shit. He's smart and insightful and strong but what was the interesting package of all that was that he wasn't evil, he's just an asshole. I wish to see him keep being an asshole.

Shinsou certainly is going the opposite route of Todoroki and Bakugou though, huh? His fight with Deku seems to have had the opposite effect on him.

And who the fuck is that silhouette referencing at the end? As in the actual person, not what it's implied by what's being said. Who did the principal think would be a good successor?

This whole chapter could be put down as "foreshadowing" because it was basically all just set up or referencing things that may have an effect/impact in the future. As a result it was a fine chapter but it was all set up.

Not enough Ashido.
I love this chapter so much

Bakugou calling midoriya the chosen one.

And giving him advice!

I love how hes changing slowly and surely but he's still "bakugou".
120 chapters ago he was saying deku shouldnt even be standing in the sme ring as him
My eyes were getting slightly teared up.

Pony girl is already damn great nice to see class-B
Also Shinsou aswell!

This whole chapter made me very happy.


Maybe Utopian is the wrong way to put it but it seems like the biggest issues are super powered muggers and All For One seemed to be the biggest threat in the world in terms of villainy and is now in the MHA version of Super Max. You think there would be a super powered Hitler and his army of delusional mega Nazis or something.
Yeah true. But most of that's because of All Might, and now that he's gone, things are gonna get much worse than muggers.

Superpower Neo-Hitler would be funny, but it'd totally clash with the tone of the setting, lol. We'll get a (vague) justification eventually.
I love Aizawa Sensei's death stare, it's so menacing. So hero internships will definitely be an arc or two in the future, right?
I don't think they'll just be arcs, I think that's what most of year 2 and 3 will be about. We can't keep on having classes, tests, and ambushes, right? We gotta change it up and get everybody actively doing heroics, so, internships.


Yeah she's actually a My Little Pony reference.

She doesn't have a pony quirk though, she has something called "Horn Cannon"


My Little Pony, eh.

I think we can safely call Horikoshi an....Ameriboo? Whats the japanese equivalent of a weeaboo?

Also, not really related, but in trying to search for that term, I found this.


I hope one day someone makes one for Horikoshi.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
My Little Pony, eh.

I think we can safely call Horikoshi an....Ameriboo? Whats the japanese equivalent of a weeaboo?

Also, not really related, but in trying to search for that term, I found this.


I hope one day someone makes one for Horikoshi.

He's been a westaboo for a long time.


I...forgot where exactly, but yeah I think it's mentioned somewhere. Probably something untranslated.

It's pretty obvious anyway



I guess Deku and King of Explodo-kills will go for the positive rivals type of relatioship, but i hope Bakugo keeps some of his edginess and angry af attitude.

I really really hope for more class and school interactions, all the characters are so good (Troll-Guy is GOAT), and the whole Hero Internship things will be curious to see who ends up with who.

Wonder who the teased character is, isn't one of the requisites for O4A to be quirkless, so is he in UA without one?


You can get One for All while having a quirk, All Might mentioned that Nana had one.

Did you guys notice that Shinsou's been hitting the gym?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I...forgot where exactly, but yeah I think it's mentioned somewhere. Probably something untranslated.

It's pretty obvious anyway

It was in the character data sheet that I'm pretty sure also revealed a lot of their move names. We also knew she was American from that.


A thing i never verified, was All Might the N^1 Hero for Japan, or worldwide? Seems pretty crazy to me that the USA would let anyone else have the best in a western comics superhero-driven society lol


They haven't said whether the rankings are international or Japan-only, I think.

I'd bet on All Might being American-Japanese anyway


fleurs n'est pas britannique
So a question that's been bugging me a bit for awhile now is "What year are these kids in?" I'm assuming it works the same way as regular Japanese Highschools, which makes me wonder when they graduate to the next year exactly, and more importantly, when we see people transfer in and out! Lets get some new kids and hopefully none from Class B because I think they all suck.

I'd bet on All Might being American-Japanese anyway

That's such a safe bet what's even the point of putting money on the table? I bet that All Might is Irish Catholic and met the pope once. Incidentally, I bet the pope in this universe is a woman made of wood.

That's how you bet!


U.A. works like Japanese schools, so they start in April and end in March. They just finished summer break, so it's around August or September in-universe.

High school is three years in Japan rather than four like in the US (elementary is one year longer), so they're first years and about 15-16 years old.


One criticism I kinda have of Deku is that for all his tactical and analytical brilliance, he's kind of creatively sterile.

It took him forever to learn to evenly spread One for All throughout his whole body instead of just his single arm.

It took him similarly forever to remember that he can kick.

And now he has to figure out how to deal with his big windup's.

Deku! Bro! It's called a fucking jab! It's not rocket science.


One criticism I kinda have of Deku is that for all his tactical and analytical brilliance, he's kind of creatively sterile.

It took him forever to learn to evenly spread One for All throughout his whole body instead of just his single arm.

It took him similarly forever to remember that he can kick.

And now he has to figure out how to deal with his big windup's.

Deku! Bro! It's called a fucking jab! It's not rocket science.

I give him a break because he never learned how to fight properly, and he was bullied for the majority of his life. You would think they would have regular self-defense classes though.
One criticism I kinda have of Deku is that for all his tactical and analytical brilliance, he's kind of creatively sterile.

It took him forever to learn to evenly spread One for All throughout his whole body instead of just his single arm.

It took him similarly forever to remember that he can kick.

And now he has to figure out how to deal with his big windup's.

Deku! Bro! It's called a fucking jab! It's not rocket science.

I think we can kinda forgive Deku on your first point. He was still attempting to understand how the mechanics of the Quirk around that time.

The rest, yeah, it takes him a bit to figure out seemingly simple solutions to his own abilities. It's kind of cool though, because he can easily analyze the abilities of those around him, but has trouble doing the same for himself.


The American foreign student Pony is definitely a reference to MLP.

It shows in the face.

I have to find this hilarious. America gets represented by MLP lmao.
I think we can kinda forgive Deku on your first point. He was still attempting to understand how the mechanics of the Quirk around that time.

The rest, yeah, it takes him a bit to figure out seemingly simple solutions to his own abilities. It's kind of cool though, because he can easily analyze the abilities of those around him, but has trouble doing the same for himself.

I mean, in fairness still unlike everyone else, Midoriya didn't get the opportunity to grow up with his quirk and go through the all the trial and error. He's literally the epitome of learning to run before crawl.


Her quirk is called Horn Cannon? Then I'd say it's safe to assume she shoots magic lasers from her horns like in a certain cartoon...


The American foreign student Pony is definitely a reference to MLP.

It shows in the face.

I have to find this hilarious. America gets represented by MLP lmao.

I prefer this than "Cowboy (with ginormous tits if female) #49655"

I'm not even a natural american citizen, and it's the only time I feel I'm stereotyped by any work.


I prefer this than "Cowboy (with ginormous tits if female) #49655"

I'm not even a natural american citizen, and it's the only time I feel I'm stereotyped by any work.

What about that time Air Gear made Obama a major character?
chapter was confusing. going to wait for viz translation.

is the mind control guy finally a hero now?
What was confusing?
I give him a break because he never learned how to fight properly, and he was bullied for the majority of his life. You would think they would have regular self-defense classes though.
Yeah, Deku spent his entire life being bullied and never fighting back. A quirk where he has to use his fists and legs will be a learning process.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Ive attributed Deku's slow growth more to the manga being deceptively very slow (a little too slow for me a lot of the times actually). When CNTR mentioned how japanese school systems worked i kind of dry heaved at the idea we are only halfway done at Dekus first year(I think?).


One criticism I kinda have of Deku is that for all his tactical and analytical brilliance, he's kind of creatively sterile.

It took him forever to learn to evenly spread One for All throughout his whole body instead of just his single arm.

It took him similarly forever to remember that he can kick.

And now he has to figure out how to deal with his big windup's.

Deku! Bro! It's called a fucking jab! It's not rocket science.
To be fair, those are all because of Deku trying to imitate All Might's fighting style instead of his own thing. Well aside from not figuring out the wind-up issue, but cut him some slack yo, he's only been using this for a few days.

Looking back, everybody in the class used their quirks pretty simplistically, Bakugou the only exception. But since the last arc, everybody's starting to be inventive, so clearly that's the start of a trend and everybody, Deku included, is going to be a bit more clever.
What about that time Air Gear made Obama a major character?
Not only was Obama a major character, he got mind-swapped into the body of a Japanese teenage girl. That was a thing.

Ive attributed Deku's slow growth more to the manga being deceptively very slow (a little too slow for me a lot of the times actually). When CNTR mentioned how japanese school systems worked i kind of dry heaved at the idea we are only halfway done at Dekus first year(I think?).

I don't feel this way tbh. Most of the time the manga actually could benefit from being a little more slow in the course of it's arcs. We are just on the 100ish chapter and a LOT of stuff has happened, and major events that have changed the established world already.


I feel like everything that's happened up until the Kamino Ward incident is, for the lack of a better term, the "prologue". All Might and All for One are effectively done, the symbol of peace is gone, and while Deku and co. have to take up that role, they aren't going to get there until the series is over. So in that sense, everything that's happened has ultimately been to create the world that Deku and Shigaraki have to deal with and eventually lead.


Junior Member
Really interested in seeing that successor. I might be imagining it but he kinda have this blonde "AMERICAN" look like All Might.

And I take back what I said about Bakugo. He is an asshole but at least he is trying to change.


I was actually curious about the world at large in MHA because it seems rather Utopian despite the villains running around. Are there wars fought with quirks? You would think there would be a military school or boot camp or something.

In an early chapter they do mention how the chaos of quirks appearing slowed humanities progress in a way. They mention something like the space-age would be a happening right now if humanity wasn't occupied getting quirks under control.
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