It sounds like Tintin's quirk is actually a curse because... what, his clothes keep falling off?
It's like LeBron James in high school. Scouts knew him well but he didn't become a household name until college and the pros.If he's more powerful than Endeavor... why is this the first time we're hearing of him? How could he not be more famous?
Or he was embarrassed by/disqualified for being naked in front of the entire stadium crowd.deku specifically said that tintin came, like, almost nothing in last year's sports festival. presumably he's hiding his power against the public or something.
Probably using his power will make him naked. I'm very sure that he's a full time flasher before he interned with a hero, hence giving up to be a hero.So last page said Tintins internship was with a "certain hero"
All Might?
Also had a hard time understanding 3rd year girl. She was talking about Tintin giving up being a hero right?
Need to see Viz translations
See, I kind of like it when people take powers to their logical conclusions, but the story doesn't go all the way with it.
Like, his clothes fall off when he is using his phasing powers. But whats keeping him on the ground? Shouldn't he be falling through the earth? We know that he once did come out of the ground. Whats he grabbing onto that's pushing him him against gravity? Or does he phase in such a way that gravity doesn't affect him either? But if he's phasing to that extent, doesn't that mean he shouldn't be able to breathe, since his lungs can't inhale or exhale intangible air? What constitutes as being and not being part of his body? Shouldn't poop fall out of him as soon as it leaves the colon, since after that it's mostly a matter of just traveling out the last of of the digestive tract before being excreted from the body?
See, I kind of like it when people take powers to their logical conclusions, but the story doesn't go all the way with it.
Like, his clothes fall off when he is using his phasing powers. But whats keeping him on the ground? Shouldn't he be falling through the earth? We know that he once did come out of the ground. Whats he grabbing onto that's pushing him him against gravity? Or does he phase in such a way that gravity doesn't affect him either? But if he's phasing to that extent, doesn't that mean he shouldn't be able to breathe, since his lungs can't push or pull the oxygen out of him? What constitutes as being and not being part of his body? Shouldn't poop fall out of him as soon as it leaves the colon, since after that it's mostly a matter of just traveling out the last of of the digestive tract before being excreted from the body?
You must really empathise with the new girl.
He mentions having to "adjust" his power in the chapter, so I think the implication is that he's accidentally phasing through his clothes. His powers also seem to activate when he holds his breath, since it's always closed when he phases and open when he isn't.. (But probably lets him remained overlapped, given the last chapter?)See, I kind of like it when people take powers to their logical conclusions, but the story doesn't go all the way with it.
Note that the "airhead" girl is also the one to know everything about the class.She's airhead Deku.
you overthinking it bruhSee, I kind of like it when people take powers to their logical conclusions, but the story doesn't go all the way with it.
Like, his clothes fall off when he is using his phasing powers. But whats keeping him on the ground? Shouldn't he be falling through the earth? We know that he once did come out of the ground. Whats he grabbing onto that's pushing him him against gravity? Or does he phase in such a way that gravity doesn't affect him either? But if he's phasing to that extent, doesn't that mean he shouldn't be able to breathe, since his lungs can't inhale or exhale intangible air? What constitutes as being and not being part of his body? Shouldn't poop fall out of him as soon as it leaves the colon, since after that it's mostly a matter of just traveling out the last of of the digestive tract before being excreted from the body?
Bah. People always think that explaining powers means encyclopedia entries explaining the thermodynamics of ki-heat transference or some shit.
You don't need much so long as you have A system that keeps an eye on how one thing affects another.
Semantics. It basically comes down to understanding the reason something happens. With Bakugou, we're just left scratching our heads, because if he is using actual explosions similar to nitroglycerin, then something is not working right here.
But I think what is missed in these debates is that it is almost always a minor point. It is a definite flaw and the manga would definitely be slightly better if we didn't have this confusion over it.
However, I've never read a work where me going "Wait, that's not how it works..." one time was an actual killing stroke for the experience. It's when it happens multiple times, to the point where I can no longer believe in the world presented to me, that I actually get angry over it.
Honestly, the manga handles the powers more realistically than most, I'd say. Not just the powers themselves, but how the world has reacted to them. They became normalized, registered, and a legal system has been designed around them. One for All powers have specific systems that Midoriya is taking care to learn in an intelligent manner.
It's not perfect. I think the premise of "everyone gets superpowers" is impossible to be perfect, to be honest. But it's doing a decent job overall. Bakugou just happens to stick out a bit.
I'm not sure everyone realizes that I think about stuff past the point of practicality for fun sometimes, not for criticism. Does anyone honestly think I'm seriously upset that I don't have an explanation for why Tintin's poop doesn't fall out of him? Come on.
I'm not sure everyone realizes that I think about stuff past the point of practicality for fun sometimes, not for criticism. Does anyone honestly think I'm seriously upset that I don't have an explanation for why Tintin's poop doesn't fall out of him? Come on.
She's definitely not an airhead, either.I was wondering if her power was analytical related since she even knew everyone's name.
The use of her abilities also interferes with any electrical systems as she passes through by disrupting the flow of electrons from atom to atom, including the bio-electric systems of living bodies if she concentrates in the right way. This typically causes machines to malfunction or be destroyed as she phases through them, and can induce shock and unconsciousness in living beings.
She's definitely not an airhead, either.
No way it's something like that, lol. He's just a really good fighter, and being able to phase right through your enemies is a great advantage in a melee fight.
Not-sasuke criticized the kids for complimenting his quirk rather than his technique, so it's probably that.
Also, was that confirmation that the Sports Festival is first-years only?
I'm not sure everyone realizes that I think about stuff past the point of practicality for fun sometimes, not for criticism. Does anyone honestly think I'm seriously upset that I don't have an explanation for why Tintin's poop doesn't fall out of him? Come on.
I'd bet on either Best Jeanist, Endeavor, or the unnamed third ranking (now second) hero.True. Who is the hero he studied under? It wasn't All Might was it?
Ha! Called the zip around stuff! We all Jojo now!
Does anyone else really hate the name Big 3? It so.... generic and dull and like bleh. I knew we'd get a top number thing at some point but I was hoping for a snazzier name. Big 3 is just dumb.
Also side note: hahahahahahahahahahaha They waited for Deku for this dumb presentation but said "fuck you, Bakugou. Nobody likes you." Fucking dead.
Well hopefully it is shown that he is, but the whole "all characters by default have a high strength and defense beyond a normal human" gets kind of old.
Ever since Stain, I'm pretty sure that was to be expected. It also applies to Bakugo and Toga as well.
Dude was superhuman as hell.
It was obviously All Might. He acts in a similar manner and All Might is probably very good if not amazing at melee combat which would be this kid's forte. Also the previous protege pretty much has the same hairstyle, which means him.True. Who is the hero he studied under? It wasn't All Might was it?
It was obviously All Might. He acts in a similar manner and All Might is probably very good if not amazing at melee combat which would be this kid's forte. Also the previous protege pretty much has the same hairstyle, which means him.
My guess is that he has some suspicion that it's either Deku or Baku and this whole 'fight' is a cover for him to verify that it's Deku.yea All might is the obvious answer. I wonder if Tintin knows