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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I just get a bit bored by the,"You aren't worthy because you're a dick/violent/whatever" trope that pops up so much in these stories. Not saying I expect my theory either but still.

No I'm super with you on that. I really don't want him to have a super negative personality quirk or anything so black and white.


Edit: It's also worth pointing out that Tintin is likely to be an asshole to some extent anyway just by virtue of the other two of the Big 3 have some weird personality flaw.

I mean, until we find out more about him, his first act is to walk in, convince the class to fight him just so he could beat them. Potentially brutally, if Jirou got seriously injured. He's just there to introduce the internship program, for christ sakes.


This shot is whats really setting off alarm bells for me. It feels like Eraserhead can see through his bullshit excuse to the fact that he just wants to beat them down, but agrees that the kids should probably get a taste of how higher up heroes fight, so he allows it.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Mirio probably interned with Dr. Manhattan

Dr. Manhattan: Just let it all hang out. It's already happened in the future.


Yeah to be clear I don't think he'll be a complete asshole, but more like...a good person, but lacking restraint.

Like I don't think he set out to deliberately harm the class or Jirou, but that he thinks being so violent isn't a big deal. Like Endeavor if he wasn't angry or evil.
I mean, until we find out more about him, his first act is to walk in, convince the class to fight him just so he could beat them. Potentially brutally, if Jirou got seriously injured. He's just there to introduce the internship program, for christ sakes.

This shot is whats really setting off alarm bells for me. It feels like Eraserhead can see through his bullshit excuse to the fact that he just wants to beat them down, but agrees that the kids should probably get a taste of how higher up heroes fight, so he allows it.

Seeing this highlighted, and having read through the chapter again, I wonder if perhaps Mirio's flaw is that while he does try to help people, he ultimately does it for the sake of his own ego, perhaps even unwittingly.

This is different in execution from Bakugou because Bakugou has little to no pretense about being heroic, which is why he's subsequently struggled beyond the physical requirements. Mirio meanwhile has framed what he's done thus far in terms of wanting to help his juniors, yet all he's ultimately done is beat them down and steal the spotlight from his peers. To put it another way:


Nominally, he is being helpful, trying to assure Eraserhead he doesn't have to worry about the class getting offtrack... because what matters is he'll handle it, Mirio ultimately making the matter about him. It's a small but interesting twist on All Might's whole 'Don't worry, because I'm here!' schtick.


Pretty much. I really think All Might didn't chose him because he was too much like himself and wanted something different because All Might is also a bit of a self-loathing kinda guy. Also goes really nicely with the whole "Try to be different then your teachers, new generation" thing the manga is pushing.
Eh i don't think it will ge violence. Dont get me wrong, i like the idea, but i think the issue is hes too much of a show off or something. I think they said the student got "frustrated" so i think Tintin gloaded that "ypu can't hit me haha" for like hours and the student just said fuck it! (side note: hes probs part of villains alliance and im thinking one of the two plague guys) We're all looking for negative traits, but maybe the reason he wasn't chosen is simply because hes too much like All Might, that hes not different enough in both strenghts and faults.
Agreed with this reason. All Might is probably looking for someone that always choose to save someone by instinct. All Might's drive to save someone feels like a choice he made.
What does Earphone jack girl even plan to do against him? It's so silly seeing her "serious" face.

Technically, since it seems that he can still hear things while being phased, she would theoretically be someone who could fight him. Then again, he can clearly see while phased, and the naval laser doesn't seem to effect him, though that thing doesn't seem to really act like a laser.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It actually kind of fits here though since Public Relations is an aspect of being a hero.

Sort of. Eraserhead is basically unknown to many but people like Deku or his fellow heroes. Even several of the villains didn't seem to know who he was. That and his people skills seem rather sub par in many cases. So it doesn't seem essential depending on the type of hero you are.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sort of. Eraserhead is basically unknown to many but people like Deku or his fellow heroes. Even several of the villains didn't seem to know who he was. That and his people skills seem rather sub par in many cases. So it doesn't seem essential depending on the type of hero you are.

Well it's not a power you really want to publicize. It's best if no one knows what he actually does, so if he's unknown it might be intentional on his part.

The angsty mind control guy is similar in that sense.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Well it's not a power you really want to publicize. It's best if no one knows what he actually does, so if he's unknown it might be intentional on his part.

The angsty mind control guy is similar in that sense.

That was kind of my point. Some heroes aren't really concerned or interested in public relations and in Eraserhead's case, actively avoid it


the thing i don't really like about manga, and this extends to serial fiction as a whole, is how little per-chapter you have to speculate with. I don't think you can really do meaningful analysis without larger stories. chapter-by-chapter speculation is... well, just speculation.

not that i'm deriding what you're doing or anything, i just can't really bring myself to think about it at any level higher than 'that was cool' or 'that was dumb' until an arc's over really


fleurs n'est pas britannique
the thing i don't really like about manga, and this extends to serial fiction as a whole, is how little per-chapter you have to speculate with. I don't think you can really do meaningful analysis without larger stories. chapter-by-chapter speculation is... well, just speculation.

not that i'm deriding what you're doing or anything, i just can't really bring myself to think about it at any level higher than 'that was cool' or 'that was dumb' until an arc's over really

I feel this sentiment really hard lately. I've been trying to read a lot more word books and the thing that kills me about any serialize whatever is the knowledge the author can never go back and edit their beginning and such. For a lot of manga, you judge the series and its themes by how well the author flings shit from the hip, and that thought has been kind of killing a lot of longer mangas for me.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I feel this sentiment really hard lately. I've been trying to read a lot more word books and the thing that kills me about any serialize whatever is the knowledge the author can never go back and edit their beginning and such. For a lot of manga, you judge the series and its themes by how well the author flings shit from the hip, and that thought has been kind of killing a lot of longer mangas for me.

Personally I don't care for authors who do this with books just as much as I didn't care for George Lucas going back to redo the original trilogy. Do it right the first time and live with the mistakes. Unless its something like Togashi and HxH where he put out chapters that were like sketches and wanted to redo them so they matched the rest of his work that's fine, otherwise I'd rather authors and such not go back and start redoing things.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
There is also Meleoreon from Hunter x Hunter who held his breath and turned invisible though obviously not a phasing ability.


Maybe he's allowed to remain overlapped with objects when he starts breathing, so he's just frozen in place when he starts talking?


New season 2 voice actors/designs:
Miho Masaka - Ibara Shiozaki
Kouhei Amasaki - Neito Monoma
Saki Ogasawara - Itsuka Kendou
Kouji Okino - Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Azu Sakura - Mei Hatsume

Looking them up...aside from Monoma's and Kendou's, all of the VAs are new, and this is going to be their first major role in any anime. And the two who've done major roles are relatively new/obscure, too.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Looking them up...aside from Monoma's and Kendou's, all of the VAs are new, and this is going to be their first major role in any anime. And the two who've done major roles are relatively new/obscure, too.

Hey, that's cool. I don't care about the anime but I always love seeing/hearing new voice actors.

Maybe he's allowed to remain overlapped with objects when he starts breathing, so he's just frozen in place when he starts talking?

That would be pretty cool. That would explain the "Don't envy his quirk, bakas" thing not-sasuke said. If he doesn't control his breathing, then his clothes have a really high risk of falling off. Or worse.

Personally I don't care for authors who do this with books just as much as I didn't care for George Lucas going back to redo the original trilogy. Do it right the first time and live with the mistakes. Unless its something like Togashi and HxH where he put out chapters that were like sketches and wanted to redo them so they matched the rest of his work that's fine, otherwise I'd rather authors and such not go back and start redoing things.

Ah I meant from more of a writing perspective. Often times writers don't know the full picture of what they were really trying to say until the end. In a traditional written novel, they got back to the beginning and cut the useless filler, or polish up for that thing. You can't do that with a serialization. I think the best example of what I'm talking about is Vinland Saga. If that wasn't a serialization, and instead a book or something, then the final product would have assuredly been very different than what Vinland Saga ended up being.


it feels oddly appropriate for MHA to be the debut role for a bunch of voice actors

also, I didn't expect Shiozaki's hair to be green. I was thinking brown-ish.
OMG Deku looked so cool when he activated OfA! That Mirio guy, he did not give me a good first impression, he seemed flawed(really liking violence?) as a hero. Probably why All Might did not choose him. OfA really his a quirk you should not give to anyone.

Great chapter though! Like always.
cover art for the mha light novel, vol. 2
yes, there's an mha light novel

And why don't we have them yet? Will I have to rely on my favourite french publisher again? Viz just doesn't publish these. Maybe Vertical?

Actually do we know what it is about?

And that cover is nice.


At some point, I said MHA had some of the creepiest designs ever in a shonen.

Someone said I clearly had not read The Promised Neverland.

That person....was right...


Oh yeah, MHA is pretty normal for the "creepy designs" branch of shounen (cf. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Toriko). The unusual bit is how Horikoshi uses multiple styles at once, but that's not that weird.

Man, I need to read The Promised Neverland. It sounds really fun.


I don't read that much shonen, but my experience was mainly the big 3, plus a smattering of a few others, like FMA. For me, MHA's villain designs is a new level of creepy. But I can believe that other series surpass it.

Still, there are nuances to creepiness. The Promised Neverland is creepy because of it's content. The designs themselves are more standard, but the things they do enhances the creepiness beyond MHA.

I think MHA is unique in making unexpected things creepy though. Horikoshi makes hands, killer whales, and just normal faces creepy. That's a unique skill.


The Promised Neverland is a horror shounen, innit? I'd be disappointed if a horror author couldn't manage that.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
As a very big horror aficionado, gonna put on my cap that says EXPERT and spout nothing but right opinions.

So it's kind disingenuous to compare the "creepy" of MHA and PN because they're drawing on two very different styles. PN draws more on Lovecraft for its monster designs with creatures veiled in cloaks so you don't ever really know how they're supposed to move. Double this with the general mystery of their society and the occasionally "normal" things they do, and you've got some very good Lovecraft style horror.
MHA does something I'd call micro detailing (It's more a literary term, so I don't know what the art term is) where he puts an uncomfortable amount of detail into the art. This works for a lot of reasons. One, the hero side is typically drawn in more traditional style, big eyes, a few face details, kind of cartoony but not too cartoony. Very typical of the genre so you get a really good sense of what a "normal" person in the universe looks like. Then comes a villain who is suddenly viewed very close up with a hyper attention to detail in their features. It creates a feeling of surrealness because these are not "normal" designs. Second part, the villain's designs tend not to be clean/aesthetically pleasing. The characters all are either dirty looking, scarred, or some other uncomfortable feature people tend to not want to look at for too long. Combine that with the hyper detailing being done so out of style with everything else (Just look at any close up of a villain's face), and you get a textbook example of "Surreal Horror."
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